如何使用 jQuery 替换和/或删除文本或 div [关闭]

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我有这段代码,我必须按原样使用它(如下)。我想隐藏、删除所有这些文本,然后写下我自己的文本。或者只是替换一个 Div 并删除另一个,等等......你明白了......

<div class="a-section a-spacing-top-base">
<b>Returning your item:</b><br>Go to "Your Account" on Amazon.com, click "Your Orders" and then click the "seller profile" link for this order to get information about the return and refund policies that apply.<br>Visit <a href="https://www.amazon.com/returns">https://www.amazon.com/returns</a> to print a return shipping label.  Please have your order ID ready. 
<div class="a-section a-spacing-top-base">
<b>Thanks for buying on Amazon Marketplace</b>. To provide feedback for the seller please visit <a href="http://www.amazon.com/feedback">www.amazon.com/feedback</a>. To contact the seller, go to Your Orders in Your Account. Click the seller's name under the appropriate product. Then, in the "Further Information" section, click "Contact the Seller."


javascript jquery

如果能再给点代码就好了。我猜这 2 个 DIV 是嵌套的,是吗?由于您的信息非常模糊,正如我所说,我为我的代码片段假设了两件事(主要是为了能够更好地展示如何将您自己的文本放入相应的 DIV 中):

  • 两个DIV有一个容器(嵌套)
  • 该容器中没有其他元素(否则您可以使用
  • 应该删除/替换两个 DIV 中的所有内容

因此,为了您的意图(删除/替换文本),您可以使用 jQuery 中的 text() 方法html() 方法。两者都允许您替换文本或只是删除它。 再次,DIV 中的所有内容都被替换/删除。

jQuery API 文档:

.text() - https://api.jquery.com/text/
.html() - https://api.jquery.com/html/

  The button is only for demonstration purpose.
$( '#btn-1' ).click( function() {
    /* You only need this part, i.e. something like this */
    $( '.wrapper-or-whatever .a-section:first-child' ).text( '<i>I cannot use HTML here.</i>' );
} ); 
  The button is only for demonstration purpose.
$( '#btn-2' ).click( function() {
   /* You only need this part, i.e. something like this */
   $( '.wrapper-or-whatever .a-section:last-child' ).html( '<i>I can use HTML here.</i>' );
} );
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="wrapper-or-whatever">
    <div class="a-section a-spacing-top-base">
        <b>Returning your item ...</b>
    <div class="a-section a-spacing-top-base">
        <b>Thanks for buying ...</b>
<button id="btn-1">Change text of 1st DIV using .text()</button>
<button id="btn-2">Change text of 2nd DIV using .html()</button>


编辑: 我错过了你写的“或删除一个 DIV”。所以如果你想知道如何做到这一点,也请发表评论,至于现在我只解释了如何通过删除/替换文本来做到这一点。

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