
问题描述 投票:-1回答:1



==10365== Invalid read of size 8
==10365==    at 0x10992A: Node::getNext() const (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x1099F2: List::clean() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10998F: List::~List() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10BF5C: main (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==  Address 0x5b7e520 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 16 free'd
==10365==    at 0x4C3123B: operator delete(void*) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==10365==    by 0x109A0A: List::clean() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10998F: List::~List() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10BE24: main (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==  Block was alloc'd at
==10365==    at 0x4C3017F: operator new(unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==10365==    by 0x109AA3: List::append(int) (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10BD8E: main (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365== Invalid free() / delete / delete[] / realloc()
==10365==    at 0x4C3123B: operator delete(void*) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==10365==    by 0x109A0A: List::clean() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10998F: List::~List() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10BF5C: main (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==  Address 0x5b7e520 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 16 free'd
==10365==    at 0x4C3123B: operator delete(void*) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==10365==    by 0x109A0A: List::clean() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10998F: List::~List() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10BE24: main (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==  Block was alloc'd at
==10365==    at 0x4C3017F: operator new(unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==10365==    by 0x109AA3: List::append(int) (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10BD8E: main (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365== Invalid read of size 8
==10365==    at 0x10992A: Node::getNext() const (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x1099F2: List::clean() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10998F: List::~List() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10BF6B: main (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==  Address 0x5b7e430 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 16 free'd
==10365==    at 0x4C3123B: operator delete(void*) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==10365==    by 0x109A0A: List::clean() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10998F: List::~List() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10BE15: main (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==  Block was alloc'd at
==10365==    at 0x4C3017F: operator new(unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==10365==    by 0x109AA3: List::append(int) (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10BD52: main (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365== Invalid free() / delete / delete[] / realloc()
==10365==    at 0x4C3123B: operator delete(void*) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==10365==    by 0x109A0A: List::clean() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10998F: List::~List() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10BF6B: main (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==  Address 0x5b7e430 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 16 free'd
==10365==    at 0x4C3123B: operator delete(void*) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==10365==    by 0x109A0A: List::clean() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10998F: List::~List() (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10BE15: main (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==  Block was alloc'd at
==10365==    at 0x4C3017F: operator new(unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==10365==    by 0x109AA3: List::append(int) (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365==    by 0x10BD52: main (in /mnt/HDD 1TB/TFG/Cracking the code/Chapter 2/prueba)
==10365== HEAP SUMMARY:
==10365==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==10365==   total heap usage: 31 allocs, 38 frees, 74,736 bytes allocated
==10365== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==10365== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==10365== ERROR SUMMARY: 14 errors from 4 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)


int getNodeSum(Node * head1, Node * head2, List & sumList) {
  int sum = 0;
  int digit1 = 0;
  int digit2 = 0;

  digit1 = head1->getData();
  head1 = head1->getNext();
  digit2 = head2->getData();
  head2 = head2->getNext();

  int carry = 0;
  if(head1 != 0 && head2 != 0)
    carry = getNodeSum(head1, head2, sumList);

  sum = digit1 + digit2 + carry;
  carry = floor(sum / 10);
  sum = sum % 10;

  return carry;

List sumNotReverse(List l1, List l2) {
  List mySum;

  //First we need to pad the lists
  int length1 = l1.length();
  int length2 = l2.length();
  int diff = length1-length2;

  if(diff < 0) {
    //Then we need to pad list 1
    diff = abs(diff);
    for(int i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
      Node * pad = new Node();
  } else if(diff > 0 ) {
    for(int i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
      Node * pad = new Node();

  int carry = getNodeSum(l1.getHead(), l2.getHead(), mySum);

  if(carry == 1)

  //Now we have to reverse the list. There are more/different efficient ways to implement this
  stack<int> digits;
  Node * aux = mySum.getHead();
  Node * prev = aux;

  while(aux != 0) {
    //Doing this makes space complexity O(N) instead of O(2N)
    //(the other way is cleaning the list when we are done)
    prev = aux;
    aux = aux->getNext();
    delete prev;

  //Make sure head is null


  while(digits.size() > 0) {

  return mySum;

我可以解释这段代码的作用, 但有些人觉得这些信息没有用, 所以如果你想要的话, 请告诉我.


Node * Node::getNext() const {
  return next; 

List::~List() {

void List::clean() {
  if(list != 0) {
    Node* aux;
    while(list != 0) {
      aux = list->getNext();
      delete list;
      list = aux;


class Node {
  Node * next;
  int data;
  int getData() const;
  Node * getNext() const;
  void setData(int data);
  void setNext(Node * next);

class List {
  Node * list;
  void clean();
  int length() const;
  Node * getHead() const;
  void setHead(Node * head);
  // Insert a node at the end of the list with data given by the argument
  void append(int value);
  void print() const;
  void remove(int pos);
  //Remove node toDelete given the reference and the reference  to the previous one
  //Then, this remove is O(1) time complexity
  void remove(Node * prev, Node * toDelete);
  void removeDuplicates();
  void removeDuplicatesnoBuffer();


你可以下载完整的代码来编译它。此处. 在main()中,第136行和164行之间是没有用的,你可以忽略它。这是另一部分练习。

c++ memory-management valgrind

你的 List 类缺乏有效的复制构造函数和赋值操作符,但你却复制了 List 对象,例如当你调用 sumNotReverse.


更多细节请看这里 什么是The Rule of Three?,或者查阅你喜欢的C++书籍。任何一本像样的C++书都会涉及这个话题。

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