
问题描述 投票:2回答:2


你是如何创建图表的? - 见下面的代码。此图表是否已在Excel文件中创建,并且您要修改Excel文件中的图表?是的,图表已经在Excel文件中。

Excel.ChartObjects sCPUChart; Excel.ChartObject sCPUChartObjects;

        sCPUChart = sDBSheet.ChartObjects(Type.Missing);
        sCPUChartObjects = sCPUChart.Add(49, 15, 360, 215);

        Excel.Chart sChartCPU;

        sChartCPU = sCPUChartObjects.Chart;
        sChartCPU.SetSourceData(cpuChartRange, Missing.Value);
        sChartCPU.ChartWizard(Source: cpuChartRange, Gallery: Excel.XlChartType.xlLine, Format: 2, HasLegend: true);
        sChartCPU.Location(Excel.XlChartLocation.xlLocationAsObject, sDBSheet.Name);

        //CPU Chart Axis
        Excel.Axis xSChartCPUAxis;
        xSChartCPUAxis = sChartCPU.Axes(Excel.XlAxisType.xlCategory, Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary);

        Excel.Axis ySChartCPUAxis;
        ySChartCPUAxis = syChartCPU.Axes(Excel.XlAxisType.xlValue, Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary);
        ySChartCPUAxis.HasMajorGridlines = true;
        ySChartCPUAxis.MaximumScaleIsAuto = true;

        //Set Summary CPU Series
        Excel.Series sCPUSeries = sChartCPU.SeriesCollection(1);
        sCPUSeries.Name = "CPU";

// this is where I am having my issue
//I don't know how to add the threshold line to the graph with the existing graph being displayed

        //sChartCPU.set_HasAxis(Excel.XlAxisType.xlCategory, Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlSecondary, true);
        //summaryChartCPU.SetSourceData(summaryMemThreshold, Type.Missing); -- things break
I have now done the following:

   Excel.SeriesCollection threshold = sChartCPU.sseriesCollection();
   Excel.Series line = threshold.NewSeries();
   line.Formula = "=SERIES(Summ!$D$54,Summ!$C$55:$C$56,Summ!$D$55:$D$56)";
   line.ChartType = Excel.XlChartType.xLScatterLinesNoMarkers;

when the threshold line is created I have the following

我在单元格D54中的值 - 阈值

  C55 = 0
  C56 = 1
  D55 = 75
  D56 = 75


c# excel-interop
var series = (SeriesCollection) yourChart.SeriesCollection();
var line = series.NewSeries();

line.Name = "CPU Threshhold";
//line.Values = ...;
//line.XValues = ...;




Excel.SeriesCollection threshold = sChartCPU.sseriesCollection();
Excel.Series line = threshold.NewSeries();

// line.Formula = "=SERIES(Summ!$D$54,Summ!$C$55:$C$56,Summ!$D$55:$D$56)";
// instead of setting the Formula, I set the series values
line.Values = "='Summ!'$D$55:$D$56";
line.XValues = "='Summ!'$C$55:$C$56";

line.ChartType = Excel.XlChartType.xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers;

// creates Axis objects for the secondary axes
Excel.Axis YAxis2 = (Excel.Axis)sChartCPU.Axes(Excel.XlAxisType.xlValue, Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlSecondary);
Excel.Axis XAxis2 = (Excel.Axis)sChartCPU.Axes(Excel.XlAxisType.xlCategory, Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlSecondary);

// remove the major and minor tick marks from the secondary (top) x-axis
XAxis2.MajorTickMark = Excel.XlTickMark.xlTickMarkNone;
XAxis2.MinorTickMark = Excel.XlTickMark.xlTickMarkNone;

// change the secondary x-axis max range to 1.0 so the bar will go all the way to the right side
XAxis2.MaximumScale = 1.0;

// delete the secondary x-axis labels 

// I chose to delete the secondary y-axis so the line would graph on the primary axis scale
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