
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在试图通过触摸屏幕从左到右移动汽车的汽车游戏,但是一旦我设置“物理定义 - >体型”并且汽车到达屏幕的最左侧或最右侧,此运动功能停止工作。我正在使用

override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
    for touch in touches{
        let touchLocation = touch.location(in: self)
        if touchLocation.x > centrePoint {
            if playerCar.position.x == playerCarAtMaxLeft {  
                playerCar.position.x = playerCarAtLeft

                playerCarMoveRight = true
                playerCarMoveLeft = false

            } else if playerCar.position.x == playerCarAtLeft {  
                playerCar.position.x = playerCarAtRight

                playerCarMoveRight = true
                playerCarMoveLeft = false

            } else if playerCar.position.x == playerCarAtRight {  
                playerCar.position.x = playerCarAtMaxRight

                playerCarMoveRight = true
                playerCarMoveLeft = false

            } else {
                playerCarMoveRight = false
                playerCarMoveLeft = true

        } else {                                        
            if playerCar.position.x == playerCarAtMaxRight {     
                playerCar.position.x = playerCarAtRight

                playerCarMoveRight = false
                playerCarMoveLeft = true

            } else if playerCar.position.x == playerCarAtRight { 
                playerCar.position.x = playerCarAtLeft

                playerCarMoveRight = false
                playerCarMoveLeft = true

            } else if playerCar.position.x == playerCarAtLeft {   
                playerCar.position.x = playerCarAtMaxLeft

                playerCarMoveRight = false
                playerCarMoveLeft = true

            } else{
                playerCarMoveRight = true
                playerCarMoveLeft = false


        canMove = true


playerCar是一个SKSpriteNode playerCarAt ...是CGFloat playerCarMove ...是布尔值

swift skspritenode cgfloat


override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
    // Called before each frame is rendered

通过这种方式,您可以设置let maxXPosition,并且一旦汽车节点到达该点,您就可以停止运动。



class GameScene: SKScene {

var car : SKSpriteNode! // Your car sprite
var maxXPosition : CGFloat! // The max point on the x-axis the car is allowed to move to

override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
    // Initiate car
    car = self.childNode(withName: "//car") as? SKSpriteNode

    // Setup the max x position
    maxXPosition = 200

override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
    for touch in touches {
        let location = touch.location(in: self)

        moveCar(toPosition: location)

override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
    // Check the cars position
    if car.position.x >= 200 {
        // Stop the car is the point has been reached
        car.removeAction(forKey: "carDrive")


func moveCar(toPosition position: CGPoint) {
    let moveCarToXPoint = SKAction.moveTo(x: position.x, duration: 1)
    car.run(moveCarToXPoint, withKey: "carDrive")


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