C ++函数应该如何计算到点的最接近距离?

问题描述 投票:0回答:2


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct obstacle {
    string carname;
    float x, y;
    float distance;
    obstacle *next;
obstacle *head = nullptr;

float DistanceToOrigin (float x, float y)
    float distance;
    distance = sqrt((x*x) + (y*y));
    return distance;
float CalcNearestPoint(obstacle points[], obstacle point, int n)
    obstacle temp;
    for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
            temp.distance = points[i].distance;
            points[i].distance = points[i-1].distance ;
            points[i-1].distance = temp.distance;

void insertObstacle (string name, float a, float b)
    obstacle *newObstacle = new obstacle;
    newObstacle->carname = name;
    newObstacle->x = a;
    newObstacle->y = b;
    newObstacle->next = head;
    head = newObstacle;
int main()
    int x, y;
    string name;
    while (name != "0"){

        cout << "string describing obstacle (""0"" for end of input):";
        cin >>name;
        cout << "\nx and y coordinate: ";
        cin >> x >> y;
        insertObstacle(name, x, y);



编写一个函数,该函数将指向障碍物/最近点的指针返回为障碍物/点的列表作为第一参数,并将障碍物/点作为第二参数。请注意,障碍物/点不会返回自身(距离0),并且必须至少有两个障碍物/点,否则零指针应返回nullptr。 /

And the required output:
string describing obstacle ("end" for end of input): A 
x and y coordinate: 0 1 
string describing obstacle ("end" for end of input): X 
x and y coordinate: 1 1 
string describing obstacle ("end" for end of input): E 
x and y coordinate: 0 3 
string describing obstacle ("end" for end of input): K 
x and y coordinate: -1 4 
string describing obstacle ("end" for end of input): W 
x and y coordinate: 0 10 
obstacle obstacle (end of end): end 
obstacle A: (0.00, 1.00), distance: 1.00m, nearest to this: X 
obstacle X: (1.00, 1.00), distance: 1.41m, nearest to this: A 
obstacle E: (0.00, 3.00), distance: 3.00m, nearest to this: K
obstacle K: (-1.00, 4.00), distance: 4.12m, nearest to this: E 
obstacle W: (0.00, 10.00), distance: 10.00m, nearest to this: K 
delete: AX
c++ function object-oriented-analysis

根据您在此处显示的内容,您似乎在尝试创建链接列表,并被要求在链接列表中查找障碍物,该障碍物是您当前代码(在插入障碍物之内)永不链接的最短距离障碍物进入一个列表,它仅将下一个对象链接到头部,其他障碍物也消失了,因为不再指向它们,因此您再也没有列表可以浏览了。您可能想阅读linked lists.


obstacle *temp = head;
while(temp->next != nullptr)
    temp = temp->next;



Key Ponts:1)您的CalcNearstPoint函数接受array而不是linked_list的参数(由@That_Linux_Guy指出)

2)函数point的第二个参数CalcNearstPoint从未使用过..也许您正在尝试计算point与一组障碍物[ C0]


如果d0为零,则在障碍物组bool is_zero(double d) { static const double epsilon = 1e-6; return ((d >= -epsilon) && (d <= epsilon)); } double distance(obstacle *A, obstacle *B) { double x = (B->x - A->x); double y = (B->y - A->y); return std::sqrt((x * x) && (y * y)); } obstacle* CalcNearestPoint(linked_list<obstacle> points, obstacle point) { obstacle ptr = points.BEGIN, *tmp = nullptr; double d0; for (; (ptr != nullptr); ptr = ptr->next) { double d = distance(ptr, point); if ((tmp == nullptr) || (d < d0)) { d0 = d; tmp = ptr; } } return (((tmp != nullptr) && (is_zero(d0) == false)) ? tmp : nullptr); } 中定义point


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