使用Typescript Generics从AngularFire的已定义结构中创建一个接口

问题描述 投票:2回答:1


Field<T>(private name:string, private size:number, private comment:string) {


get Name():string {
    return this.name;

get Size():number {
    return this.size;


class User {
    public FirstName:Field<string> = new Field<string>('FirstName', 20);
    public LastName:Field<string> = new Field<string>('LastName', 32);
    public Age:Field<number> = new Field<number>('Age', 3);

上面的意思是我有一个数据字段'FirstName',它是一个字符串,最多20个字符。 'LastName'是32个字符的字符串,Age可以是3个数字。






constructor(public afDb:AngularFireDatabase) {



export interface IUser {


typescript generics angularfire


class Field<T> {

    constructor(private name: string, private size: number) {


interface IField {
    [index: string]: Field<string | number>;

interface IWhatever {
    fields: ArrayLike<IField>;



- 更新更多有用的指导 -


// This is a implementation class of our concept of "Field" objects.
// The T is a generic type, which means that it can be any type every time
// you instantiate a new object of this class.
// the type will be used to define the type of the `value` variable 
// that will hold the actual internal value of the "Field".
// So when you create a new Field<string>(....) you will always know
// that the `value` property will be of type `string` and not anything else.
class Field<T> {

    public title: string;
    public maxLength: number;
    public value: T;

    constructor(title: string, maxLength: number) {
        this.title = title;
        this.maxLength = maxLength;

// this is an interface, that defines an object with any number 
// of properties of type Field<string> or Field<number>
interface IObject {
    // can have any number of Field typed properties
    [index: string]: Field<string | number>;

// this is a more specific version of the above interface, that
// actually defines exactly which fields and  their types it 
// should have and which ones should be required or optional
interface IUser {

    // required fields
    firstName: Field<string>;
    lastName: Field<string>;
    age: Field<number>;

    // lets define an optional one
    favoriteColor?: Field<string>;

// Suppose that we get a data structure from somewhere that has no type 
// and that we want to encapsulate it inside one of our interfaces 
// in order to make it easier to work with it
// So lets create a literal object with no specific type (a data structure):
let data = {
    firstName: new Field<string>('First Name', 20),
    lastName: new Field<string>('Last Name', 32),
    age: new Field<number>('Age', 3),

// we can then assign this object or data structure to a 
// variable with the very generic IObject as type 
let anObjectOfUnknownType: IObject = data;

// no problem, no complaints from typescript, the data is compatible
// with our IObject interface!

// We can also assign it to a variable
// of type IUser, which is more specific
// and narrows down our data structure to the definition that
// we the IUser interface expects it to be. For this to work
// though we must make sure that the structure must satisfy 
// and be compatible with the IUser interface.
let userDataStructure: IUser = data;

// and yes, it works, because the data is compatible with IUser

// We now have encapsulated the "unknown" data structure in a 
// useful typed variable from which we can access its properties 
// and enjoy type checking and intellisense
console.log("user's full name is: " + userDataStructure.firstName.value + " " + userDataStructure.lastName.value);
console.log("user's age is: " + userDataStructure.age);

if (typeof userDataStructure.favoriteColor !== "undefined") {
    console.log("user's favorite color is: " + userDataStructure.favoriteColor.value);
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