
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


.model small
.stack 100h

input_buffer1 db 10 DUP ('$')   ; Define a buffer to store the first input string
input_buffer2 db 10 DUP ('$')   ; Define a buffer to store the second input string
message1 db 'Enter the first integer: $' ; Prompt message for the first input
message2 db 'Enter the second integer: $' ; Prompt message for the second input
newline db 13, 10, '$'      ; Newline character to print a newline
result_message db 'The sum is: $'  ; Message for printing the sum

    mov ax, @data            ; Load the address of the data segment into AX
    mov ds, ax               ; Set DS to point to the data segment

    ; Prompt for the first input
    mov ah, 09h              
    mov dx, offset message1
    int 21h

    ; Read the first input
    mov ah, 0Ah              ; Function to read a string
    mov dx, offset input_buffer1
    int 21h                  ; Call interrupt 21h

      ; Print a newline character
    mov ah, 09h
    mov dx, offset newline
    int 21h
    ; Prompt for the second input
    mov ah, 09h              
    mov dx, offset message2
    int 21h

    ; Read the second input
    mov ah, 0Ah              ; Function to read a string
    mov dx, offset input_buffer2
    int 21h                  ; Call interrupt 21h

    ; Convert the first input to integer
    mov si, offset input_buffer1 + 2   ; Skip the first two bytes (length and '$')
    mov al, [si]                        ; Load the first character
    sub al, '0'                         ; Convert ASCII character to integer
    mov bl, al                          ; Save the integer in BL

    ; Convert the second input to integer
    mov si, offset input_buffer2 + 2   ; Skip the first two bytes (length and '$')
    mov al, [si]                        ; Load the first character
    sub al, '0'                         ; Convert ASCII character to integer
    add bl, al                          ; Add the second input (AL) to the first input (BL)

      ; Print a newline character
    mov ah, 09h
    mov dx, offset newline
    int 21h
    ; Print the sum
    mov ah, 09h
    mov dx, offset result_message
    int 21h

    ; Convert the sum to ASCII and print
    mov dl, bl              ; Move the result to DL for printing
    add dl, '0'             ; Convert integer to ASCII character
    mov ah, 02h             ; Function to print a character
    int 21h                 ; Call interrupt 21h


end main 
assembly emu8086

组织100小时 。数据 result db 10,13,"加法结果:$" 值数据库“00000 $” 换行符 db 10, 13, '$'

.代码 主程序 移动斧头,@data mov ds, 斧头 移动斧头, 0 ;寻找加法 移动斧头, 6 添加斧头,3

;converting result to ASCII
mov cx, 10
mov di, offset value
mov bx, 4

    xor dx, dx
    div cx
    add dl, '0'
    mov [di+bx], dl
    dec bx
    cmp ax, 0
    jnz convert_to_ascii

; printing result
mov dx, offset result
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
mov dx, offset value 
int 21h  
mov ah, 00h
int 21h
main endp


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