
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我在运行 cplex 时遇到一些错误: OPL 无法提取表达式:forall(i in 1..193, t in 1..24) p[i][(tau[i](-1)+h[i]5+t)]+(e [i]+n[i](-5))(S[i][(t+(-1))]+S[i][t](-1))+(sum(j in 1) ..3) p[i][t]b[i][j])(-1) <= d[i][t]. OPL cannot extract expression: forall(i in 1..193, t in 1..24) p[i][(tau[i](-1)+h[i]5+t)]+(e[i]+n[ i]5)(S[i][(t+(-1))]+S[i][t](-1))+(sum(j in 1..3) p[i][ t]b[i][j])(-1) >= d[i][t]。 OPL 无法提取表达式: forall(i in 1..193, t in 1..24) sum(j in 1..3) p[i][t]*b[i][j]+d[i] [t]+e[i]*S[i][t] == e[i]S[i][(t+(-1))]+p[i][(t+tau[i] (-1))]。


 int I=...;
 int R =...;
 int T=...;
 range items = 1..I;            //Index of items in the production system i
 range resources = 1..R;        //Index of production resources defining capacity r
 range times = 1..T;            //Index of discrete periods in the planning horizon t
 range trucks = 1..3;               //Index of item j according to the bill of materials
 int lamda=...;
 float d[items][times]=...;     //Independent (external) demand for item i in period t
 float b[items][trucks]=...;            //Number of units of item i required per unit of item j according to the bill of materials
 int tau[items]=...;            //Time to process or purchase a lot of the product i
 float f[items][resources]=...; //Fraction of resource r required to process a unit of item i
 float w[items][resources]=...; //Fraction of resource r required to set up a unit of item i
 float ma[resources][times]=...;//Maximum fraction of resourcer that can be added in period t
 float e[items]=...;            //Inventory accuracy of item i
 float l[items]=...;            //Minimum production lot size for item i
 float ac[resources][times]=...;//Cost per added capacity fraction to resource r in period t
 float wc[items]=...;           //Total fixed cost of setting up the production/purchase of item i in a period
 float sc[items]=...;           //Inventory holding cost per period for one unit of item i
 float s0[items]=...;           //Initial on-hand inventory for item i
 int    h[items]=...;               // Maximum slack for production or purchase time
 float g[items][resources]=...;         // Maximum tolerance of capacity for manufacturing
 float n[items]=...;                // Tolerance for inventory accuracy
 dvar int+ p[items][times];     //Production quantity of item i in period t
 dvar int+ S[items][times];     //Final inventory of item i in period t
 dvar int+ a[resources][times]; //Added fraction of resource r in period t
 dvar int+ q[items][times];     //Binary production indicator for product i in period t
 // Auxiliary variable
dvar float+ sreal[items][times];
 minimize   sum(t in times, r in resources) a[r][t]*ac[r][t] + sum(t in times, i in items)q[i][t]*wc[i] + sum(t in times, i in items) e[i]*S[i][t]*sc[i]  ;
// Flow constraint
subject to {
 forall(t in times, r in resources)
   sum (i in items)(p[i][t]*f[i][r] + q[i][t]*w[i][r]) <= 1 + a[r][t];  //(1)
 forall (i in items, t in times)
   sum (j in trucks) p[i][t]*b[i][j] + d[i][t] + e[i]*S[i][t] == e[i]*S[i][t-1] + p[i][t-tau[i]]; //(2)
 forall (r in resources, t in times)
   a[r][t] <= ma[r][t]; //(3)
 forall (i in items, t in times)
   p[i][t] >= q[i][t]*l[i]; //(4)
 forall(i in items, r in resources, t in times)
    sum(j in trucks) (p[i][t] * (f[i][r] + (1 - lamda) * q[i][t] * g[i][r]) + q[i][t] * w[i][r]) <= 1 + a[r][t];//(5)
 forall(i in items, t in times)
    p[i][t - (tau[i] + (1 - lamda) * h[i])] + ((e[i] + n[i] * (1 - lamda)) * (S[i][t - 1] - S[i][t])) - sum(j in trucks) (p[i][t] * b[i][j]) <= d[i][t]; //(6)
  forall(i in items, t in times)
    p[i][t - (tau[i] + (1 - lamda) * h[i])] + ((e[i] - n[i] * (1 - lamda)) * (S[i][t - 1] - S[i][t])) - sum(j in trucks) (p[i][t] * b[i][j]) >= d[i][t];  //(7) 
 forall(i in items, t in times)
    (e[i] + n[i] * (1 - lamda)) * S[i][t] <= sreal[i][t]; //(8)
  forall(i in items, t in times)
    (e[i] - n[i] * (1 - lamda)) * S[i][t] >= sreal[i][t];  //(9)



您多次使用 t-1,因此您应该确保 t-1 属于时间。 例如,你应该改变

forall(i in items, t in times)


forall(i in items, t in times:(t-1) in times)


 int I=2;
 int R =3;
 int T=4;
 range items = 1..I;            //Index of items in the production system i
 range resources = 1..R;        //Index of production resources defining capacity r
 range times = 1..T;            //Index of discrete periods in the planning horizon t
 range trucks = 1..3;               //Index of item j according to the bill of materials
 int lamda=1;
 float d[items][times];     //Independent (external) demand for item i in period t
 float b[items][trucks];            //Number of units of item i required per unit of item j according to the bill of materials
 int tau[items];            //Time to process or purchase a lot of the product i
 float f[items][resources]; //Fraction of resource r required to process a unit of item i
 float w[items][resources]; //Fraction of resource r required to set up a unit of item i
 float ma[resources][times];//Maximum fraction of resourcer that can be added in period t
 float e[items];            //Inventory accuracy of item i
 float l[items];            //Minimum production lot size for item i
 float ac[resources][times];//Cost per added capacity fraction to resource r in period t
 float wc[items];           //Total fixed cost of setting up the production/purchase of item i in a period
 float sc[items];           //Inventory holding cost per period for one unit of item i
 float s0[items];           //Initial on-hand inventory for item i
 int    h[items];               // Maximum slack for production or purchase time
 float g[items][resources];         // Maximum tolerance of capacity for manufacturing
 float n[items];                // Tolerance for inventory accuracy
 dvar int+ p[items][times];     //Production quantity of item i in period t
 dvar int+ S[items][times];     //Final inventory of item i in period t
 dvar int+ a[resources][times]; //Added fraction of resource r in period t
 dvar int+ q[items][times];     //Binary production indicator for product i in period t
 // Auxiliary variable
dvar float+ sreal[items][times];
 minimize   sum(t in times, r in resources) a[r][t]*ac[r][t] + sum(t in times, i in items)q[i][t]*wc[i] + sum(t in times, i in items) e[i]*S[i][t]*sc[i]  ;
// Flow constraint
subject to {
 forall(t in times, r in resources)
   sum (i in items)(p[i][t]*f[i][r] + q[i][t]*w[i][r]) <= 1 + a[r][t];  //(1)
 forall (i in items, t in times:(t-1) in times)
   sum (j in trucks) p[i][t]*b[i][j] + d[i][t] + e[i]*S[i][t] == e[i]*S[i][t-1] + p[i][t-tau[i]]; //(2)
 forall (r in resources, t in times)
   a[r][t] <= ma[r][t]; //(3)
 forall (i in items, t in times)
   p[i][t] >= q[i][t]*l[i]; //(4)
 forall(i in items, r in resources, t in times)
    sum(j in trucks) (p[i][t] * (f[i][r] + (1 - lamda) * q[i][t] * g[i][r]) + q[i][t] * w[i][r]) <= 1 + a[r][t];//(5)
 forall(i in items, t in times:(t-1) in times)
    p[i][t - (tau[i] + (1 - lamda) * h[i])] + ((e[i] + n[i] * (1 - lamda)) * (S[i][t - 1] - S[i][t])) - sum(j in trucks) (p[i][t] * b[i][j]) <= d[i][t]; //(6)
  forall(i in items, t in times:(t-1) in times)
    p[i][t - (tau[i] + (1 - lamda) * h[i])] + ((e[i] - n[i] * (1 - lamda)) * (S[i][t - 1] - S[i][t])) - sum(j in trucks) (p[i][t] * b[i][j]) >= d[i][t];  //(7) 
 forall(i in items, t in times:(t-1) in times)
    (e[i] + n[i] * (1 - lamda)) * S[i][t] <= sreal[i][t]; //(8)
  forall(i in items, t in times:(t-1) in times)
    (e[i] - n[i] * (1 - lamda)) * S[i][t] >= sreal[i][t];  //(9)
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