寻找 KornShell (ksh93) 用户定义类型(typeset -T)文档/示例

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几个月前,我遇到了操作系统管道工的沉思。真正引起我注意的一篇文章是使用类型创建面向对象的 Korn Shell 93 脚本

从那时起,我一直在网上搜索更多信息/示例。在这段时间里,我得出的结论是它们非常罕见,因为我只找到了 3 个示例和 3 个文档(其中之一是 ksh93 手册页中的“类型变量”)。




# This will do a show and tell using the typeset -T feature
# of ksh
# Sat Mar 30 01:01:35 AM EDT 2024
typeset -T TheTime_T=(
    typeset -S skew=0
    function get {
        now=$( date +%s )
        (( .sh.value=now+skew ))
        (( skew+=1 ))
typeset -T Upper_T=(
    TheTime_T now
    typeset one=11
    typeset two=2U
    typeset countU=0
    typeset start="Upper"
    function initialize {
        typeset -S countS=0  # static
        typeset    countI=0  # instance
        (( _.countU+=1 ))
        (( countS+=1 ))
        (( countI+=1 ))
        echo "init of Upper: ${!_}  S=${countS} I=${countI} U=${_.countU}"
    function setStart {
        echo "Upper:setStart ${_.now} $@"
    function endStart {
        echo "Upper:endStart ${_.now} $@"
typeset -T Middle_T=(
    Upper_T _
    typeset middleVal="middle value"
    typeset start=middle
    typeset two="middle"
    function initialize {
        echo "init of Middle: ${!_}"
        .sh.type.Upper_T.initialize ${!_}
    function endStart {
        echo "Middle:endStart $@"
typeset -T Lower_T=(
    Middle_T _
    typeset one=1L
    typeset start="lower"
    function initialize {
        echo "init of Lower: ${!_}"
        .sh.type.Upper_T.initialize ${!_}
    function endStart {
        echo "Lower:endStart $@"
        echo "Ending the start process in mv=${_.middleVal} t=${_.two} ${_.one}"

Upper_T uu
uu.initialize toStart
uu.setStart hownow
uu.endStart then

Middle_T mm
mm.initialize inMiddle
mm.setStart middleStart
mm.endStart middleStartThen

当使用 ksh2020 运行时(比我记忆中的要好),结果是:

$ ./tryT.sh
init of Upper: uu  S=1 I=0 U=1
Upper:setStart 1711774788 hownow
Upper:endStart 1711774789 then
init of Middle: mm
init of Upper: Upper_T  S=2 I=0 U=1
Upper:setStart 1711774790 middleStart
Middle:endStart middleStartThen
init of Lower: ll
init of Upper: Upper_T  S=3 I=0 U=2
Upper:setStart 1711774791 startingLower
Lower:endStart endingLower
Ending the start process in mv=lower val t=midEnd lower


Name_T _ 

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