Node.JS Express - 如何在刷新访问令牌后将用户重定向到原始请求?

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对于每个资源请求,我通过中间件中的 cookie 检查访问令牌:

// The route to access the index page (must be authorized to access)
router.get('/', middlewares.verifyAccessToken(), indexController.indexPage);

当到达 verifyAccessToken() 中间件时,如果访问令牌有效,它将简单地执行 next(),如果无效,它将重定向到 /refresh:

// Access Token verification middleware to access resources
// Continues to the next request in the route if the access token is valid
// Continue to the /refresh route if the access token is expired

exports.verifyAccessToken = (redirect) => (req, res, next) => {
    const accessToken = req.cookies.accessToken;

    // No access token was even found
    // Inform the user of the error and they will have to log back in and generate a new access/refresh token pair
    if (!accessToken) {
        return res.status(401).json({ message: 'Verification Error: Access Token missing' });

    // Verify the access token
    jwt.verify(accessToken, process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, (err, decoded) => {
        if (err) {
            // The access token is no longer valid
            // Redirect the user to the /refresh route
            // The /refresh route will have access to the refreshToken through the cookie on this path
            return res.redirect('/refresh');

        } else {
            // The access token is valid
            // Extract some information about the user and pass it onto the next chain in the route
            req.decoded = decoded;

但是现在我不知道在 /refresh 路线中该怎么做。 /refresh 路由可以访问刷新令牌,并且我可以成功生成新令牌,但如何让用户返回到原始请求? (在本例中,访问索引页)




node.js express request middleware refresh-token

您可以在重定向到刷新路由之前存储原始请求 URL。成功刷新访问令牌后,您可以将用户重定向回此原始 URL。尝试这样的事情,

exports.verifyAccessToken = () => (req, res, next) => {
    const accessToken = req.cookies.accessToken;

    // Store the original request URL
    req.session.originalUrl = req.originalUrl;

    // Your existing verification logic
    // ...

    // Redirect to the /refresh route if the access token is expired
    return res.redirect('/refresh');
// handle token refresh
app.get('/refresh', (req, res) => {
    // Your token refresh logic
    // ...

    // Redirect back to the original URL
    const originalUrl = req.session.originalUrl || '/';
    delete req.session.originalUrl; // Clear the stored URL
    return res.redirect(originalUrl);
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