从.net core中的其他类库访问automapper

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我使用的是asp.net core 2.0。我的解决方案中有 DataAccess 项目和 20 个 API 服务项目。而且这个数字每天都在增加。我将使用 AutoMapper。但我不想为所有项目添加 NuGet 的自动映射器。因此,我想添加到唯一的 DataAccess 解决方案并将配置文件添加到 DataAccess 解决方案。我想通过编写“mapper.Map(originalObject)”从 API 项目进行调用。我们可以通过添加startup.cs将Automapper添加到API项目中。但我的DataAccess项目是一个类库。所以它没有startup.cs。我该如何做到这一点以及我可以从服务项目访问自动映射器吗? (我不想将自动映射器从 NuGet 添加到 API)

c# asp.net-core automapper asp.net-core-webapi

这个问题可能有很多解决方案,我只建议其中两种,这些方法也可能根据您的选择和场景而改变。您的辅助类是否知道将要映射的所有类型,或者其他用户库是否需要注册自己的 POCO 类,您是否更喜欢创建映射器...您可能还希望缓存映射器并在再次请求时返回它。


class Foo
     public string Name { get; set; }

class Bar
    public string Name { get; set; }

static void Main(string[] args)
    //First approach usage
    Bar _bar1 = MapperHelper.MapFrom<Bar>(new Foo() { Name = "bbbbb" });

    //Second approach usage
    IMyMapper _myMapper = MapperHelper.GetMapperFor<Foo, Bar>();
    Bar _bar2 = _myMapper.MapFrom<Bar>(new Foo() { Name = "aaaAAA" });

    //Third approach usage
    Bar _bar3 = MapperHelper.Map<Bar, Foo>(new Foo() { Name = "cccc" });

public interface IMyMapper
    T MapFrom<T>(object entity);

class MyMapper : IMyMapper
      IMapper mapper;

      public MyMapper(IMapper mapper)
            this.mapper = mapper;

      public T MapFrom<T>(object entity)
           return mapper.Map<T>(entity);

public static class MapperHelper
     static IMapper staticMapper;

    static MapperHelper()
         var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
         cfg.CreateMap<Foo, Bar>();

        staticMapper = config.CreateMapper();

     //First approach, create a mapper and use it from a static method
     public static T MapFrom<T>(object entity)
           return staticMapper.Map<T>(entity);

     //Second approach (if users need to use their own types which are not known by this project)
     //Create you own mapper interface ans return it
     public static IMyMapper GetMapperFor<TSource, TDestination>()
            var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
                cfg.CreateMap<TSource, TDestination>();

            var _mapper = config.CreateMapper();

            return new MyMapper(_mapper);

     //Third sample, create and use mapper inside a static helper method
     //This is for mapping foreign types that this project does not 
     //include (e.g POCO or model types in other projects)
     public static TDestination Map<TDestination, TSource>(TSource entity)
         var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
               cfg.CreateMap<TSource, TDestination>();

            var _mapper = config.CreateMapper();

            return _mapper.Map<TDestination>(entity);

第一个为已知类型创建配置并使用此映射器。 第二个创建一个映射器并在包装器类中返回它。 第三个创建并使用映射器进行映射操作,并且仅返回映射的对象。




namespace App.Shared.Common;

public class AutoMapper : Profile
    public AutoMapper()
        CreateMap<Client, ClientDto>().ReverseMap();


namespace App.API.Common;

public class MyAutoMapper : App.Shared.Common.AutoMapper
    public MyAutoMapper() : base() { }




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