通过 Google Calendar API 检索 `conferenceData`/addOnconfrance 时出现问题

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

在我的公司,我们现在正在从 Zoom 转向 Google Meet,我为用户创建了一个自动化系统,将所有 Zoom 会议转换为 Meet。

以正常方式安排 Zoom 会议时,这很容易做到(我在描述或位置字段中搜索 Zoom,然后替换它)。

但是,如果 Zoom 会议是使用 Zoom 插件创建的,那么我无法使用 Google Calendar API 找到它。 尽管使用视频会议链接创建事件,conferenceData 字段确实出现在 API 响应中,但我无法使用它们来过滤这些会议。


def process_event(service, event, email):

  print("Evaluating event: ", event)

  # Print conferenceData for debugging

  print("Conference Data: ", event.get('conferenceData'))

  # Check if the event has a Zoom link in the description, the location,

  # or the event has conferenceData with a conferenceId

  # and if the event is not an all-day event


    if ('zoom.us' in event.get('description', '') 

      or 'zoom.us' in event.get('location', '') 

      or 'addOn' in event.get('conferenceData', {}).get('conferenceSolution', {}).get('key', {}).get('type', '')

    ) and 'dateTime' in event['start']:

      print("Updating event: ", event)

      # Update the event description and location to remove Zoom link

      # This uses a regular expression to remove any URLs that include 'zoom.us'

      event['description'] = re.sub(r'http[s]?://wix\.zoom\.us/[^\s]*', '', event.get('description', ''))

      event['location'] = re.sub(r'http[s]?://wix\.zoom\.us/[^\s]*', '', event.get('location', ''))

      # Update the event to add Google Meet

      event['conferenceData'] = {

        'createRequest': {

          'requestId': str(uuid.uuid4()), # generates a unique identifier

          'conferenceSolutionKey': {

            'type': 'hangoutsMeet'




      # Update the event on Google Calendar


        updated_event = service.events().update(calendarId=email, eventId=event['id'], body=event, 


        updated_event_message = 'Updated event: ' + updated_event.get('summary', '')


        return updated_event_message

      except Exception as e:

        print(f'Error updating event: {e}')

        return f'Error updating event: {e}'


      return "Event does not meet conditions for updating." # Return default message when event does not need updating

  except Exception as e:

    print("Exception while processing event: ", e)

    return f"Exception while processing event: {e}" # Return message when exception occurs



python google-calendar-api
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