如何在 unity smartContract ABI 中传递方法参数?

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

公共类 CustomCallExample:MonoBehaviour { 异步无效开始() {

        // set chain: ethereum, moonbeam, polygon etc
        string chain = "Localhost 8545";
        // set network mainnet, testnet
        string network = "testnet";
        // smart contract method to call
        string method = "getUserBalance";
        // abi in json format
        string abi = "[ { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"_owner\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"getUserBalance\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" } ]";
        //string abi = "[ { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint8\", \"name\": \"_myArg\", \"type\": \"uint8\" } ], \"name\": \"addTotal\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"myTotal\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" } ]";
        // address of contract
        string contract = "0x956FA7cbFb8db9077E950502231F6B50FCf70bCA";
        // array of arguments for contract
        string args = "[]";
        // connects to user's browser wallet to call a transaction
        string response = await EVM.Call(chain, network, contract, abi, method, args);
        // display response in game


contract NFTMarket {
    function getUserBalance(address _owner) external view returns (uint) {
    return address(_owner).balance;

我在 UNITY 中使用 ChainSafe SDK,想调用自定义智能合约交互。 但错误是 enter image description here

如何在统一的合约方法中将用户地址作为参数传递。 函数是 getUserBalance()。


unity3d blockchain smartcontracts abi web3
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