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如何从结构中正确访问字符串“ bye”?

#include <iostream>
static constexpr char hi[] = "hi";
struct S{ static constexpr char bye[] = "bye"; };

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  typedef struct S ST;

  std::cout << hi << std::endl;              // this prints "hi" 
  std::cout << sizeof(ST::bye) << std::endl; // this correctly prints 4
  std::cout << ST::bye << std::endl;         // this does not compile with "undefined reference"

我正在使用一种具有这种格式的配置的c ++框架(甚至使用多重嵌套结构),以使其在编译期间可用。我对C ++的了解还不够深,无法掌握这里的根本问题。我也无法争论为什么选择这种实现配置的方法并且不能更改它。

c++ arrays string constexpr


#include <iostream>
static constexpr char hi[] = "hi";
struct S{ static constexpr char bye[] = "bye"; };

constexpr char S::bye[]; // <<< this line was missing

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  typedef struct S ST;

  std::cout << hi << std::endl;              // this prints "hi" 
  std::cout << sizeof(ST::bye) << std::endl; // this correctly prints 4
  std::cout << ST::bye << std::endl;         // Now this prints "bye"

或者通过使用c ++ 17进行编译,这使得它已过时。

相关链接:-constexpr static member before/after C++17-What does it mean to "ODR-use" something?

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