即使在 realloc 工作之后,我指向 int 数组的指针也只保存第一个元素

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我想问一下您对我如何在 main 函数上修复我的 set 变量的意见,即使在 realloc 正常工作之后它也只是出于某种原因保存第一个元素并在退出 get_set() 函数后丢弃其他元素。例如,输入:“2242 211 2334 112”将返回输出“2242 2242 2242 2242”。我坚持这一点,无法取得进展,我希望能得到比我在 C 方面更有经验的人的帮助,放心,在问这里之前,我已经尝试了我现在能想到的一切调试,改变代码等


#define ENLARGE_SIZE(x) (x+1) * sizeof(int)
#define MAX_SIZE 214748364

size_t length = 0;
int* get_set_overloading(char* line);
int isDouble(const int* set, int find);
int* replace(int* set, const unsigned int at);
int* get_set()
    char* output = calloc(1, sizeof(char)); /* Allocate memory for the output string and initialize it to an empty string*/
    char* input = NULL; /* Buffer to store input line */
    size_t input_size = 0; /* The initial size of the input buffer is 0*/
    size_t output_size = 1; /* The initial size of the output string is 1*/
    int c;
    printf("Please enter below your set. ");
    printf("Correct set should be with spaces after every number with only - before (without spaces betwen - and the number).");
    printf("When you're ready to stop taking input, press ctrl+d .\n");
    printf("Your set: ");
    /* Read input line by line*/
    while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
        /* Resize input buffer*/
        input_size += 1;
        input = realloc(input, input_size);
        /* Check if allocation was successful */
        if (input == NULL) {
            printf("Error: Out of memory\n");
            return NULL;
        /* Add the character to the input buffer */
        input[input_size-1] = (char)c;
        /* Resize output buffer*/
        output_size += 1;
        output = realloc(output, output_size);
        /* Check if allocation was successful */
        if (output == NULL) {
            printf("Error: Out of memory\n");
        /* Null-terminate the input buffer */
        if (c == '\n') {
            input[input_size-1] = ' ';
            /* Concatenate input to output*/
            strcat(output, input);
            /* Reset input buffer */
            input_size = 0;
            input = NULL;
    printf("Your input: %s \n", output);
    /* Free memory*/
    if(input != NULL)
    return get_set_overloading(output);
 * Overloading, we want to split the code of get_set for readability
 * This function takes in a pointer to a character array (string) as input, 
 * and returns a pointer to an integer array. The integer array contains
 * the unique numbers parsed from the input string, ignoring duplicates.
int* get_set_overloading(char* line)
    int* array = NULL;
    char* number = NULL;
    bool hasSign = false;
    int i;
    int j = 0;
    int at = 0;
    number = calloc(MAX_SIZE, sizeof(char));
    array = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
    if(array == NULL)
        printf("Failed to allocate memory to array\n");
        if(number != NULL)
        return NULL;
    if(number == NULL)
        printf("Failed to allocate memory to number\n");
        if(array != NULL)
        return NULL;
    /* Parse the input string character by character */
    while (*line != '\0')
        if(!(*line == ' ' || *line == '-' || *line == '+' || (*line >= '0' && *line <= '9')) || ((*line == '-' || *line == '+') && hasSign))
            printf("Error! Incorrect character has been typed. \n");
            printf("Exiting the program.\n");
            return NULL;
        if(*line == ' ' && number != NULL)
            if(length == 1)
                array[length++] = atoi(number);
                memset(number, 0, MAX_SIZE);
            else if(*(line-1) != ' ')
                array = (int*)realloc(array, ENLARGE_SIZE(length));
                if(array == NULL)
                    printf("Failed to allocate memory to array\n");
                    if(number != NULL)
                    return NULL;
                array[length++] = atoi(number);
                memset(number, 0, MAX_SIZE);
            hasSign = false;
        else if(*line == '-' || *line == '+')
            hasSign = true;
        /* Move to the next character in the input string and store the number */
        number[j++] = *line;
    if(*(line-1) != ' ')
        array = (int*)realloc(array, ENLARGE_SIZE(length));
        array[length++] = atoi(number);
    /* Remove duplicates from the array */
    for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
        if((at = isDouble(array, array[i])) != -1)
            array = replace(array, at);
    for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
        printf("%d \n", array[i]);
    /* Return a pointer to the integer array */
    return array;
int main(void)
    int* set = get_set();
    return 0;


编辑: 问题在这里:

int main(void)
        int* set = get_set();
        return 0;

它存储它从输入中获得的第一个元素,没有别的,对于“2242 211 2334 112”,它只会存储 2242

c memory c89


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