
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


recipeList = [["Egg",3,"st"],       #list of the ingredients  
             ["Sugar",3,"dl"],      #with 4 people as base
             ["Vanilla sugar",2,"tsp"],
             ["Baking powder",2,"tsp"],
print("How many people are going to eat the cake?")
x = int(input())#input for user

print("Recipe for a sponge cake for", x, "people")
print("|   Ingredients   |  Amount")                    #a list for ingredients and amount
for item in recipeList:
    print("|",item[0]," "*(13-len(item[0])),"|",        #visual design for the list
          (item[1]*x/4),                                #amount * x/4, as recipe is based on 4 people 
          item[2]," "*(3-len(item[2])-len(str(item[1]))), 


python integer decimal recipe


recipeList = [["Egg", 3, "st"],  # list of the ingredients
                  ["Sugar", 3, "dl"],  # with 4 people as base
                  ["Vanilla sugar", 2, "tsp"],
                  ["Baking powder", 2, "tsp"],
                  ["Flour", 3, "dl"],
                  ["Butter", 75, "g"],
                  ["Water", 1, "dl"]]
    print("How many people are going to eat the cake?")
    x = int(input())  # input for user

    print("Recipe for a sponge cake for", x, "people")
    print("|   Ingredients   |  Amount")  # a list for ingredients and amount
    for item in recipeList:
        print("|", item[0], " " * (13 - len(item[0])), "|",  # visual design for the list
              int(item[1] * x / 4) if item[0] == 'Egg' else (item[1] * x / 4),  # amount * x/4, as recipe is based on 4 people
              item[2], " " * (3 - len(item[2]) - len(str(item[1]))),

有条件地在鸡蛋上打印,如果该项目是鸡蛋,则只是int(item [1] * x / 4)

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