
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


我不明白 if, else 块在做什么。 尤其是代码,prev = current。



public void removeDuplicateFromUnsortedList() {
    HashSet<Integer> hs = new HashSet<Integer>();

    Node current = head;
    Node prev = null;

    while(current != null) {

        int current_data = current.data;

        if(hs.contains(current_data)) {
            prev.next = current.next;
        else {
            prev = current;

        current = current.next;



打印输出: 1 --> 1 --> 4 --> 2 --> 4 --> 2 --> 2 --> 空

打印输出: 1 --> 4 --> 2 --> 空

java hash linked-list duplicates singly-linked-list

我会尽力为您找出答案! (我知道这已经 4 岁以上了,但无论如何)

基本上,如果 HashSet 不包含当前数据,那么我们不会将其从 LL 中删除,然后我们将 prev 设置为当前节点,并将 curr 设置为下一个节点。我们正在向前推进。

如果 HashSet 确实包含当前数据,我们将 curr 向前移动,但 prev 保持在原来的位置,并且 prev.next 设置为跳过当前节点以将其删除。


"index":  0 (head)  1       2       3       4       5       6       7
data:     1         1       4       2       4       2       2       null


Node curr = head;    // node at index 0
Node prev = null;


迭代 1:curr == head

"index":  0 (head)  1       2       3       4       5       6       7
data:     1         1       4       2       4       2       2       null

curr_data = curr.data;     // curr_data = 1
if (hs.contains(curr_data)) {/* hs is empty */}
else {
    prev = curr;           // prev = head
curr = curr.next;          // curr = node at index 1

// hs = {1}

迭代 2:curr == 索引 1 处的节点

"index":  0 (head)  1       2       3       4       5       6       7
data:     1         1       4       2       4       2       2       null
          prev      curr

curr_data = curr.data;     // curr_data = 1
if (hs.contains(curr_data)) {. // hs = {1}
    // now we set the previous node's .next to be the current node's .next,
    // thus removing the current node from the LL
    prev.next = curr.next;
curr = curr.next;          // curr = node at index 2

// hs = {1}

在第二次迭代之后,curr的数据是重复的,前一个节点的.next更改为curr的.next,绕过curr并将其从列表中删除。在这种情况下,prev 不会更改,因为 curr 现在将是索引 2 处的节点,但索引 1 处的节点已被删除,因此 prev 保持在原来的位置。

迭代 3:curr == 索引 2 处的节点

"index":  0 (head)  1       2       3       4       5       6       7
data:     1         1       4       2       4       2       2       null
          prev              curr

curr_data = curr.data;     // curr_data = 4
if (hs.contains(curr_data)) {/* hs = {1} */}
else {
    prev = curr;           // prev = node at index 2
curr = curr.next;          // curr = node at index 3

// hs = {1, 4}

迭代 4:curr == 索引 3 处的节点

"index":  0 (head)  1       2       3       4       5       6       7
data:     1         1       4       2       4       2       2       null
                            prev    curr

curr_data = curr.data;     // curr_data = 2
if (hs.contains(curr_data)) {/* hs = {1, 4} */}
else {
    prev = curr;           // prev = node at index 3
curr = curr.next;          // curr = node at index 4

// hs = {1, 4, 2}

迭代 5:curr == 索引 4 处的节点

"index":  0 (head)  1       2       3       4       5       6       7
data:     1         1       4       2       4       2       2       null
                                    prev    curr

curr_data = curr.data;     // curr_data = 4
if (hs.contains(curr_data)) {  // hs = {1, 4, 2}
    // again, now we set the previous node's .next to be the current node's .next,
    // thus removing the current node from the LL
    prev.next = curr.next;
curr = curr.next;          // curr = node at index 4

// hs = {1, 4, 2}

迭代 6:curr == 索引 5 处的节点

"index":  0 (head)  1       2       3       4       5       6       7
data:     1         1       4       2       4       2       2       null
                    (rem)           prev    (rem)   curr

curr_data = curr.data;     // curr_data = 2
if (hs.contains(curr_data)) {  // hs = {1, 4, 2}
    // again, now we set the previous node's .next to be the current node's .next,
    // thus removing the current node from the LL
    prev.next = curr.next;
curr = curr.next;          // curr = node at index 6

// hs = {1, 4, 2}

迭代 7:curr == 索引 6 处的节点

"index":  0 (head)  1       2       3       4       5       6       7
data:     1         1       4       2       4       2       2       null
                    (rem)                   (rem)   prev    curr

curr_data = curr.data;     // curr_data = 2
if (hs.contains(curr_data)) {  // hs = {1, 4, 2}
    // again, now we set the previous node's .next to be the current node's .next,
    // thus removing the current node from the LL
    prev.next = curr.next;
curr = curr.next;          // curr = node at index 6

// hs = {1, 4, 2}
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