
问题描述 投票:0回答:1
# Rest of your processing code...
# ...

# Process each row in the data
for idx, row in enumerate(data):
        # Check if the row has the expected number of elements
        expected_number_of_elements = 21  # Set the correct number of elements
        if len(row) == expected_number_of_elements:
            # Process each element in the row
            for i, element in enumerate(row):
                    # Your processing code for each element goes here
                    print(f"Element {i + 1}: {element}")

                    # Example: If the element is numeric, you can perform some numeric operations
                    if isinstance(element, (int, float)):
                        # Example operation: square the numeric element
                        squared_element = element ** 2
                        print(f"Squared element: {squared_element}")

                    # Example: If the element is a string, you can perform string operations
                    elif isinstance(element, str):
                        # Example operation: convert the string to uppercase
                        upper_case_element = element.upper()
                        print(f"Uppercase element: {upper_case_element}")

                    # Add more conditions based on the data types you expect

                except IndexError as e:
                    print(f"Error processing element {i + 1} in row {idx + 1}: {e}")
                    print("Row:", row)
                    continue  # Skip the current element and move to the next one
                f"Skipping row {idx + 1}: Unexpected number of elements (Length: {len(row)}, Expected: {expected_number_of_elements})")
            continue  # Skip the current row and move to the next one

    except IndexError as e:
        print(f"Error processing row {idx + 1}: {e}")
        print("Row:", row)
        print("Length of row:", len(row))
        # Add an indented block here to handle the exception
        # This block can be left empty or you can add specific error handling code
        pass  # Add this line

    # Debugging: print information for each iteration
    print(f"Processed row {idx + 1}")

    # Print some debug information about elems
    elems = meta._attrnames  # Uncomment this line
    print("Elems:", len(elems))  # Add this line for debugging
    print("Meta:", meta)  # Add this line for debugging

        # Rest of your processing code...
        # ...

    except IndexError as e:
        print(f"Error after processing row {idx + 1}: {e}")
    except Exception as ex:
        print(f"An error occurred after processing row {idx + 1}: {ex}")

# Calculating average metrics for the ARFF dataset
    # Assuming you have a separate test set for final evaluation
    y_test_final = [1, 0, 1, 1, 0]
    y_pred_final = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
    classifier_eval(y_test_final, y_pred_final)

    # Calculating average metrics
    avg_PD = sum(pd_list) / len(pd_list) if len(pd_list) > 0 else 'No values in pd_list'
    avg_PF = sum(pf_list) / len(pf_list) if len(pf_list) > 0 else 'No values in pf_list'
    avg_balance = sum(bal_list) / len(bal_list) if len(bal_list) > 0 else 'No values in bal_list'
    avg_FIR = sum(fir_list) / len(fir_list) if len(fir_list) > 0 else 'No values in fir_list'

    # Print or use the average metrics as needed
    print('Average PD:', avg_PD)
    print('Average PF:', avg_PF)
    print('Average balance:', avg_balance)
    print('Average FIR:', avg_FIR)

except Exception as ex:
    print(f"An error occurred during final evaluation: {ex}")

getting identification error at try:
        # Rest of your processing code...
        # ...

    except IndexError as e:
        print(f"Error after processing row {idx + 1}: {e}")
    except Exception as ex:
        print(f"An error occurred after processing row {idx + 1}: {ex}")
python dataset


getting identification error at
的文字? (从下往上第8行)

如果没有原因,请尝试删除该部分或将其放在前面的行中并进行注释。 如果有的话我很想知道

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