按照 wagtail 教程添加标签时找不到页面

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我想按照 (Wagtail 教程) 为快速入门 Wagtail 博客中的帖子添加标签。当我点击添加到我的一篇帖子中的“foood”标签时,我遇到了找不到页面(404)错误。看看下面的截图

这是我的类 BlogTagIndexPage(Page)blog/models.py

# Add BlogTagIndexPage
class BlogTagIndexPage(Page):

    def get_context(self, request):

        # Filter by tag
        tag = request.GET.get('tag')
        blogpages = BlogPage.objects.filter(tags__name=tag)

        # Update template context
        context = super().get_context(request)
        context['blogpages'] = blogpages
        return context

和我的 blog_tag_index_page.htmlblog/templates/blog/

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load wagtailcore_tags %}

{% block content %}

    {% if request.GET.tag %}
        <h4>Showing pages tagged "{{ request.GET.tag }}"</h4>
    {% endif %}
    {% for blogpage in blogpages %}

              <strong><a href="{% pageurl blogpage %}">{{ blogpage.title }}</a></strong><br />
              <small>Revised: {{ blogpage.latest_revision_created_at }}</small><br />

    {% empty %}
        No pages found with that tag.
    {% endfor %}

{% endblock %}


这是我的models.py。包含 BlogPage 类:

from django.db import models
from django import forms

from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey, ParentalManyToManyField
# add tags to allow users to view tagged content
from modelcluster.contrib.taggit import ClusterTaggableManager
from taggit.models import TaggedItemBase

# add wagtail classes and methods
from wagtail.models import Page, Orderable
from wagtail.fields import RichTextField
from wagtail.admin.panels import FieldPanel, InlinePanel, MultiFieldPanel
from wagtail.search import index

# add snippets
from wagtail.snippets.models import register_snippet

# Add BlogTagIndexPage
class BlogTagIndexPage(Page):

    def get_context(self, request):

        # Filter by tag
        tag = request.GET.get('tag')
        blogpages = BlogPage.objects.filter(tags__name=tag)

        # Update template context
        context = super().get_context(request)
        context['blogpages'] = blogpages
        return context

class BlogIndexPage(Page):
    intro = RichTextField(blank=True)

    content_panels = Page.content_panels + [

    # add the get_context method:
    def get_context(self, request):
        # Update context to include only published posts, ordered by reverse-chron
        context = super().get_context(request)
        blogpages = self.get_children().live().order_by('-first_published_at')
        context['blogpages'] = blogpages
        return context

class BlogPageTag(TaggedItemBase):
    content_object = ParentalKey(

class BlogPage(Page):
    date = models.DateField("Post date")
    intro = models.CharField(max_length=250)
    body = RichTextField(blank=True)

    # the main_image method:
    def main_image(self):
        gallery_item = self.gallery_images.first()
        if gallery_item:
            return gallery_item.image
            return None

    search_fields = Page.search_fields + [

    # Add authors:
    authors = ParentalManyToManyField('blog.Author', blank=True)

    # Add tags:
    tags = ClusterTaggableManager(through=BlogPageTag, blank=True)

    content_panels = Page.content_panels + [

        # Add MultiFieldPanel including date panel, authors panel
            FieldPanel('authors', widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple),
             # Add field for tags:
        ], heading="Blog information"),

        InlinePanel('gallery_images', label="Gallery images"),

class BlogPageGalleryImage(Orderable):
    page = ParentalKey(BlogPage, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='gallery_images')
    image = models.ForeignKey(
        'wagtailimages.Image', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='+'
    caption = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=250)

    panels = [

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    author_image = models.ForeignKey(
        'wagtailimages.Image', null=True, blank=True,
        on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name='+'

    panels = [

    def __str__(self):
        return self.name

    class Meta:
        verbose_name_plural = 'Authors'


{% extends "base.html" %}

{% load wagtailcore_tags wagtailimages_tags %}

{% block body_class %}template-blogpage{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
    <h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
    <p class="meta">{{ page.date }}</p>

        <!-- Add authors multi-field panel to blog page template: -->
    {% with authors=page.authors.all %}
        {% if authors %}
            <h3>Posted by:</h3>
                {% for author in authors %}
                    <li style="display: inline">
                        {% image author.author_image fill-40x60 style="vertical-align: middle" %}
                        {{ author.name }}
                {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endwith %}

    <div class="intro">{{ page.intro }}</div>

    {{ page.body|richtext }}

        <!-- image gallery -->
    {% for item in page.gallery_images.all %}
        <div style="float: inline-start; margin: 10px">
            {% image item.image fill-320x240 %}
            <p>{{ item.caption }}</p>
    {% endfor %}

    <p><a href="{{ page.get_parent.url }}">Return to blog</a></p>

    <!-- Add this: -->
    {% with tags=page.tags.all %}
        {% if tags %}
            <div class="tags">
                {% for tag in tags %}
                    <a href="{% slugurl 'tags' %}?tag={{ tag }}"><button type="button">{{ tag }}</button></a>
                {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endwith %}

{% endblock %}
django http-status-code-404 wagtail

只是忘记创建一个 BlogTagIndexPage 并在“推广”选项卡上为其指定“标签”。 wagtail 教程 的具体说明如下所示。我将说明的相关部分加粗。感谢加斯曼指出了这一点。

迁移新更改后,在 管理界面。 要创建 BlogTagIndexPage,请遵循相同的操作 您在创建 BlogIndexPage 时遵循的过程并为其指定 在“推广”选项卡上添加“标签”。 这意味着 BlogTagIndexPage 是一个 主页的子页面,与管理中的我们的博客平行 接口。

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