VBA 中的 OLEObject 中缺少附件标签[重复]

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我尝试在 Word 文档中嵌入两个文件,但只有第一个文件在文档中具有标签。



Sub Attach_REL_BUS_Extract_To_Word()
    'Declare Word Variables
    Dim WrdApp, WrdDoc

    Dim strdocname
    On Error Resume Next

    'Declare Excel Variables
    Dim WrkSht
    Dim Rng
    ' Define paths to Excel and Word files
    wordFilePath = "D:\GIT\modules\core\bin/logs\Test.docx"

    ' VBScript to read data from Excel and export tables to Word with formatting

    ' Create Excel and Word objects
    Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    ' Open Excel workbook

    'Create a new instance of Word
    Set WrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
        WrdApp.Visible = False
    'Create a new word document
    'Set WrdDoc = WrdApp.Documents.Add
     Set WrdDoc = WrdApp.Documents.Open(wordFilePath)

    Const ClassType = "Excel.Sheet.12"
    Const DisplayAsIcon = True
    Const IconFileName = "C:\WINDOWS\Installer\{90160000-000F-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}\xlicons.exe"
    Const IconIndex = 1
    Const LinkToFile = False
    Const relFilename = "D:\GIT\modules\core\src\main\resources\config\relCount.xlsx"
    const relIconLabel="Rel Count Extract"
    Const busFilename = "D:\GIT\modules\core\src\main\resources\config\busCount.xlsx"
    const busIconLabel="Bus Count Extract"

    Set WrdRng1 = WrdDoc.Bookmarks("s_Bus_Count_Attachment").Range

    With WrdRng1
        set newole = .InlineShapes.AddOLEObject( ClassType, busFilename, LinkToFile, DisplayAsIcon, IconFileName, IconIndex, busIconLabel)
        With newole
           .Height = 80
           .Width = 140
        End With
    End With       
    Set WrdRng = WrdDoc.Bookmarks("s_Rel_Count_Attachment").Range

    With WrdRng
        set newole = .InlineShapes.AddOLEObject( ClassType, relFilename, LinkToFile, DisplayAsIcon, IconFileName, IconIndex, relIconLabel)
        With newole
           .Height = 80
           .Width = 140
        End With
    End With       

    WrdDoc.SaveAs wordFilePath
    Set objExcel = Nothing
    Set WrdApp = Nothing

End Sub

vba ms-word vbscript office-automation createoleobject

下面的代码对我有用。 从 Powershell 执行 Word 宏时不显示 OLEObject 标签的小技巧有帮助。 Sub Attach_REL_BUS_Extract_To_Word() 'Declare Word Variables Dim WrdApp, WrdDoc Dim strdocname On Error Resume Next 'Declare Excel Variables Dim WrkSht Dim Rng ' Define paths to Excel and Word files wordFilePath = "D:\GIT\modules\core\bin/logs\Test.docx" ' VBScript to read data from Excel and export tables to Word with formatting ' Create Excel and Word objects Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") ' Open Excel workbook 'Create a new instance of Word Set WrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") WrdApp.Visible = False WrdApp.Activate 'Create a new word document 'Set WrdDoc = WrdApp.Documents.Add Set WrdDoc = WrdApp.Documents.Open(wordFilePath) Const ClassType = "Excel.Sheet.12" Const DisplayAsIcon = True Const IconFileName = "C:\WINDOWS\Installer\{90160000-000F-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}\xlicons.exe" Const IconIndex = 1 Const LinkToFile = False Const relFilename = "D:\GIT\modules\core\src\main\resources\config\relCount.xlsx" Const relIconLabel = "Rel Count Extract" Const busFilename = "D:\GIT\modules\core\src\main\resources\config\busCount.xlsx" Const busIconLabel = "Bus Count Extract" Set WrdRng1 = WrdDoc.Bookmarks("s_Bus_Count_Attachment").Range With WrdRng1 Set newole = .InlineShapes.AddOLEObject(ClassType, busFilename, LinkToFile, DisplayAsIcon, IconFileName, IconIndex, busIconLabel) newole.Delete End With With WrdRng1 Set newole = .InlineShapes.AddOLEObject(ClassType, busFilename, LinkToFile, DisplayAsIcon, IconFileName, IconIndex, busIconLabel) With newole .Height = 80 .Width = 140 End With End With Set WrdRng = WrdDoc.Bookmarks("s_Rel_Count_Attachment").Range With WrdRng Set newole = .InlineShapes.AddOLEObject(ClassType, relFilename, LinkToFile, DisplayAsIcon, IconFileName, IconIndex, relIconLabel) With newole .Height = 80 .Width = 140 End With End With WrdDoc.SaveAs wordFilePath objExcel.Quit WrdApp.Quit Set objExcel = Nothing Set WrdApp = Nothing


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