Least_square scipy加速

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


dSeed = np.zeros(6)
optRes = least_squares(minReproj, dSeed, method='lm', max_nfev=600,
    args=(points_prev, points_cur, d3d_prev, d3d_cur, Proj1))


def minReproj(dof, d2dPoints1, d2dPoints2, d3dPoints1, d3dPoints2, w2cMatrix):
    Rmat = genEulerZXZ(dof[0], dof[1], dof[2]) # my function
    translationArray = np.array([[dof[3]], [dof[4]], [dof[5]]])
    temp = np.hstack((Rmat, translationArray))
    perspectiveProj = np.vstack((temp, [0, 0, 0, 1]))

    numPoints = d2dPoints1.shape[0]
    errorA = np.zeros((numPoints,3))
    errorB = np.zeros((numPoints,3))

    forwardProj = np.matmul(w2cMatrix, perspectiveProj)
    backwardProj = np.matmul(w2cMatrix, np.linalg.inv(perspectiveProj))

    for i in range(numPoints):
        Ja = np.ones((3))
        Jb = np.ones((3))
        Wa = np.ones((4))
        Wb = np.ones((4))

        Ja[0:2] = d2dPoints1[i,:]
        Jb[0:2] = d2dPoints2[i,:]
        Wa[0:3] = d3dPoints1[i,:]
        Wb[0:3] = d3dPoints2[i,:]

        JaPred = np.matmul(forwardProj, Wb)
        JaPred /= JaPred[-1]
        e1 = Ja - JaPred

        JbPred = np.matmul(backwardProj, Wa)
        JbPred /= JbPred[-1]
        e2 = Jb - JbPred

        errorA[i,:] = e1
        errorB[i,:] = e2

    residual = np.vstack((errorA,errorB))
    return residual.flatten()
def genEulerZXZ(psi, theta, sigma):
    c1 = cos(psi)
    s1 = sin(psi)
    c2 = cos(theta)
    s2 = sin(theta)
    c3 = cos(sigma)
    s3 = sin(sigma)

    mat = np.zeros((3,3))

    mat[0,0] = (c1 * c3) - (s1 * c2 * s3)
    mat[0,1] = (-c1 * s3) - (s1 * c2 * c3)
    mat[0,2] = (s1 * s2)

    mat[1,0] = (s1 * c3) + (c1 * c2 * s3)
    mat[1,1] = (-s1 * s3) + (c1 * c2 * c3)
    mat[1,2] = (-c1 * s2)

    mat[2,0] = (s2 * s3)
    mat[2,1] = (s2 * c3)
    mat[2,2] = c2

    return mat


       96    0.023    0.000   19.406    0.202 /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/_lsq/least_squares.py:240(least_squares)
     4548    0.132    0.000   18.986    0.004 /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/_lsq/least_squares.py:801(fun_wrapped)
       96    0.012    0.000   18.797    0.196 /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/scipy/optimize/_lsq/least_squares.py:42(call_minpack)
     4548   11.102    0.002   18.789    0.004 /home/pi/helperFunctions.py:29(minimizeReprojection)
python scipy least-squares





类似地,可以通过定义较大的残差并为其提供import numpy as np from math import sin, cos def gen_euler_zxz(result, psi, theta, sigma): c1 = cos(psi) s1 = sin(psi) c2 = cos(theta) s2 = sin(theta) c3 = cos(sigma) s3 = sin(sigma) result[0,0] = (c1 * c3) - (s1 * c2 * s3) result[0,1] = (-c1 * s3) - (s1 * c2 * c3) result[0,2] = (s1 * s2) result[1,0] = (s1 * c3) + (c1 * c2 * s3) result[1,1] = (-s1 * s3) + (c1 * c2 * c3) result[1,2] = (-c1 * s2) result[2,0] = (s2 * s3) result[2,1] = (s2 * c3) result[2,2] = c2 return result def gen_affine(dof): result = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=np.float) gen_euler_zxz(result[:3, :3], dof[0], dof[1], dof[2]) result[:3, 3] = dof[3:] result[3, 3] = 1 return result def gen_affine_OP(dof): Rmat = gen_euler_zxz(np.empty((3, 3)), dof[0], dof[1], dof[2]) translationArray = np.array([[dof[3]], [dof[4]], [dof[5]]]) temp = np.hstack((Rmat, translationArray)) return np.vstack((temp, [0, 0, 0, 1])) dof = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 %timeit gen_affine_OP(dof) # 100000 loops, best of 3: 16.6 µs per loop %timeit gen_affine(dof) # 100000 loops, best of 3: 5.02 µs per loop residual = np.vstack((errorA,errorB))的视图来避免errorA调用。



此外,def func_OP(numPoints): for i in range(numPoints): Ja = np.ones((3)) Jb = np.ones((3)) Wa = np.ones((4)) Wb = np.ones((4)) def func(n): Ja = np.empty(3) Jb = np.empty(3) Wa = np.empty(3) Wb = np.empty(3) for i in range(n): Ja[:] = 1 Jb[:] = 1 Wa[:] = 1 Wb[:] = 1 %timeit func_OP(1000) # 100 loops, best of 3: 9.31 ms per loop %timeit func(1000) # 100 loops, best of 3: 2.2 ms per loop 正在制作您不需要的副本,而.flatten()只会返回一个视图,但这足以满足您的需求,并且显示速度更快:



最终,修改后的a = np.ones((300, 300)) %timeit a.ravel() # 1000000 loops, best of 3: 215 ns per loop %timeit a.flatten() # 10000 loops, best of 3: 113 µs per loop 看起来像是:



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