如何最好地将 kwarg 添加到控制执行计算的 ndarray 轴的函数中?

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考虑一个对 n 维数组进行操作的函数。我想修改它以采用 (n+1)-d 数组,允许我指定一个轴,并让它对轴的所有 n-d 切片执行操作。例如,我想采用像

def some_operation(arr):
    #does something to the n-d array
    return result


def f(arr,axis=0):
   # the array is (n+1)-d, so we operate on a given axis

   n = range(arr.shape[axis])

   if axis == 0:
       result = np.array([some_operation(arr[j,:,:,...,:]) for j in n])
   elif axis == 1:
       result = np.array([some_operation(arr[:,j,:,...,:]) for j in n])
   # and so on

   return result


def some_operation(arr)
    #does same thing to a n-d array
    # but also now works on (n+1)-d arrays
    return result


here,但具有处理 n-d 数组函数的能力。我还认为这篇关于如何动态切片指定轴的帖子可用于处理上面看到的一些索引问题。可以肯定的是,我强烈希望操作避免复制。我不确定我上面使用的列表理解是否是最好的做事方式。


import numpy as np
from functools import wraps

def along_axis(func):
Wraps a function of a 2d array. Enables performing that function's operations along all 2d slices down an axis of a 3d array. When given a 2d array, the axis parameter is ignored.
    def wrapper(arr, *args, axis=0, **kwargs):
        if arr.ndim == 3:
            arr = np.moveaxis(arr,axis,-1)
            return np.array([func(arr[:,:,t],*args,**kwargs) for t in range(arr.shape[-1])])
        return func(arr,*args,**kwargs)
    return wrapper


def radial_mean(image):
Computes radial means of a 2d image. After wrapping it, we can input 3d arrays as well.
    # create a radial mesh at an image's center
    X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(image.shape[1]),np.arange(image.shape[0]))
    R = np.sqrt((X - image.shape[1]//2)**2 + (Y - image.shape[0]//2)**2)
    # for each r in R
    r  = np.arange(int(R.max()))
    # compute the radial mean
    f = np.vectorize(lambda r : image[(R >= r-0.5) & (R < r+0.5)].mean())
    return f(r)


images = np.random.rand(1000,16,16)
print(radial_mean(images, axis=0).shape)
print(radial_mean(images[0], axis=0).shape)

> (100,11)
> (11,)


python numpy numpy-ndarray python-decorators array-broadcasting
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