
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我尝试使用 aiohttp 拉取多个响应请求,但出现属性错误。

我的代码看起来像这样,我不得不掩盖它,因为我使用的是私有 api。

import aiohttp
import asyncio

async def get_data(session, x):
        async with session.get(url=f'https://api.abc.com/{x}') as response:
            data = await response.json()
            return data.json()
    except Exception as e:
        print("Unable to get url {} due to {}.".format(ticker, e.__class__))

async def main(datas):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        ret = await asyncio.gather(*[get_data(data, session) for data in datas])
        return ret

datas = ['x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4'] 
resukts = asyncio.run(main(datas))


Unable to get url <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x1013f6ee0> due to <class 'AttributeError'>.
Unable to get url <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x1013f6ee0> due to <class 'AttributeError'>.
Unable to get url <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x1013f6ee0> due to <class 'AttributeError'>.
Unable to get url <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x1013f6ee0> due to <class 'AttributeError'>.


我希望能够并行或异步地从 api 获取响应。

asynchronous python-requests parallel-processing python-asyncio aiohttp

response.json() 已经返回解析的 JSON 数据,因此不需要再次对数据调用 .json() ,并且会引发 AttributeError 。


import aiohttp
import asyncio

async def get_data(session, x):
        async with session.get(url=f'https://api.abc.com/{x}') as response:
            data = await response.json()
            return data  # Return the parsed JSON data directly, no need for .json()
    except Exception as e:
        print("Unable to get url {} due to {}.".format(x, e.__class__))

async def main(datas):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        ret = await asyncio.gather(*[get_data(session, data) for data in datas])  # Pass session and data in the correct order
        return ret

datas = ['x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4'] 
results = asyncio.run(main(datas))  # Correct the variable name to "results"

OP要求一种以字典格式返回结果的方法: 这就是你可以做到的:

import aiohttp
import asyncio

async def get_data(session, x):
        async with session.get(url=f'https://api.abc.com/{x}') as response:
            data = await response.json()
            return data
    except Exception as e:
        print("Unable to get url {} due to {}.".format(x, e.__class__))
        return None

async def main(datas):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        ret = await asyncio.gather(*[get_data(session, data) for data in datas])
        return {datas[i]: ret[i] for i in range(len(datas))}  # Return the results as a dictionary

datas = ['x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4']
results = asyncio.run(main(datas))
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