
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在 R 中使用两个 shapefile:一个代表 5841 个地点(作为点),另一个代表道路(作为线 - 总共 99 个观测值)。我的目标是计算从每个地点到最近道路的最小距离,并确定道路上与该最小距离相对应的确切纬度/经度位置。本质上,对于每个点,我想找到任何线上最近的点并测量这两点之间的距离。

这是我采用的方法,使用 sf 包:


# Load the shapefiles
localities <- st_read("path/to/localities.shp")
roads <- st_read("path/to/roads.shp")

# Ensure CRS match, transform if necessary
if (st_crs(localities) != st_crs(roads)) {
  roads <- st_transform(roads, st_crs(localities))

# Calculate nearest roads and distances
nearest_roads_info <- st_nearest_feature(localities, roads)
distances_to_nearest_road <- st_distance(localities, roads[nearest_roads_info, , drop = FALSE])
closest_points <- st_nearest_points(localities, roads[nearest_roads_info, , drop = FALSE])

# Extracting closest points on roads
closest_points_on_roads <- st_cast(closest_points, "POINT")[,2]

# Assigning distances and coordinates to the localities data frame
localities$distance_to_nearest_road <- distances_to_nearest_road
coords <- st_coordinates(st_sfc(closest_points_on_roads, crs = st_crs(localities)))
localities$closest_road_lat <- coords[, "Y"]
localities$closest_road_lon <- coords[, "X"]



r optimization gis spatial

这是一种相对快速且简单的方法,涉及沿每条道路定期创建点,然后使用这些点作为最近线边缘的代理。它不一定会为您提供一条线的最近部分的精确位置,但它在计算上非常“轻”。此示例沿每条道路每隔 0.1 米放置一个点,但可以使用更精细的分辨率来提高准确性。

此示例只有 5 条道路,约 23 公里。为了提供一些有关效率的背景信息,使用 5,841 个位置和 336,901 个道路点,在一台非常普通的计算机上计算距离大约需要 40 秒。



set.seed(1) # For reproducibility

pt_cnt <- 5841
localities <- data.frame(location_id = 1:pt_cnt,
                         latitude = runif(pt_cnt, min = 42, max = 42.05),
                         longitude = runif(pt_cnt, min = 18, max = 18.05)) %>%
  st_as_sf(coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326)

roads <- data.frame(road_name = c(rep(1:3, each = 6), 
                                  rep(4:5, each = 3)),
                    latitude = c(rep(c(42.001, 42.022, 42.05), each = 6),
                                 rep(c(42.001, 42.022, 42.05), 2)),
                    longitude = c(rep(c(18.001, 18.022, 18.023,
                                        18.024, 18.025, 18.049), 3),
                                  rep(c(18.001, 18.049), each = 3))) %>%
  st_as_sf(coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326) %>%
  group_by(road_name) %>%
  summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>%

生成道路的 POINT 版本,每 n 个单位有一个点。此步骤将返回警告:

警告信息: 在 st_cast.sf(., "POINT") 中: 所有子几何体的重复属性,它们可能不是恒定的


p <- st_split(roads, p) %>%
  st_collection_extract(., "LINESTRING") %>%
  st_segmentize(., units::set_units(0.1, m)) %>% # == st_segmentize(., 1)
  st_cast("POINT") %>%
  mutate(road_point = 1:n())

Simple feature collection with 336901 features and 2 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 18.001 ymin: 42.001 xmax: 18.049 ymax: 42.05
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# A tibble: 336,901 × 3
   road_name          geometry road_point
 *     <int>       <POINT [°]>      <int>
 1         1   (18.001 42.001)          1
 2         1   (18.001 42.001)          2
 3         1   (18.001 42.001)          3
 4         1   (18.001 42.001)          4
 5         1   (18.001 42.001)          5
 6         1   (18.001 42.001)          6
 7         1   (18.001 42.001)          7
 8         1   (18.001 42.001)          8
 9         1 (18.00101 42.001)          9
10         1 (18.00101 42.001)         10
# ℹ 336,891 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows


result <- localities %>%
  mutate(road_point = st_nearest_feature(., p)) %>%
  left_join(., data.frame(p), by = join_by(road_point)) %>%
  mutate(distance_m = st_distance(geometry.x, geometry.y, by_element = TRUE))


Simple feature collection with 5841 features and 4 fields
Active geometry column: geometry.x
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 18.00001 ymin: 42.00001 xmax: 18.04995 ymax: 42.05
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
First 10 features:
   location_id road_point road_name                geometry.x              geometry.y   distance_m
1            1     224983         4 POINT (18.01112 42.01328) POINT (18.001 42.01328) 836.3658 [m]
2            2      80540         2 POINT (18.00865 42.01861) POINT (18.00865 42.022) 377.4238 [m]
3            3      89274         2 POINT (18.01424 42.02864) POINT (18.01424 42.022) 738.5826 [m]
4            4     191940         3 POINT (18.03883 42.04541)  POINT (18.03883 42.05) 510.4101 [m]
5            5     285540         5 POINT (18.04332 42.01008) POINT (18.049 42.01008) 469.5687 [m]
6            6     166970         3 POINT (18.02007 42.04492)  POINT (18.02007 42.05) 564.9463 [m]
7            7     155291         3 POINT (18.01258 42.04723)  POINT (18.01258 42.05) 307.6446 [m]
8            8     317053         5 POINT (18.04298 42.03304) POINT (18.049 42.03304) 496.8863 [m]
9            9     249662         4 POINT (18.01076 42.03146) POINT (18.001 42.03146) 806.2031 [m]
10          10      52214         1 POINT (18.03699 42.00309) POINT (18.03699 42.001) 232.2519 [m]
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