如何从地图中的地图输出特定属性,同时在 terraform 中将属性子字符串作为条件?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


使用 Terraform 1.3.5 和最新的 AzureRM 提供程序版本,将(动态)子网 ID 分配给 VM NIC,但仅当子网名称 =“all”时


  • 子网名称是另一个映射(对象({}))变量中映射的属性(下面的完整输出)


output "debug_all_subnet_id" {
  value = azurerm_virtual_network.vnet_workloads


Changes to Outputs:
  + debug_all_subnet_id = {
      + customerA = {
          + address_space           = [
              + "",
          + bgp_community           = null
          + ddos_protection_plan    = []
          + dns_servers             = (known after apply)
          + edge_zone               = null
          + encryption              = []
          + flow_timeout_in_minutes = null
          + guid                    = (known after apply)
          + id                      = (known after apply)
          + location                = "westeurope"
          + name                    = (known after apply)
          + resource_group_name     = (known after apply)
          + subnet                  = [
              + {
                  + address_prefix = ""
                  + id             = (known after apply)
                  + name           = "base"
                  + security_group = ""
              + {
                  + address_prefix = ""
                  + id             = (known after apply)
                  + name           = "all"
                  + security_group = ""
          + tags                    = null
          + timeouts                = null
      + customerB = {
          + address_space           = [
              + "",
          + bgp_community           = null
          + ddos_protection_plan    = []
          + dns_servers             = (known after apply)
          + edge_zone               = null
          + encryption              = []
          + flow_timeout_in_minutes = null
          + guid                    = (known after apply)
          + id                      = (known after apply)
          + location                = "eastus2"
          + name                    = (known after apply)
          + resource_group_name     = (known after apply)
          + subnet                  = [
              + {
                  + address_prefix = ""
                  + id             = (known after apply)
                  + name           = "base"
                  + security_group = ""
              + {
                  + address_prefix = ""
                  + id             = (known after apply)
                  + name           = "all"
                  + security_group = ""
          + tags                    = null
          + timeouts                = null
      + hubA      = {
          + address_space           = [
              + "",
          + bgp_community           = null
          + ddos_protection_plan    = []
          + dns_servers             = (known after apply)
          + edge_zone               = null
          + encryption              = []
          + flow_timeout_in_minutes = null
          + guid                    = (known after apply)
          + id                      = (known after apply)
          + location                = "westeurope"
          + name                    = (known after apply)
          + resource_group_name     = (known after apply)
          + subnet                  = [
              + {
                  + address_prefix = ""
                  + id             = (known after apply)
                  + name           = "base"
                  + security_group = ""
              + {
                  + address_prefix = ""
                  + id             = (known after apply)
                  + name           = "all"
                  + security_group = ""
          + tags                    = null
          + timeouts                = null
      + hubB      = {
          + address_space           = [
              + "",
          + bgp_community           = null
          + ddos_protection_plan    = []
          + dns_servers             = (known after apply)
          + edge_zone               = null
          + encryption              = []
          + flow_timeout_in_minutes = null
          + guid                    = (known after apply)
          + id                      = (known after apply)
          + location                = "eastus2"
          + name                    = (known after apply)
          + resource_group_name     = (known after apply)
          + subnet                  = [
              + {
                  + address_prefix = ""
                  + id             = (known after apply)
                  + name           = "base"
                  + security_group = ""
              + {
                  + address_prefix = ""
                  + id             = (known after apply)
                  + name           = "all"
                  + security_group = ""
          + tags                    = null
          + timeouts                = null

我正在尝试做这样的事情,但不知道如何用 terraform 来实现它:

output "debug_all_subnet_id" {

  if azurerm_virtual_network.vnet_workloads[*].subnet.name = "all"
    value = azurerm_virtual_network.vnet_workloads[*].subnet.id




output "debug_all_subnet_id" {
  value = azurerm_virtual_network.vnet_workloads["customerA"].subnet

给了我这个,这让我更接近所需的输出,但还不够接近,因为在主代码中我需要检索不同子网名称(“all”/“snet-all”)的ID vnet 和子网:

Changes to Outputs:
  + debug_all_subnet_id = [
      + {
          + address_prefix = ""
          + id             = (known after apply)
          + name           = "base"
          + security_group = ""
      + {
          + address_prefix = ""
          + id             = (known after apply)
          + name           = "all"
          + security_group = ""


azure terraform tuples terraform-provider-azure


locals {
  debug_all_subnet_id = {
    customerA = {
      address_space = [
      bgp_community           = null
      ddos_protection_plan    = []
      dns_servers             = ""
      edge_zone               = null
      encryption              = []
      flow_timeout_in_minutes = null
      guid                    = ""
      id                      = ""
      location                = "westeurope"
      name                    = ""
      resource_group_name     = ""
      subnet = [
          address_prefix = ""
          id             = ""
          name           = "base"
          security_group = ""
          address_prefix = ""
          id             = ""
          name           = "all"
          security_group = ""
      tags     = null
      timeouts = null
    customerB = {
      address_space = [
      bgp_community           = null
      ddos_protection_plan    = []
      dns_servers             = ""
      edge_zone               = null
      encryption              = []
      flow_timeout_in_minutes = null
      guid                    = ""
      id                      = ""
      location                = "eastus2"
      name                    = ""
      resource_group_name     = ""
      subnet = [
          address_prefix = ""
          id             = ""
          name           = "base"
          security_group = ""
          address_prefix = ""
          id             = ""
          name           = "all"
          security_group = ""
      tags     = null
      timeouts = null
    hubA = {
      address_space = [
      bgp_community           = null
      ddos_protection_plan    = []
      dns_servers             = ""
      edge_zone               = null
      encryption              = []
      flow_timeout_in_minutes = null
      guid                    = ""
      id                      = ""
      location                = "westeurope"
      name                    = ""
      resource_group_name     = ""
      subnet = [
          address_prefix = ""
          id             = ""
          name           = "base"
          security_group = ""
          address_prefix = ""
          id             = ""
          name           = "all"
          security_group = ""
      tags     = null
      timeouts = null
    hubB = {
      address_space = [
      bgp_community           = null
      ddos_protection_plan    = []
      dns_servers             = ""
      edge_zone               = null
      encryption              = []
      flow_timeout_in_minutes = null
      guid                    = ""
      id                      = ""
      location                = "eastus2"
      name                    = ""
      resource_group_name     = ""
      subnet = [
          address_prefix = ""
          id             = ""
          name           = "base"
          security_group = ""
          address_prefix = ""
          id             = ""
          name           = "all"
          security_group = ""
      tags     = null
      timeouts = null

output "debug_all_subnet_id" {
  value = flatten([for i in values(local.debug_all_subnet_id)[*].subnet: [ for s in i: s if s.name == "all" ]])


> flatten([for i in values(local.debug_all_subnet_id)[*].subnet: [ for s in i: s if s.name == "all" ]])
    "address_prefix" = ""
    "id" = ""
    "name" = "all"
    "security_group" = ""
    "address_prefix" = ""
    "id" = ""
    "name" = "all"
    "security_group" = ""
    "address_prefix" = ""
    "id" = ""
    "name" = "all"
    "security_group" = ""
    "address_prefix" = ""
    "id" = ""
    "name" = "all"
    "security_group" = ""
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