
问题描述 投票:0回答:3

我有这个redux thunk操作,该操作在我的组件中实现,该组件通过容器组件连接到redux。我收到一个错误,指出App本身的道具与传递给connect的道具不兼容。似乎期望返回一个ThunkAction的函数,但正在接收一个返回void的函数。

Type error: Argument of type 'typeof App' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ComponentType<Matching<{ settingsReceived: boolean; error: Error | null; } & { changeParameter: (parameter: ParameterName, value: any) => ChangeParameterAction; reportError: (msg: string, type?: ErrorType) => ErrorAction; updateValuesFromBackend: (updatedValues: any) => void; }, AppProps>>'.
  Type 'typeof App' is not assignable to type 'ComponentClass<Matching<{ settingsReceived: boolean; error: Error | null; } & { changeParameter: (parameter: ParameterName, value: any) => ChangeParameterAction; reportError: (msg: string, type?: ErrorType) => ErrorAction; updateValuesFromBackend: (updatedValues: any) => void; }, AppProps>, any>'.
    Types of parameters 'props' and 'props' are incompatible.
      Type 'Matching<{ settingsReceived: boolean; error: Error | null; } & { changeParameter: (parameter: ParameterName, value: any) => ChangeParameterAction; reportError: (msg: string, type?: ErrorType) => ErrorAction; updateValuesFromBackend: (updatedValues: any) => void; }, AppProps>' is not assignable to type 'Readonly<AppProps>'.
        The types returned by 'updateValuesFromBackend(...)' are incompatible between these types.
          Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'ThunkAction<void, { meta: { ...; }; study: { ...; }; data: { ...; } | { ...; }; }, {}, MyAction>'.  TS2345

    18 |   mapStateToProps,
    19 |   mapDispatchToProps,
  > 20 | )(App);
       |   ^
    21 | 

我不明白这一点,首先是因为我的函数确实返回了ThunkAction(我认为?),但是主要是因为类型是typeof updateValuesFromBackend,所以无论如何都应该不会出现不匹配,对吗?

BTW ThunkAction,我的动作“应该”返回但“不是”,实际上是返回void的函数的别名! (即updateValuesFromBackend返回ThunkAction,这实际上是返回void的函数)

当我切换tp class App extends Component<any>时,我当然可以运行该应用程序。


actions / index.ts

export const updateValuesFromBackend = (updatedValues: any): MyThunkAction => {
  return (
    dispatch: ThunkDispatch<AppState, {}, MyAction>,
    getState: () => AppState
  ) => {
    const changes: any = {};

    Object.entries(updatedValues).forEach(([key, value]) => {
      const parameter = backEndSettingsKeys[key];
      if (!parameter) return;
      changes[parameter] = value;

    // if we haven't received any settings yet, accept these settings
    if (true || !getState().meta.settingsReceived) {
    } else {
      // Compare the received settings with the current settings.
      // If they match, we consider this a "success" response
      // after a settings update request.
      // If they don't, we consider this an error.



export type AppProps = {
  settingsReceived: boolean,
  error: Error | null,
  changeParameter: typeof changeParameter,
  updateValuesFromBackend: typeof updateValuesFromBackend,
  reportError: typeof reportError

// class App extends Component<any> {
class App extends Component<AppProps> {

  settingsSubscription: W3CWebSocket;

  componentDidMount(): void {
    this.settingsSubscription = this.subscribeToSettings(urls.SETTINGS_WS);

  subscribeToSettings(url: string): W3CWebSocket {
    let settingsSubscription = new W3CWebSocket(url);
    settingsSubscription.onopen = () => console.log('WebSocket Client Connected (settings)');
    settingsSubscription.onclose = () => console.log('WebSocket Client Disconnected (settings)');
    settingsSubscription.onmessage = (message: MessageEvent) => this.handleSettingsMessage(message);
    return settingsSubscription;

  handleSettingsMessage(message: MessageEvent) {
    const updatedValues = JSON.parse(message.data);
    const { settingsReceived, reportError, updateValuesFromBackend } = this.props;

    if (settingsReceived) return reportError('Invalid settings received.');

    console.log('updating settings');

  render() {
    return this.props.error
      ? <ErrorWrapper/>
      : <InnerAppContainer/>

export default App;


const mapStateToProps = ({ meta }: AppState) => ({
  settingsReceived: meta.settingsReceived,
  error: meta.error

const mapDispatchToProps = ({
  changeParameter, reportError, updateValuesFromBackend

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App);
reactjs typescript redux

是,问题特别是在updateValuesFromBackend: typeof updateValuesFromBackend部分。

其实际类型大致为() => thunkFunction => void。但是,由于dispatch和thunk的工作方式,您自己的组件获取的绑定函数实际上看起来像() => void

React-Redux类型内部有一些魔术,它通过弄清楚thunk自身返回的内容(基本上是删除=> thunkFunction部分)来尝试“解决thunk”。因此,您声明的updateValuesFromBackend与要传递的connect之间不匹配。

我最近自己遇到了这个问题,并找到了一个非常简洁的解决方案,我们很快将在React-Redux文档中正式推荐该解决方案。我在this SO answer中描述了该方法,但是为了完整起见,我将其粘贴在这里:


ConnectedProps<T>中有新的@types/[email protected]类型。您可以像这样使用它:

function mapStateToProps(state: MyState) {
    return {
        counter: state.counter

const mapDispatch = {increment};

// Do the first half of the `connect()` call separately, 
// before declaring the component
const connector = connect(mapState, mapDispatch);

// Extract "the type of the props passed down by connect"
type PropsFromRedux = ConnectedProps<typeof connector>
// should be: {counter: number, increment: () => {type: "INCREMENT"}}, etc

// define combined props
type MyComponentProps = PropsFromRedux & PropsFromParent;

// Declare the component with the right props type
class MyComponent extends React.Component<MyComponentProps> {}

// Finish the connect call
export default connector(MyComponent)

[请注意,如果它是对象,则可以正确推断mapDispatch中包含的重击动作创建者的类型,而typeof mapDispatch则不是。





export type AppProps = {
  settingsReceived: boolean,
  error: Error | null,
  changeParameter: typeof changeParameter,
  updateValuesFromBackend: (updatedValues: any) => void,
  reportError: typeof reportError




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