c++ 将罗马数字转换为小数

问题描述 投票:0回答:4

这个程序是我刚刚参加的考试的一部分,我必须写。我只走到了这一步,却哪儿也去不了。提示如下:“编写一个测试函数 toDecimal(),将罗马数字(例如 MMLXVII)转换为其十进制数字表示形式。使用 Main() 测试该函数。toDecimal() 函数应该有 2 个参数,即字符串数组罗马数字和辅助函数。该辅助函数将返回罗马数字中使用的每个字母的数值。然后按如下方式转换字符串参数:查看前两个字符,如果第一个较大,则转换第一个和将其添加到求和中,然后使用第二个值再次调用转换函数并将两者相加。如果第一个字符小于第二个字符,则从第二个字符中减去第一个字符,并将结果添加到字符串的转换中。无需验证也会转换像“IC”这样的字符串。验证字符串争论,如果有错误,调用错误处理函数。提供至少两个错误处理函数,并分别测试 toDecimal()。其中一个可能会建议用户更正,其他人可以纠正它。”

I,X,C,M 不能连续重复超过 3 次,D,L,V 不能连续重复。I 只能从 V 中减去,X,X 只能从 L 和 C 中减去, C 只能从 D 和 M 中减去。V、L 和 D 永远不能相减。

我为此失眠了大约 2 天,尝试使用和打破规则以数百种不同的方式编写它。这是我所得到的最接近的。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

bool checker(string roman);
// Adds each value of the roman numeral together
int toDecimal(string, bool* (*function)(string));
int convert(string roman, int i);

int main(){
    string roman;
    cout << "This program takes a roman numeral the user enters then converts it to decimal notation." << endl;
    cout << "Enter a roman numeral: ";
    cin >> roman;
    transform(roman.begin(), roman.end(), roman.begin(), toupper);
    cout << roman << " is equal to " << toDecimal(roman,  *checker(roman)) << endl;

bool checker(string roman){
    int length = roman.length();
    for (int count = 0; count < length; count++){
        string sub = roman.substr(count, count);
        if(sub != "I" || sub != "V" || sub != "X" || sub != "L" || sub != "C" || sub != "D" || sub != "M"){
            cout << "Error. Try Again"<< endl;
            return false;
        else if(convert(roman, count) == convert(roman, count-1) && convert(roman, count) == convert(roman, count+1)){
            if (convert(roman,count) == 1 || convert(roman,count) == 10 || convert(roman,count) == 100 || convert(roman,count) == 1000)
                if(convert(roman, count-1) == convert(roman, count-2) || convert(roman, count+1) == convert(roman, count+2)){
                    cout << "Error Try again" << endl;
                    return false;
            else if (convert(roman,count) == 5 || convert(roman,count) == 50 || convert(roman,count) == 500){
                cout << "Error Try again" << endl;
                    return false;
            else return true;

    return true;

int toDecimal(string s, bool*(checker) (string roman)){
    /**map<char, int> roman;
    roman['M'] = 1000;
    roman['D'] = 500;
    roman['C'] = 100;
    roman['L'] = 50;
    roman['X'] = 10;
    roman['V'] = 5;
    roman['I'] = 1;*/
    int res = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length() - 1; ++i){
        int num = convert(s,i);
        res += num;
        /**if (roman[s[i]] < roman[s[i+1]])
            res -= roman[s[i]];
            res += roman[s[i]];
    res += roman[s[s.size()-1]];*/}
    return res;

int convert(string roman, int i){
    enum romans {I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000};
    int num = 0;
    char c = roman[0]; 
        case 'M': 
            num = M; break;
        case 'D':   
            if(i + 1 != roman.size() && roman[i+1] == 'M'){
                num = M - D;break;
                num = D; break;
        case 'C': 
            if(i + 1 != roman.size() && roman[i+1] == 'M' || roman[i+1] == 'D'){
                if(roman[i+1] == 'M') num = M - C; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'D') num = D - C; break;
                num = C; break;
        case 'L':
            if(i + 1 != roman.size() && roman[i+1] == 'M' || roman[i+1] == 'D' || roman[i+1] == 'C'){
                if(roman[i+1] == 'M') num = M - L; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'D') num = D - L; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'C') num = C - L; break;
                num = L; break;
        case 'X': 
            if(i + 1 != roman.size() && roman[i+1] == 'M' || roman[i+1] == 'D' || roman[i+1] == 'C'|| roman[i+1] == 'L'){
                if(roman[i+1] == 'M') num = M - X; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'D') num = D - X; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'C') num = C - X; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'L') num = C - X; break;
                num = X; break;
        case 'V':
            if(i + 1 != roman.size() && roman[i+1] == 'M' || roman[i+1] == 'D' || roman[i+1] == 'C'|| roman[i+1] == 'L' || roman[i+1] == 'X'){
                if(roman[i+1] == 'M') num = M - V; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'D') num = D - V; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'C') num = C - V; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'L') num = L - V; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'X') num = X - V; break;
                num = V; break;
        case 'I':
            if ( i + 1 != roman.size() && roman[i + 1] != 'I'){
                if(roman[i+1] == 'M') num = M - I; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'D') num = D - I; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'C') num = C - I; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'L') num = L - I; break;
                if(roman[i+1] == 'X') num = X - I; break;
                num =1; break;
    return num;

** 我在这里添加了人们的帮助。这是显示进度/会议的编辑。

c++ visual-c++

这是我用来将罗马数字(小于 3999)转换为整数的代码。您可以检查它是否适用于更大的数字。

int romanToInt(string s) {
    map<char, int> roman;
    roman['M'] = 1000;
    roman['D'] = 500;
    roman['C'] = 100;
    roman['L'] = 50;
    roman['X'] = 10;
    roman['V'] = 5;
    roman['I'] = 1;

    int res = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < s.size() - 1; ++i)
        if (roman[s[i]] < roman[s[i+1]])
            res -= roman[s[i]];
            res += roman[s[i]];
    res += roman[s[s.size()-1]];
    return res;



Annie Kim 提供的解决方案有效,但它使用了


int convert_roman_digit(char d)
    switch (d)
        case 'M': return 1000;
        case 'D': return 500;
        case 'C': return 100;
        case 'L': return 50;
        case 'X': return 10;
        case 'V': return 5;
        case 'I': return 1;
        default: throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid digit");

int roman_to_int(const std::string& roman)
    int result = 0, last_added = 0;

    for (auto it = roman.rbegin(); it != roman.rend(); ++it)
        const int value = convert_roman_digit(*it);
        if (value >= last_added)
            result += value;
            last_added = value;
            result -= value;

    return result;



int romanToInt(string s)
    unordered_map<char, int> roman;
    roman['I'] = 1;
    roman['V'] = 5;
    roman['X'] = 10;
    roman['L'] = 50;
    roman['C'] = 100;
    roman['D'] = 500;
    roman['M'] = 1000;

    int num = 0, prev = 0, curr;
    for (int i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        curr = roman[s[i]];
        num += (curr >= prev ? 1 : -1) * curr;
        prev = curr;
    return num;






// main.cpp
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>

#include "RomanNumeral.h"
#include "tbx.utility.h"

    bool test_valid_Roman_numerals(std::ostream& log)
        log << "Round-trip Conversion of Every Valid Roman Numeral\n\n";
        int n_failures{};
        for (int n{ 1 }; n <= 3999; ++n)
            auto r{ roman_numeral::fromInteger(n) };
            auto num{ roman_numeral::toDecimal(r) };
            if (num != n)
        log << "  Failure count: " << n_failures << "\n\n";
        return n_failures == 0;
    bool test_invalid_Roman_numeral(std::ostream& log, std::string const& r)
        auto const d = roman_numeral::toDecimal(r);
        auto const v = roman_numeral::isValid(r);
        log << "   " << std::left << std::setw(11) << std::quoted(r)
            << "   " << std::right << std::setw(9) << d
            << "   " << std::left << std::boolalpha << v
            << '\n';
        return !v;
    bool test_invalid_Roman_numerals(std::ostream& log)
        log << "Detect Invalid Roman Numerals\n\n"
            << "   " << "Roman\n"
            << "   " << std::left << std::setw(11) << "Numeral"
            << "   " << std::right << std::setw(9) << "toDecimal"
            << "   " << std::left << "isValid"
            << "\n\n";
        tbx::OneTimeToggle pass_all{ true };
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "");          // empty string
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "garbage");   // yeah, garbage
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "I I");       // space between symbols
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "IL");        // invalid subtraction
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "IC");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "ID");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "IM");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "VX");        // only 'I`, 'X', and 'C'
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "VL");        // can be subtracted
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "VC");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "VD");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "VM");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "XD");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "XM");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "LC");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "LD");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "LM");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "DM");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "IVIV");      // `I`, `X`, and `C` can only
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "IXIX");      // be subtracted once in any 
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "IXIV");      // given Roman numeral
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "IVIX");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "XCXL");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "CDCM");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "VV");        // only 'I`, 'X', 'C' and 'M'
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "LL");        // can be repeated
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "DD");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "IIII");      // too many repeats
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "XXXX");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "CCCC");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "MMMM");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "IXX");       // repetition and subtraction
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "XCC");       // cannot be combined
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "CMM");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "IIV");       // "threshold" not increasing
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "IIX");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "XXL");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "XXC");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "CCD");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "CCM");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "VIX");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "LXC");
        pass_all = test_invalid_Roman_numeral(log, "DCM");
        log << "\n\n";
        return pass_all;
    int get_int(
        std::string const& prompt,
        int const min,
        int const max,
        std::istream& ist,
        std::ostream& ost)
        for (;;)
            ost << prompt;
            if (int n{}; !(std::cin >> n))
                ost << "Invalid entry. Please reenter.\n\n";
                ist.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
            else if (n < min || n > max)
                ost << "Invalid entry. Please reenter.\n"
                    << "Entries must be between " << min << " and " << max << ".\n\n";
                ist.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
                return n;
    std::string get_Roman_numeral(std::istream& ist, std::ostream& ost)
        std::string r;
        for (;;)
            ost << "Enter a roman numeral: ";
            ist >> r;
            if (roman_numeral::isValid(r))
            ost << "Invalid entry. Please reenter.\n\n";
        ist.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
        return r;
    void select_error_processing_function(
        std::ostream& log,
        std::istream& ist,
        std::string& r)
        char const* const menu
            " is not a valid Roman numeral."
            "\nSelect an error processing function:"
            "\n 1. Reenter the Roman numeral"
            "\n 2. Throw an exception"
        enum { ReenterRomanNumeral = 1, ThrowException };
        log << r << menu;
        int choice{ get_int("Choice? ", 1, 2, ist, log) };
        switch (choice)
        case ReenterRomanNumeral:
            r = get_Roman_numeral(ist, log);
        case ThrowException:
            throw std::runtime_error("Malformed Roman numeral: \"" + r + '"');
            // std::unreachable();
    bool test_Roman_numeral_entered_by_user(
        std::istream& ist,
        std::ostream& log)
        log << "Roman Numeral to Integer Converter\n\n"
            "  Enter a Roman numeral: ";
        std::string r;
        std::getline(ist, r);
        int num{};
        while ((num = roman_numeral::toDecimal(r)) == 0)
            try { select_error_processing_function(log, ist, r); }
            catch (std::exception const& e) {
                log << "  Exception caught in function "
                    "`test_Roman_numeral_entered_by_user`: "
                    << e.what() << "\n\n";
                return false;
        log << "  " << r << " = " << num << "\n\n";
        return true;
int main()
    auto& log{ std::cout };  // substitute log files, as needed
    auto& ist{ std::cin };
    int exit_code{}, shift{};

    // Each of the three tests gets its own bit in the `exit_code`,
    // where 0-valued bits indicate success.
    exit_code |= test_valid_Roman_numerals(log) ? 0 : 1 << shift++;
    exit_code |= test_invalid_Roman_numerals(log) ? 0 : 1 << shift++;
    exit_code |= test_Roman_numeral_entered_by_user(ist, log) ? 0 : 1 << shift++;
    return exit_code;  // between 0 and 7
// end file: main.cpp


#pragma once
// RomanNumeral.h
// Functions designed per the specification at Stack Overflow
// https://stackoverflow.com/q/17724887/22193627

#include <string>

namespace roman_numeral
    bool isValid(std::string const& r);
    int value_from_map(char const symbol);
    int value_from_switch(char const symbol);
    int toDecimal(
        std::string r, 
        int (*value)(char const symbol) = value_from_map);
    std::string fromInteger(int const n);
// end file: RomanNumeral.h


// RomanNumeral.cpp
#include <cstddef>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>

#include "RomanNumeral.h"
#include "tbx.utility.h"

    // is_repeatable
    bool is_repeatable(char const i)
        return i == 'I'
            || i == 'X'
            || i == 'C'
            || i == 'M';
    // is_subtractive
    bool is_subtractive(char const i, char const vx)
        return i == 'I' && vx == 'V'
            || i == 'I' && vx == 'X'
            || i == 'X' && vx == 'L'
            || i == 'X' && vx == 'C'
            || i == 'C' && vx == 'D'
            || i == 'C' && vx == 'M';
namespace roman_numeral
    // fromInteger
    std::string fromInteger(int const n)
        if (n < 1 || n > 3999)
            return "";  // sentinel value signals failure

        static constexpr char const* const I[]{ "", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX" };
        static constexpr char const* const X[]{ "", "X", "XX", "XXX", "XL", "L", "LX", "LXX", "LXXX", "XC" };
        static constexpr char const* const C[]{ "", "C", "CC", "CCC", "CD", "D", "DC", "DCC", "DCCC", "CM" };
        static constexpr char const* const M[]{ "", "M", "MM", "MMM" };

        auto const v{ static_cast<std::size_t>(n) };
        enum : std::size_t { fifteen = 15u };
        std::string r;
        r.reserve(fifteen); // room enough for "MMMDCCCLXXXVIII", the widest Roman numeral
        r = M[v / 1000u];
        r += C[(v % 1000u) / 100u];
        r += X[(v % 100u) / 10u];
        r += I[v % 10u];;
        return r;
    // isValid
    bool isValid(std::string const& r)
        return toDecimal(r, value_from_map) != 0;
    // toDecimal
    int toDecimal(std::string r, int (*value)(char const symbol))
        r = tbx::to_upper(tbx::trim_whitespace(r));

        // Fail if any of the characters in `r` are not valid Roman 
        // numeral symbols.
        for (auto const& c : r)
            if (value(c) == 0)
                return 0;  // sentinel value signals failure

        // Handle short strings as special cases.
        enum : std::size_t { zero, one };
        switch (r.length())
        case zero: return 0;  // sentinel value signals failure
        case one: return value(r.front());
        default: break;

        // Loop, scanning string `r` from right-to-left.
        auto trailer{ r.crbegin() };
        auto t{ *trailer };
        auto vt{ value(t) };

        auto leader{ std::next(r.crbegin()) };
        auto l{ *leader };
        auto vl{ value(l) };

        int sum{ vt };
        int n_repeats{ 1 };
        int threshold{ vt };

        std::unordered_set<char> already_subtracted;

        while (leader != r.crend())
            l = *leader; vl = value(l);
            t = *trailer; vt = value(t);
            if (vl < threshold)
                if (!is_subtractive(l, t) || already_subtracted.count(l) || n_repeats != 1)
                    return 0;  // sentinel value signals failure
                sum -= vl;
                n_repeats = 0;
                threshold = 10 * vl;
            else if (vl == threshold)
                if (!is_repeatable(l) || ++n_repeats > 3)
                    return 0;  // sentinel value signals failure
                sum += vl;
            else  // vl > threshold
                sum += vl;
                n_repeats = 1;
                threshold = vl;
            ++leader; ++trailer;
        return sum;
    // value_from_map
    int value_from_map(char const symbol)
        static const std::unordered_map<char, int> values =
            { 'I', 1 },
            { 'V', 5 },
            { 'X', 10 },
            { 'L', 50 },
            { 'C', 100 },
            { 'D', 500 },
            { 'M', 1000 }
        if (auto const it{ values.find(symbol) }; it == values.end())
            return 0;  // sentinel value signals failure
            return it->second;
    // value_from_switch
    int value_from_switch(char const symbol)
        switch (symbol)
        case 'I': return 1;
        case 'V': return 5;
        case 'X': return 10;
        case 'L': return 50;
        case 'C': return 100;
        case 'D': return 500;
        case 'M': return 1000;
        default: break;
        return 0;  // sentinel value signals failure
// end file: RomanNumeral.cpp


#pragma once
// tbx.utility.h
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

namespace tbx
    auto to_upper(std::string s) noexcept -> std::string;
    void to_upper_in_place(std::string& s) noexcept;
    auto trim_whitespace(std::string const& s) -> std::string;
    auto trim_whitespace_view(std::string_view sv) noexcept -> std::string_view;

    // OneTimeToggle
    class OneTimeToggle
        bool const initial_state;
        bool state;
        constexpr OneTimeToggle(bool const b) noexcept
            : initial_state{ b }, state{ b }
        constexpr bool operator() () const noexcept {
            return state;
        constexpr operator bool() const noexcept {
            return state;
        constexpr OneTimeToggle& operator= (bool const b) noexcept {
            if (b != initial_state)
                state = b;
            return *this;
        constexpr void reset() {
            state = initial_state;
// end file: tbx.utility.h


// tbx.utility.cpp
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>

#include "tbx.utility.h"

namespace tbx
    // to_upper
    std::string to_upper(std::string s) noexcept
        return s;
    // to_upper_in_place
    void to_upper_in_place(std::string& s) noexcept
        std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(),
            [](unsigned char c) {
                return static_cast<char>(std::toupper(c));
    // trim_whitespace
    auto trim_whitespace(std::string const& s) -> std::string
        return std::string{ trim_whitespace_view(s) };
    // trim_whitespace_view
    auto trim_whitespace_view(std::string_view sv) noexcept -> std::string_view
        // Trim leading and trailing whitespace from string_view `sv`.
        auto const first{ sv.find_first_not_of(" \f\n\r\t\v") };
        if (first == std::string_view::npos)
            return {};
        auto const last{ sv.find_last_not_of(" \f\n\r\t\v") };
        enum : std::string_view::size_type { one = 1u };
        return sv.substr(first, (last - first + one));
// end file: tbx.utility.cpp
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