VBA:“End If without block If”-以为我结束了所有 if 语句

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

当我浏览代码时,我有一个“End If”,vba 告诉我没有相应的“If”块。如果将代码剪切并粘贴到 Notepad++ 中,错误会发生在第 638 行。在代码下面,我将包含一个摘要版本,以便于查看“条件语句”。我知道可能有更好、更有效的方法来做到这一点,但我正在寻找这个特定代码的问题,并且希望避免在可能的情况下进行完全重写。非常感谢任何有助于找出问题所在的帮助。


Public Sub increments()


    Dim main As Worksheet: Set main = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("main")
    Dim pc As Worksheet: Set pc = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Programs_Courses")
    Dim pso As Worksheet: Set pso = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ps_output")
    lastrow = main.Range("A" & main.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Dim DestRow As Integer
    'programs variable declarations
    Dim acc_con As Integer, _
    bunch of others...

    Dim gen_manag_con As Integer, _
    bunch of others...
    'initialize program variables to 0
    acc_con = 0
    all other variables also set to 0
    DestRow = 2
    For i = 2 To lastrow
        If main.Cells(i, 1) = main.Cells(i + 1, 1) Then
            'Accounting 1
            If main.Cells(i, 7) = pc.Cells(3, 3) Then
                acc_con = acc_con + 1
                more increments
            'Accounting 2
            ElseIf main.Cells(i, 7) = pc.Cells(4, 3) Then
                ton more incrementing but had to cut due to length
            End If
            'Check for concentrator status
            If acc_con = 2 Or _
               pl_an_sys_con = 50 Or _
               auto_tech_con = 2 Or _
               cul_art_con = 2 Or _
               dig_art_des_con = 2 Or _
               ece_con = 2 Or _
               envi_nat_res_con = 2 Or _
               gen_manag_con = 2 Or _
               graph_comm_con = 2 Or _
               health_sci_con = 2 Or _
               horti_con = 1 Or _
               mark_manag_con = 2 Or _
               media_tech_con = 2 Or _
               pltw_biomed_sci_con = 2 Or _
               pltw_pre_eng_con = 2 Or _
               pltw_pre_eng_con = 3 Or _
               sports_med_con = 2 Or _
               fam_con_sci_con = 2 Or _
               prog_soft_dev_con = 2 Then

                    term_match = Application.Match(main.Cells(i, 14), pc.Range(Cells(4, 77), Cells(30, 77)), 0)
                    If IsError(term_match) Then
                    ElseIf term_match > 0 Then
                        If IsEmpty(pso.Cells(DestRow, 2)) Then
                            pso.Cells(DestRow, 1) = main.Cells(i, 1)
                            pso.Cells(DestRow, 2) = "Y"
                            pso.Cells(DestRow, 6) = pc.Cells(term_match, 78)
                        ElseIf Not IsEmpty(pso.Cells(DestRow, 2)) And IsEmpty(pso.Cells(DestRow, 8)) Then
                            pso.Cells(DestRow, 1) = main.Cells(i, 1)
                            pso.Cells(DestRow, 8) = "Y"
                            pso.Cells(DestRow, 12) = pc.Cells(term_match, 78)
                        End If
                    End If
                    'reset concentrator
                    If acc_con = 2 Then acc_con = 0
                    ElseIf pl_an_sys_con = 50 Then pl_an_sys_con = 0
                    ElseIf auto_tech_con = 2 Then auto_tech_con = 0
                    ElseIf cul_art_con = 2 Then cul_art_con = 0
                    ElseIf dig_art_des_con = 2 Then dig_art_des_con = 0
                    ElseIf ece_con = 2 Then ece_con = 0
                    ElseIf envi_nat_res_con = 2 Then envi_nat_res_con = 0
                    ElseIf gen_manag_con = 2 Then gen_manag_con = 0
                    ElseIf graph_comm_con = 2 Then graph_comm_con = 0
                    ElseIf health_sci_con = 2 Then health_sci_con = 0
                    ElseIf horti_con = 1 Then horti_con = 0
                    ElseIf mark_manag_con = 2 Then mark_manag_con = 0
                    ElseIf media_tech_con = 2 Then media_tech_con = 0
                    ElseIf pltw_biomed_sci_con = 2 Then pltw_biomed_sci_con = 0
                    ElseIf pltw_pre_eng_con = 2 Then pltw_pre_eng_con = 0
                    ElseIf pltw_pre_eng_con = 3 Then pltw_pre_eng_con = 0
                    ElseIf sports_med_con = 2 Then sports_med_con = 0
                    ElseIf fam_con_sci_con = 2 Then fam_con_sci_con = 0
                    ElseIf prog_soft_dev_con = 2 Then prog_soft_dev_con = 0
                    End If
            'Check for completer status
            ElseIf acc_comp >= 21 And acc_comp <= 25 Or _
                   pl_an_sys_comp = 50 Or _
                   pl_an_sys_comp = 60 Or _
                   auto_tech_comp >= 21 And auto_tech_comp <= 23 Or _
                   cul_art_comp >= 21 And cul_art_comp <= 25 Or _
                   dig_art_des_comp >= 21 And dig_art_des_comp <= 23 Or _
                   ece_comp >= 31 And ece_comp <= 37 Or _
                   envi_nat_res_comp = 40 Or _
                   envi_nat_res_comp = 50 Or _
                   gen_manag_comp >= 21 And gen_manag_comp <= 26 Or _
                   graph_comm_comp >= 21 Or graph_comm_comp <= 23 Or _
                   health_sci_comp >= 21 Or health_sci_comp <= 28 Or _
                   horti_comp = 40 Or _
                   horti_comp = 50 Or _
                   mark_manag_comp >= 21 And mark_manag_comp <= 24 Or _
                   mark_manag_comp = 30 Or _
                   media_tech_comp >= 21 And media_tech_comp <= 23 Or _
                   pltw_biomed_sci_comp >= 21 And pltw_biomed_sci_comp <= 26 Or _
                   pltw_pre_eng_comp >= 22 And pltw_pre_eng_comp <= 26 Or _
                   sports_med_comp >= 21 And sports_med_comp <= 27 Or _
                   fam_con_sci_comp >= 21 And fam_con_sci_comp <= 26 Or _
                   fam_con_sci_comp = 30 Or _
                   prog_soft_dev_comp >= 21 And prog_soft_dev_comp <= 25 Then
                        term_match = Application.Match(main.Cells(i, 14), pc.Range(Cells(4, 77), Cells(30, 77)), 0)
                        If IsError(term_match) Then
                        ElseIf term_match > 0 Then
                            If IsEmpty(pso.Cells(DestRow, 3)) Then
                                pso.Cells(DestRow, 1) = main.Cells(i, 1)
                                pso.Cells(DestRow, 3) = "Y"
                                pso.Cells(DestRow, 5) = pc.Cells(term_match, 78)
                            ElseIf Not IsEmpty(pso.Cells(DestRow, 3)) And IsEmpty(pso.Cells(DestRow, 9)) Then
                                pso.Cells(DestRow, 1) = main.Cells(i, 1)
                                pso.Cells(DestRow, 9) = "Y"
                                pso.Cells(DestRow, 11) = pc.Cells(term_match, 78)
                            End If
                        End If
                        'reset completer
                        If acc_comp >= 21 And acc_comp <= 25 Then acc_comp = 0
                        ElseIf pl_an_sys_comp = 50 Or _
                               pl_an_sys_comp = 60 Then pl_an_sys_comp = 0
                        ElseIf auto_tech_comp >= 21 And auto_tech_comp <= 23 Then auto_tech_comp = 0
                        ElseIf cul_art_comp >= 21 And cul_art_comp <= 25 Then cul_art_comp = 0
                        ElseIf dig_art_des_comp >= 21 And dig_art_des_comp <= 23 Then dig_art_des_comp = 0
                        ElseIf ece_comp >= 31 And ece_comp <= 37 Then ece_comp = 0
                        ElseIf envi_nat_res_comp = 40 Or _
                               envi_nat_res_comp = 50 Then envi_nat_res_comp = 0
                        ElseIf gen_manag_comp >= 21 And gen_manag_comp <= 26 Then gen_manag_comp = 0
                        ElseIf graph_comm_comp >= 21 Or graph_comm_comp <= 23 Then graph_comm_comp = 0
                        ElseIf health_sci_comp >= 21 Or health_sci_comp <= 28 Then health_sci_comp = 0
                        ElseIf horti_comp = 40 Or _
                               horti_comp = 50 Then horti_comp = 0
                        ElseIf mark_manag_comp >= 21 And mark_manag_comp <= 24 Or _
                               mark_manag_comp = 30 Then mark_manag_comp = 0
                        ElseIf media_tech_comp >= 21 And media_tech_comp <= 23 Then media_tech_comp = 0
                        ElseIf pltw_biomed_sci_comp >= 21 And pltw_biomed_sci_comp <= 26 Then pltw_biomed_sci_comp = 0
                        ElseIf pltw_pre_eng_comp >= 22 And pltw_pre_eng_comp <= 26 Then pltw_pre_eng_comp = 0
                        ElseIf sports_med_comp >= 21 And sports_med_comp <= 27 Then sports_med_comp = 0
                        ElseIf fam_con_sci_comp >= 21 And fam_con_sci_comp <= 26 Or _
                               fam_con_sci_comp = 30 Then fam_con_sci_comp = 0
                        ElseIf prog_soft_dev_comp >= 21 And prog_soft_dev_comp <= 25 Then prog_soft_dev_comp = 0
                        End If
            End If
            'Accounting 1
            If main.Cells(i, 7) = pc.Cells(3, 3) Then
                acc_con = acc_con + 1
                more increments
            'Accounting 2
            ElseIf main.Cells(i, 7) = pc.Cells(4, 3) Then
                ton more incrementing but had to cut due to length
            End If
            'Check for concentrator status
            If acc_con = 2 Or _
               pl_an_sys_con = 50 Or _
               auto_tech_con = 2 Or _
               cul_art_con = 2 Or _
               dig_art_des_con = 2 Or _
               ece_con = 2 Or _
               envi_nat_res_con = 2 Or _
               gen_manag_con = 2 Or _
               graph_comm_con = 2 Or _
               health_sci_con = 2 Or _
               horti_con = 1 Or _
               mark_manag_con = 2 Or _
               media_tech_con = 2 Or _
               pltw_biomed_sci_con = 2 Or _
               pltw_pre_eng_con = 2 Or _
               pltw_pre_eng_con = 3 Or _
               sports_med_con = 2 Or _
               fam_con_sci_con = 2 Or _
               prog_soft_dev_con = 2 Then

                    term_match = Application.Match(main.Cells(i, 14), pc.Range(Cells(4, 77), Cells(30, 77)), 0)
                    If IsError(term_match) Then
                    ElseIf term_match > 0 Then
                        If IsEmpty(pso.Cells(DestRow, 2)) Then
                            pso.Cells(DestRow, 1) = main.Cells(i, 1)
                            pso.Cells(DestRow, 2) = "Y"
                            pso.Cells(DestRow, 6) = pc.Cells(term_match, 78)
                        ElseIf Not IsEmpty(pso.Cells(DestRow, 2)) And IsEmpty(pso.Cells(DestRow, 8)) Then
                            pso.Cells(DestRow, 1) = main.Cells(i, 1)
                            pso.Cells(DestRow, 8) = "Y"
                            pso.Cells(DestRow, 12) = pc.Cells(term_match, 78)
                        End If
                    End If
            'Check for completer status
            ElseIf acc_comp >= 21 And acc_comp <= 25 Or _
                   pl_an_sys_comp = 50 Or _
                   pl_an_sys_comp = 60 Or _
                   auto_tech_comp >= 21 And auto_tech_comp <= 23 Or _
                   cul_art_comp >= 21 And cul_art_comp <= 25 Or _
                   dig_art_des_comp >= 21 And dig_art_des_comp <= 23 Or _
                   ece_comp >= 31 And ece_comp <= 37 Or _
                   envi_nat_res_comp = 40 Or _
                   envi_nat_res_comp = 50 Or _
                   gen_manag_comp >= 21 And gen_manag_comp <= 26 Or _
                   graph_comm_comp >= 21 Or graph_comm_comp <= 23 Or _
                   health_sci_comp >= 21 Or health_sci_comp <= 28 Or _
                   horti_comp = 40 Or _
                   horti_comp = 50 Or _
                   mark_manag_comp >= 21 And mark_manag_comp <= 24 Or _
                   mark_manag_comp = 30 Or _
                   media_tech_comp >= 21 And media_tech_comp <= 23 Or _
                   pltw_biomed_sci_comp >= 21 And pltw_biomed_sci_comp <= 26 Or _
                   pltw_pre_eng_comp >= 22 And pltw_pre_eng_comp <= 26 Or _
                   sports_med_comp >= 21 And sports_med_comp <= 27 Or _
                   fam_con_sci_comp >= 21 And fam_con_sci_comp <= 26 Or _
                   fam_con_sci_comp = 30 Or _
                   prog_soft_dev_comp >= 21 And prog_soft_dev_comp <= 25 Then
                        term_match = Application.Match(main.Cells(i, 14), pc.Range(Cells(4, 77), Cells(30, 77)), 0)
                        If IsError(term_match) Then
                        ElseIf term_match > 0 Then
                            If IsEmpty(pso.Cells(DestRow, 3)) Then
                                pso.Cells(DestRow, 1) = main.Cells(i, 1)
                                pso.Cells(DestRow, 3) = "Y"
                                pso.Cells(DestRow, 5) = pc.Cells(term_match, 78)
                            ElseIf Not IsEmpty(pso.Cells(DestRow, 3)) And IsEmpty(pso.Cells(DestRow, 9)) Then
                                pso.Cells(DestRow, 1) = main.Cells(i, 1)
                                pso.Cells(DestRow, 9) = "Y"
                                pso.Cells(DestRow, 11) = pc.Cells(term_match, 78)
                            End If
                        End If
            End If
            'reset all concentrator and completer counts (next line is a new student)
            acc_con = 0
            acc_comp = 0
            pl_an_sys_con = 0
            pl_an_sys_comp = 0
            auto_tech_con = 0
            auto_tech_comp = 0
            cul_art_con = 0
            cul_art_comp = 0
            dig_art_des_con = 0
            dig_art_des_comp = 0
            ece_con = 0
            ece_comp = 0
            envi_nat_res_con = 0
            envi_nat_res_comp = 0
            gen_manag_con = 0
            gen_manag_comp = 0
            graph_comm_con = 0
            graph_comm_comp = 0
            health_sci_con = 0
            health_sci_comp = 0
            horti_con = 0
            horti_comp = 0
            mark_manag_con = 0
            mark_manag_comp = 0
            media_tech_con = 0
            media_tech_comp = 0
            pltw_biomed_sci_con = 0
            pltw_biomed_sci_comp = 0
            pltw_pre_eng_con = 0
            pltw_pre_eng_comp = 0
            sport_med_con = 0
            sport_med_comp = 0
            fam_con_sci_con = 0
            fam_con_sci_comp = 0
            prog_soft_dev_con = 0
            prog_soft_dev_comp = 0
            DestRow = pso.Range("A" & main.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
        End If

    Next i

End Sub


Public Sub increments()
    for i = 2 to lastrow
        if stu_id = stu_id + 1 then

            if .....
                increment variables
            end if

            if ..... (check con status)
                if .....
                    if .....
                        display results
                    end if
                end if
                if .....
                    reset con variables
                end if

            elseif ..... (check comp status)
                if .....
                    if .....
                        display results
                    end if
                end if

                if .....
                    reset comp variables
                end if

            end if 'line the error occurs


            if .....
                increment variables
            end if

            if ..... (check con status)
                if .....
                    if .....
                        display results
                    end if
                end if

            elseif ..... (check comp status)
                if .....
                    if .....
                        display results
                    end if
                end if

            end if

            reset all variables to 0

        end if

    next i

end sub

提前谢谢您。 真诚的,永远的学生。

excel vba

有两个地方将单行 If 语句与普通 If 语句混淆了。

Bigben 已经找到了 2 个地方中的 1 个(请参阅评论),另一个是您在代码中有评论的地方

'reset concentrator


语句是否是单行如果当您在 Then 关键字之后

If acc_con = 2 Then acc_con = 0


If acc_con = 2 Then acc_con = 0 End If

End If

 - 换句话说,您不能在新行上为该 If 添加 

If acc_con = 2 Then acc_con = 0 Else acc_con = 99

'reset concentrator If acc_con = 2 Then acc_con = 0 ElseIf pl_an_sys_con = 50 Then pl_an_sys_con = 0 ElseIf auto_tech_con = 2 Then auto_tech_con = 0 ElseIf cul_art_con = 2 Then (...)

'reset completer If acc_comp >= 21 And acc_comp <= 25 Then acc_comp = 0 ElseIf pl_an_sys_comp = 50 Or pl_an_sys_comp = 60 Then pl_an_sys_comp = 0 ElseIf auto_tech_comp >= 21 And auto_tech_comp <= 23 Then auto_tech_comp = 0 (...)
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