使用自定义容器从AI平台培训工作访问Google Secret Manager

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我正在尝试从在自定义容器中运行的AI平台培训作业访问Google Secret Manager中存储的机密。我正在使用以下Python代码来检索机密:

# Standard library imports
import os

# Import the Secret Manager client library.
from google.cloud import secretmanager

def access_secret_version(secret_id, version_id, project_id=os.environ.get("GCP_PROJECT")):
     # Create the Secret Manager client.
    client = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient()

    # Build the resource name of the secret version.
    name = client.secret_version_path(project_id, secret_id, version_id)

    # Access the secret version.
    response = client.access_secret_version(name)

    # Return the secret payload.
    return response.payload.data.decode("UTF-8")

我已将Secret Manager Secret Accessor角色添加到默认的Cloud ML服务帐户([email protected]),但仍然拒绝访问:

google.api_core.exceptions.PermissionDenied: 403 Request had insufficient authentication scopes.


python google-cloud-ml

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