Firebase Extensions 使用 AngularFire 调整图像大小后如何获取新的下载 URL?

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在 Firebase 扩展调整图像大小后,需要帮助获取调整图像大小 URL。

在我能够使用下面的代码执行此操作之前。但是,激活该功能后,图像没有显示。在比较 Firestore 上的 imgURL 和 Firebase 存储上的下载 URL 后,这些函数似乎将图像尺寸 (500x500) 添加到了路径名的后面。 (image_123 -> image_123_500x500)。

  1. 我尝试查找如何在 Firebase 扩展设置中排除它。但没有运气。 (可能会错过)

  2. 我认为下一个选项是通过在调整图像大小后获取 URL 来调整代码本身。但我要么未定义,要么出现错误。另外,如果不通过“先上传图像”然后“提交表单”创建两个单独的功能,我无法弄清楚实现

upload($event: any) { this.file = $[0]; this.image = true; } async submitHandler() { if (this.image === true) { // Generate random ID const randomId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2); // The storage path const path = `products/${this.productForm.value.model}_${randomId}`; // Reference to storage bucket const ref = this.afStorage.ref(path); // The main task (upload Image to Firestorage) this.task = this.afStorage.upload(path, this.file); // Get the URL from ref (Firestorage), added to the form and submit to FIrestore this.task .snapshotChanges() .pipe( finalize(async () => { this.downloadURL = await ref.getDownloadURL().toPromise(); /*this.afs .collection('products') .add({ downloadURL: this.downloadURL, path });*/ this.loading = true; this.productForm.value.imgUrl = this.downloadURL; this.productForm.value.user = this.auth.getUserEmail(); const formValue = this.productForm.value; try { await this.afs.collection('products').add(formValue); console.log(formValue); this.success = true; } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }) ) // To display URL .subscribe(); this.loading = false; } else { alert('Please upload the picture of product'); } }
angular google-cloud-firestore firebase-storage angularfire firebase-extensions

此处中所述。正如这个答案here中所澄清的,安装扩展后,它会要求您提供调整大小的文件的存储路径。因此,对于您返回 downloadURL




function resizedName(fileName, dimensions = '500x500') { const extIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); const ext = fileName.substring(extIndex); return `${fileName.substring(0, extIndex)}_${dimensions}${ext}`; }

为此,我们应该结合 firebase 提供的 2 种方法。


    这里我们假设 Firebase 存储中有实际的图像 URL 或实际图像路径
  1. 我们必须知道调整后的新图像相对于当前 URL 的存储位置。
  2. 通过获取实际图像的文件路径,我们将获得新调整大小的图像的下载URL。
  1. httpsReferencePath --用于从 firebase 的 httpURL 获取文件路径
  2. 字符串操作/编辑方法——用于编辑文件路径
  3. getDownloadURL --用于从 firebase 的 httpURL 获取文件路径
import { getStorage, ref, getDownloadURL } from "firebase/storage";
下面是一个 JS 函数,用于获取新的 firebase 调整大小的 URL。

async getResizedURL(originalUrl,size) { let storageUrl = originalUrl; //originalUrl have the ORIGINAL IMAGE FIREBASE HTTP PATH. Ex: "" const storage = getStorage(); const httpsReferencePath = ref(storage, storageUrl).fullPath;//For taking File path of actual image const sizeRequired = size; //size is a string which you have provided during extension configuration.Ex:'200x200' or '100x100' const newFilePath=this.getNewFilePath(httpsReferencePath);//Return a new string .This should be string manipulation method.If you have created a new folder for resized images.Say "resized-images" is the folder name which have all the resized-images.Add "resized-images" in the folder path. const extension=getFileNameExtension(httpsReferencePath);//Again a string manipulation function which pops out last extension const newResizedPath = `${newFilePath}_${sizeRequired}.${extension}`; await getDownloadURL(ref(storage, newResizedPath)).then((url) => { this.resizedImageUrlLink=url; //This URL contains new firebase storage URl for resized image. }).catch(()=>{ this.resizedImageUrlLink=this.url; //return old url itself if any error }) }

const httpsReferencePath = ref(storage, storageUrl).fullPath;//This step is only required if you only have the firebase URL of actual IMAGE.If you have actual file path of stored original image,We don't have to take path and we can directly go find new file path using string manipulation.


getFileNameExtension(string){ return string.split(".").pop();//get last part after last dot in the filepath }
请参阅 firebase 文档的链接 

Firebase Storage Ref Doc,其中描述了可用于引用 firebase url 的方法。

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