Azure 表和 Blob 测试

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因此,我正在尝试进行与我正在实施的服务相关的 Azure 表和 Blob 测试。但是当我进行测试时,它说“无法模拟 TableServiceClient / TableClient,因为它们是最终类”(blob 也会发生同样的情况)。此外,当使用 Autowired 时,它会被检测为空。

接下来是我要测试的代码,但主要问题是无法模拟 TableClient 和 TableServiceClient,因此我无法使用或模拟我创建的表的用法。

public class AzureServicesTables implements PreferencesPersistenceService {
    public final TableServiceClient tableServiceClient;
    private final String PARTITION_KEY = "PartitionKey";

    public AzureStoragePreferencesPersistenceServiceImpl(TableServiceClient tableServiceClient) {
        this.tableServiceClient = tableServiceClient;

     * This method obtains preferences from Azure Table Storage, returning default preferences
     * when user has no setup. The steps are:
     *  - Get user preferences from Azure Table
     *  - If user preferences are null, get default preferences
    public String getUserPreferencesField(String user) {
        TableClient tableClient = this.tableServiceClient.getTableClient("Preferences");

        // Query of user preferences
        TableEntity entity = null;
        try {
            entity = tableClient.getEntity(PARTITION_KEY, user);
        catch (Exception ex) {
            // Exception has to be voided in order to get default preferences
  "User preferences not found: "+ex.getClass().getName());
        // or default preferences if the user has no preferences defined
        if (entity == null) {
            entity = tableClient.getEntity(PARTITION_KEY, "default");

        // Getting preferences values from entity
        String result = String.valueOf(entity.getProperties().get("value"));
        return result;

     * Saves full preferences for the specified user
     * @param user User to which preferences belongs
     * @param preferences Preferences to be saved
    private Preferences savePreferences(String user, String preferences) {
        PreferencesEntity entity = new PreferencesEntity(PARTITION_KEY, user, preferences);
        TableClient tableClient = this.tableServiceClient.getTableClient("Preferences");
        return entity.getPreferences();

     * This method obtains preferences from Azure Table Storage, returning default preferences
     * when user has no setup. The steps are:
     *  - Get user preferences from Azure Table
     *  - If user preferences are null, get default preferences
     *  - Deserialize preferences to return DTO
     * @param user The user which user preferences belongs to
     * @return User preferences for the specified user
    public Preferences getUserPreferences(String user) {
        // JSON deserialization of user preferences
        return Preferences.buildFromJson(

     * This method sets one specified user preference to the value specified. The resulting
     * preferences are validated before being saved.
     * @param user The user to which the preferences belong to
     * @param preference Preference to be set
     * @param value Value to be set to the preference
     * @return Preferences which belongs to the user once modified
    public Preferences setUserPreference(String user, String preference, String value) {
        // Value assignment for user preferences. It is done this way, instead of getting value String
        // directly in order to have all the properties in the JSON object, not only that have been
        // specifically put on current preferences.
        DocumentContext jsonPreferences = JsonPath.parse(
        jsonPreferences.set("$.."+preference, value);

        // Preferences persistence on database
        return this.savePreferences(user, jsonPreferences.jsonString());
spring-boot azure unit-testing azure-blob-storage azure-table-storage

'无法模拟 TableServiceClient / TableClient,因为它们是最终类。

我们无法使用 Mockito 等流行的模拟库直接模拟最终类或方法。

  • 使用 JUnit 5 和
    框架中的 @MockedStatic 功能来模拟最终类和方法。


<!-- PowerMock dependencies -->

<!-- Mockito dependency -->

<!-- JUnit dependency (if not already included) -->
  • 将上述 PowerMockito 库添加到项目的依赖项中,并在测试环境中正确配置它。



import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.*;

@ExtendWith({PowerMockExtension.class, MockitoExtension.class})
@PrepareForTest({TableServiceClient.class, TableClient.class})
public class AzureServicesTablesTest {
    public void testGetUserPreferencesField() {
        // Mock the static method getTableClient of TableServiceClient
        try (MockedStatic<TableServiceClient> tableServiceClientMockedStatic = mockStatic(TableServiceClient.class)) {
            TableServiceClient tableServiceClientMock = mock(TableServiceClient.class);
            TableClient tableClientMock = mock(TableClient.class);

            // Define your expected behavior for the mocks
            // Now, invoke your method under test and perform assertions
            AzureServicesTables azureServicesTables = new AzureServicesTables(tableServiceClientMock);
            String result = azureServicesTables.getUserPreferencesField("user");

  • 使用模拟的


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