OxyPlot BarSeries 显示白屏

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使用 C# 和 OxyPlot 类创建脚本。该脚本将学习分辨向日葵图像和蒲公英图像之间的区别。

我遇到的问题是 PlotModel 的 PlotView,我添加了一个 Barseries,不显示任何数据/条形线。它确实显示了 PlotView 屏幕,但它是空的。只是一个白屏。没有轴线,我不知道如何找出问题所在。我认为这与我调用 PlotView 的方式有关。


我查看了 BarSeries 变量并确认它附加了 100 个项目。该数据的属性是“Color”,它有一个 oxyPlot 颜色值,“Value”它有一个双精度数据类型的百分比值(范围从 0.0 到最高 2.5)和一个“CategoryIndex”,它有一个int值范围从1到100.

我确认 plotModel 附有一个系列计数,并且系列中有 100 个项目。

到目前为止我所做的是收集了一个小的位图图像样本帧。然后全部调整为 128 x 128。将所有像素颜色提取为字典格式,这使我能够在所有位图图像中找到相同颜色类型的百分比/比例值。然后我将这些值传递给 Barseries(每个条形的“颜色”,作为双数的“值”,从 1 到 100 的“CategoryIndex”)。 BarSeries 被添加到 PlotModel,PlotModel 被添加到 PlotView。

我的“CategoryIndex”沿 x 轴流动,“Value”比例/百分比沿 x 轴流动(最初尝试使用 ColumnSeries,但已不存在)。因此,我的 y 轴和 x 轴标签与标准相反。


Main 方法是 'public partial class Form1 : Form' 并包含以下代码

public void HistogramPlot()
    Histogram histogram = new Histogram();

    Dictionary<Color, Double> colorProportionAllImages = histogram.Compute(_resizedbitmapFlowersArray);





using OxyPlot.Axes;
using OxyPlot.Series;
using OxyPlot;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using OxyPlot.WindowsForms;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using Accord.Statistics.Visualizations;

namespace Sunflower_Recognition
    public class Histogram : Window
        public Histogram()
        // Leave Empty

        /// <summary>
        /// Creating a proportional value of how often the same color value occurred thoughout all bitmap flower images 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="colorImagesResized">Bitmap array</param>
        /// <returns>Dictionary of all the 'key' color values and a porportional datum of those key color values</returns>
        public Dictionary<Color, double> Compute(Bitmap[] colorImagesResized)
            // Create a Dictionary that will hold a color value 'key' and
            // a proportion representation of the color value (number of times that color value has occurred) 
            Dictionary<Color, double> histogramDictionary = new Dictionary<Color, double>();

            // To create a proportion range between 0 to 1 we need to know how many pixels, in total, we will be analysing
            int numPixels = colorImagesResized[0].Width * colorImagesResized[0].Height * colorImagesResized.Length;

            // Extracting each Bitmap image
            foreach (Bitmap image in colorImagesResized)
                for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++)
                        // Extracting each pixel color
                        Color pixelColor = image.GetPixel(x, y);

                        // No 'duplicate key values' allowed so we first check for duplicates by 
                        // comparing an actual pixel color value against the existing keys
                        if (!histogramDictionary.ContainsKey(pixelColor))
                            // No duplicate key exists so we add a new key with default datum of 0.0
                            histogramDictionary[pixelColor] = 0.0;

                        // Increasing the datum count for that 'key color value' by 1 
                        histogramDictionary[pixelColor] += 1;

            // Create a new dictionary to hold the normalized/proportioned histogram data
            Dictionary<Color, double> histogramColorProportions = new Dictionary<Color, double>();

            // Normalize the histogram by dividing each frequency count by the total number of pixels analysed
            foreach (KeyValuePair<Color,double> keyValue in histogramDictionary)
                // We now get each datum value from each key and alter the number to a proportional percentage value
                double proportionValue = (keyValue.Value / numPixels) * 100;

                histogramColorProportions.Add(keyValue.Key, proportionValue);

            return histogramColorProportions;

        public void DisplayColorHistogram(Dictionary<Color, double> histogramColorProportions)
            // Create a new plot model
            PlotModel plotHistogramModel = new OxyPlot.PlotModel();

            // ***************** Axis formation
            // Create a new 'category' x-axis for displaying the color keys
            // We will display these key 'datum' values on the left side of the plot graph, as a range from 0.0 to 1.0
            CategoryAxis colorProportionAxis = new CategoryAxis();
            colorProportionAxis.Position = AxisPosition.Bottom;
            colorProportionAxis.Title = "Proportion (0 to 1)";

           // Create a new value y-axis for the key color values (frequencies) which will be a range from 0 to 255
            LinearAxis colorRangeAxis = new LinearAxis();
            colorRangeAxis.Position = AxisPosition.Left;
            colorRangeAxis.Title = "Color range (0 to 255)";
            colorRangeAxis.MinimumPadding = 0;
            colorRangeAxis.MaximumPadding = 0.1;

            colorRangeAxis.Minimum = 0;
            colorRangeAxis.Maximum = 3.0;

            // Add the axes to the plot model

            // Create a new column series to represent the color histogram
            BarSeries histogramSeries = new BarSeries();
            histogramSeries.Title = "Flower colors by proportion";
            // Is wil ensure that the columns are stacked side by side
            histogramSeries.IsStacked = false;

            int indexRange = 0;
            // Add data points from this histogram dictionary to the histogram barseries
            foreach (KeyValuePair<Color, double> keyValue in histogramColorProportions)
                // Convert the System.Drawing.Color value (A=255, R=58, G=58, B=58) to OxyColor (ff3a3a3a)
                OxyColor oxyColor = OxyColor.FromRgb(keyValue.Key.R, keyValue.Key.G, keyValue.Key.B);

                // Add a new data point to the histogram series with the summation as the category index and the frequency as the value
                histogramSeries.Items.Add(new BarItem { Color = oxyColor, Value = keyValue.Value, CategoryIndex = indexRange++});

            System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Number of Items in 'histogramSeries: " + histogramSeries.Items.Count);  // !00 Items

            // Add the histogram series to the plot model

            System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Number of Series in the PlotModel: " + plotHistogramModel.Series.Count);  // 1 series in the plotmodel

            // Create a new plot view and set its model to the plot model
            PlotView plotView = new OxyPlot.WindowsForms.PlotView();
            plotView.Width = 10;
            plotView.Height = 800;
            plotView.Model = plotHistogramModel;


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