为什么它告诉我 IndexError:只有整数、切片(`:`)、省略号(`...`)、numpy.newaxis(`None`)和整数或布尔数组是有效的索引

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在以下强化学习代码中,当我在 google colabs 上运行它时,我没有得到错误,但在 Jupiter Notebooks 上我得到:


)和整数或布尔数组是有效的索引。 应该改变什么?

import numpy as np
import gym

# Define the environment
env = gym.make("Taxi-v3").env

# Initialize the q-table with zero values
q_table = np.zeros([env.observation_space.n, env.action_space.n])

# Hyperparameters
alpha = 0.1  # learning-rate
gamma = 0.7  # discount-factor
epsilon = 0.1  # explor vs exploit

# Random generator
rng =np.random.default_rng()

# Perform 10,000 episodes
for i in range(10_000):
    # Reset the environment and initialize total_reward
    state = env.reset()
    done = False
    total_reward = 0
    # Loop as long as the game is not over, i.e. done is not True
    while not done:
        if rng.random() < epsilon:
            action = env.action_space.sample() # Explore the action space
            action = np.argmax(q_table[state]) # Exploit learned values

        # Apply the action and see what happens
        next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action) 
        current_value = q_table[state, action]  # current Q-value for the state/action couple
        next_max = np.max(q_table[next_state])  # next best Q-value
        # Compute the new Q-value with the Bellman equation
        q_table[state, action] = (1 - alpha) * current_value + alpha * (reward + gamma * next_max)
        # Update the current state and total_reward
        state = next_state
        total_reward += reward
    # Print the total reward earned in this episode
    print(f"Episode {i+1}: Total reward = {total_reward}")
python jupyter-notebook reinforcement-learning

代替 state = env.reset() 使用 state = env.reset()[0] 这将解决您的问题。

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