使用两个 1d numpy 整数数组作为列和深度索引从 3d numpy 数组中切片元素

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我有一个 3d numpy 数组 A(形状:NxMxK)、两个 1d 整数数组 B 和 C(形状:1xN)。数组B的值是0到M-1之间的整数(包括端点),数组C的值是0到K-1之间的整数(包括端点)。如何返回 3d 数组 A[n,m,k] 的值,其中,对于相等形状数组 B 和 C 的每个元素索引 h,m 是数组 B 在索引 h 处的值,k 是数组 C 在索引 h 处的值? 例如:

import numpy as np
N, M, K = 3, 2, 4
A=np.random.uniform(100,120, 3*2*4).reshape(N,M,K) #generates 24 random nubmers in [100,120) and shapes it as a 3d array of 3x2x4.
B=np.random.randint(0, M, N) #generates N=3 random integers in [0,M=2)
C=np.random.randint(0, K, N)#generates N=3 random integers in [0,K=4)

# I want to use B as the index m and C as index k of A so the an array D = np.array([ A[0, B[0], C[0]],A[1, B[1], C[1]], ..., A[N-1, B[N-1], C[N-1]]]) is returned.
python python-3.x indexing numpy-ndarray


import numpy as np

N, M, K = 3, 2, 4

# Generating A
A = np.random.uniform(100, 120, (N, M, K))

# Generating B and C
B = np.random.randint(0, M, N)
C = np.random.randint(0, K, N)

# Creating D using array indexing
D = A[np.arange(N), B, C]



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