Nand2Tetris-project5, Error: No such built-in chip used: RAM16K

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当我通过 computerAdd.tst 脚本测试 computer.hdl 时,我的硬件模拟器显示错误:No such built-in chip used: RAM16K,但我已经将 RAM16K chip.hdl 复制到这样的文件夹中。有谁知道为什么吗?


CHIP Computer {

    IN reset;

    // Put your code here:
    ROM32K(address=pc, out=instruction);
    CPU(inM=inM, instruction=instruction, reset=reset, outM=outM, writeM=writeM, addressM=addressM, pc=pc);
    Memory(in=outM, load=writeM, address=addressM, out=inM);


load Computer.hdl,
output-file ComputerAdd.out,
compare-to ComputerAdd.cmp,
output-list time%S1.4.1 reset%B2.1.2 ARegister[0]%D1.7.1 DRegister[0]%D1.7.1 PC[]%D0.4.0 RAM16K[0]%D1.7.1 RAM16K[1]%D1.7.1 RAM16K[2]%D1.7.1;

// Load a program written in the Hack machine language.
// The program adds the two constants 2 and 3 and writes the result in RAM[0]. 
ROM32K load Add.hack,

// First run (at the beginning PC=0)
repeat 6 {
    tick, tock, output;

// Reset the PC
set reset 1,
set RAM16K[0] 0,
tick, tock, output;

// Second run, to check that the PC was reset correctly.
set reset 0,

repeat 6 {
    tick, tock, output;


| time |reset|ARegister|DRegister|PC[]|RAM16K[0]|RAM16K[1]|RAM16K[2]|
| 0    |  0  |       0 |       0 |   0|       0 |       0 |       0 |
| 1    |  0  |       2 |       0 |   1|       0 |       0 |       0 |
| 2    |  0  |       2 |       2 |   2|       0 |       0 |       0 |
| 3    |  0  |       3 |       2 |   3|       0 |       0 |       0 |
| 4    |  0  |       3 |       5 |   4|       0 |       0 |       0 |
| 5    |  0  |       0 |       5 |   5|       0 |       0 |       0 |
| 6    |  0  |       0 |       5 |   6|       5 |       0 |       0 |
| 7    |  1  |       0 |       5 |   0|       0 |       0 |       0 |
| 8    |  0  |       2 |       5 |   1|       0 |       0 |       0 |
| 9    |  0  |       2 |       2 |   2|       0 |       0 |       0 |
| 10   |  0  |       3 |       2 |   3|       0 |       0 |       0 |
| 11   |  0  |       3 |       5 |   4|       0 |       0 |       0 |
| 12   |  0  |       0 |       5 |   5|       0 |       0 |       0 |
| 13   |  0  |       0 |       5 |   6|       5 |       0 |       0 |
hdl nand2tetris
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