从 databricks jdbc 连接读取数据到 redshift 时出错

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我们使用 databricks 集群,在 30 分钟不活动后关闭(13.3 LTS(包括 Apache Spark 3.4.1、Scala 2.12))。 我的目标是读取红移表并将其写入雪花,我使用以下代码:

df = spark.read \
  .format("redshift") \
  .option("url", jdbc_url) \
  .option("user", user) \
  .option("password", password) \
  .option("dbtable", "schem_name.table_name") \
  .option("partitionColumn", "date_col1")\
  .option("lowerBound", "2023-11-05")\
  .option("upperBound", "2024-03-23")\
  .option("numPartitions", "500")\
  .filter("date_col1>dateadd(month ,-6,current_date)")\
  .filter(col("country_col").isin('India', 'China', 'Japan', 'Germany', 'United Kingdom', 'Brazil', 'United States', 'Canada'))
df1 = df.repartition(900)#Data is skedwed for that partition column, so repartitioning to 1* num cores in cluster for even dist
df1.write.format("snowflake") \
        .option("host", host_sfl) \
        .option("user", user_sfl) \
        .option('role', role_sfl) \
        .option("password", password_sfl) \
        .option("database", database_sfl) \
        .option("sfWarehouse", warehouse_sfl) \
        .mode('Overwrite') \
It throws the following error, despite not having used query option in my code:
IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: 
    Options 'query' and 'partitionColumn' can not be specified together.
Please define the query using `dbtable` option instead and make sure to qualify
the partition columns using the supplied subquery alias to resolve any ambiguity.
Example :
  .option("url", jdbcUrl)
  .option("dbtable", "(select c1, c2 from t1) as subq")
  .option("partitionColumn", "c1")
  .option("lowerBound", "1")
  .option("upperBound", "100")
  .option("numPartitions", "3")


这是另一个观察结果: 如果我在执行计数后将上面的代码更改为 JDBC 而不是 .format("redshift") 中的 redshift,则代码可以正常工作。

我不知道这里发生了什么。第一次重新启动集群时,作业一直失败,我必须先手动进行计数,然后将其更改为 JDBC 才能工作,如果我遗漏了一些明显的东西,请告诉我。我查了很多文档,但找不到我需要的东西。

apache-spark pyspark amazon-redshift databricks azure-databricks


count_df = spark.read \
                .format("com.databricks.spark.redshift") \
                .option("dbtable", tbl1) \
                .option("url", url) \
                .option("user", user) \
                .option("password", pwd) \
And then the code in the question started working, a dummy count action with a different driver parameter(com.databricks.spark.redshift) before running the code in the question. 
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