在 VBA 中为单个变量分配多个值

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我目前正在开发一个 VBA 项目,该项目根据任务的缩进间距将序列号分配给任务列表。目前,如果步骤之间有 0 或 1 个空行,它将起作用,但如果步骤之间有 2 个或更多空行,它将停止。我希望这适用于任意数量的空白行。


Loop through cells with project tasks and generate WBS Do While Not (IsEmpty(Cells(r, 2)) And IsEmpty(Cells(r + 1, 2)))


And IsEmpty(Cells(r + 3, 2)) And IsEmpty(Cells(r + 4, 2)) And IsEmpty(Cells(r + 5, 2)).....

我正在寻找一种方法,让它跳过 1 到 100 任意数量的空白行。

Screenshot of Excel File and how numbering works


 'Hide page breaks and disable screen updating (speeds up processing)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
    'Format WBS column as text (so zeros are not truncated)
    ActiveSheet.Range("A:A").NumberFormat = "@"
    ActiveSheet.Range("A:A").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
    ActiveSheet.Range("2:2").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
    Dim r As Long                   'Row counter
    Dim depth As Long               'How many "decimal" places for each task
    Dim wbsarray() As Long          'Master array holds counters for each WBS level
    Dim basenum As Long             'Whole number sequencing variable
    Dim wbs As String               'The WBS string for each task
    Dim aloop As Long               'General purpose For/Next loop counter

    r = 3                           'Starting row
    basenum = 0                     'Initialize whole numbers
    ReDim wbsarray(0 To 0) As Long  'Initialize WBS ennumeration array

    'Loop through cells with project tasks and generate WBS
    Do While Not (IsEmpty(Cells(r, 2)) And IsEmpty(Cells(r + 1, 2)))

        'Ignore empty tasks in column B
        If Cells(r, 2) <> "" Then
        'Skip hidden rows
            If Rows(r).EntireRow.Hidden = False Then

                'Get indentation level of task in col B
                depth = Cells(r, 2).IndentLevel

我尝试将变量“n”定义为所有值 1 到 100,这样它基本上会执行 r+1、r+2、r+ 3、r+4...无需全部输入。

Do While Not (IsEmpty(Cells(r, 2)) And IsEmpty(Cells(r + n, 2)))


我在工作簿中创建了一个值范围 1 到 100,我已将变量定义为数组,但这仍然需要输入所有数字。寻找一个简单干净的修复方法 Do While Not (IsEmpty(Cells(r, 2)) 和 IsEmpty(Cells(r + n, 2))) n 为 1 到 100 之间的数字。

excel vba range



Option Explicit

Sub Example()
    Dim thisWS As Worksheet
    Set thisWS = ActiveSheet
    With thisWS
        Dim lastRow As Long
        lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        Dim r As Long
        For r = 3 To lastRow
            '--- ignore empty tasks in column B
            If .Cells(r, 2) <> "" Then
                '--- skip hidden rows
                If Not .Rows(r).EntireRow.Hidden Then
                    '--- do stuff
                End If
            End If
        Next r
    End With
End Sub
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