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#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int string_to_price(string item)
    //The array/s that's catching me up.
    string items[] = { "Matchbox", "Wool Hat", "Heavy Coat", "Canned Food" };
    int prices[] = { 50, 125, 250, 25 };
    string description[] = { "They're cheap, and they'll keep you warm.\n", "A nice, handknit, cozy hat. Thank my ma for that!\n", "This coat'll keep you cozy through the night no matter the situation!\n", "It don't taste too good, but it'll last you a lifetime. Eat up!" };

    for (size_t i = 0; i < (sizeof items / sizeof *items); i++)
        if (0 == strcmp(items[i], item))
            return prices [i];
    //Item not available
    return -1;

int main(void)
    //Dialogue, then ask for item selection
    int buckaroonies = 500;
    printf("Hey chum, welcome to the item shop. You've got a handful 'o coin on ya, huh?\nYou came to the right place, we got the best wares in town!\n\n");
    printf("Store:\n\nMatchbox - 50\nWool Hat - 125\nHeavy Coat - 250\nCanned Food - 25\n");
    string select = get_string ("What'll it be? You have %i buckaroonies, pal.\n", buckaroonies);

    //Get item price from selection
    int price = string_to_price(select);

    //Return dialogue based on selected item.
    if (-1 == price)
        printf("We aint got that, pal.\n");
        char c = get_char ("That %s'll cost ya %i buckaroonies. %s You want it?\n", select, price, description);


c cs50


- 这意味着它们只能在该函数内部访问。



#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

string items[] = { "Matchbox", "Wool Hat", "Heavy Coat", "Canned Food" };
int prices[] = { 50, 125, 250, 25 };
string description[] = { "They're cheap, and they'll keep you warm.\n", "A nice, handknit, cozy hat. Thank my ma for that!\n", "This coat'll keep you cozy through the night no matter the situation!\n", "It don't taste too good, but it'll last you a lifetime. Eat up!" };
const size_t num_items = sizeof(items) / sizeof(items[0]);

int find_item(string item)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_items ; i++)
        if (0 == strcmp(items[i], item))
            return i;
    //Item not available
    return -1;

int main(void)
    //Dialogue, then ask for item selection
    int buckaroonies = 500;
    printf("Hey chum, welcome to the item shop. You've got a handful 'o coin on ya, huh?\nYou came to the right place, we got the best wares in town!\n\n");
    printf("Store:\n\nMatchbox - 50\nWool Hat - 125\nHeavy Coat - 250\nCanned Food - 25\n");
    string select = get_string ("What'll it be? You have %i buckaroonies, pal.\n", buckaroonies);

    //Find item from selection
    int index = find_item(select);

    //Return dialogue based on selected item.
    if (-1 == item)
        printf("We aint got that, pal.\n");
        char c = get_char ("That %s'll cost ya %i buckaroonies. %s You want it?\n", items[index], prices[index], description[index]);

由于全局值不受欢迎,另一种选择是使 then 成为


int find_item(string item, string items[], int num_items)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_items; i++)
        if (0 == strcmp(items[i], item))
            return i;
    //Item not available
    return -1;

int main(void)
    string items[] = { "Matchbox", "Wool Hat", "Heavy Coat", "Canned Food" };
    int prices[] = { 50, 125, 250, 25 };
    string description[] = { "They're cheap, and they'll keep you warm.\n", "A nice, handknit, cozy hat. Thank my ma for that!\n", "This coat'll keep you cozy through the night no matter the situation!\n", "It don't taste too good, but it'll last you a lifetime. Eat up!" };
    const size_t num_items = sizeof(items) / sizeof(items[0]);

    //Dialogue, then ask for item selection
    int buckaroonies = 500;
    printf("Hey chum, welcome to the item shop. You've got a handful 'o coin on ya, huh?\nYou came to the right place, we got the best wares in town!\n\n");
    printf("Store:\n\nMatchbox - 50\nWool Hat - 125\nHeavy Coat - 250\nCanned Food - 25\n");
    string select = get_string ("What'll it be? You have %i buckaroonies, pal.\n", buckaroonies);

    //Find item from selection
    int index = find_item(select, items, num_items);

    //Return dialogue based on selected item.
    if (-1 == index)
        printf("We aint got that, pal.\n");
        char c = get_char ("That %s'll cost ya %i buckaroonies. %s You want it?\n", items[index], prices[index], description[index]);


struct item {
    string name;
    int price;
    string description;

int find_item(string item_name, struct item items[], size_t num_items)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_items ; i++)
        if (0 == strcmp(items[i].name, item_name))
            return i;
    //Item not available
    return -1;

int main(void)
   struct item items[] = {
        {"Matchbox", 50, "They're cheap, and they'll keep you warm."},
        {"Wool Hat", 125, "A nice, handknit, cozy hat. Thank my ma for that!"},
        {"Heavy Coat", 250, "This coat'll keep you cozy through the night no matter the situation!"},
        {"Canned Food", 25, "It don't taste too good, but it'll last you a lifetime. Eat up!"}
    const size_t num_items = sizeof(items) / sizeof(items[0]);

    //Dialogue, then ask for item selection
    int buckaroonies = 500;
    puts("Hey chum, welcome to the item shop. You've got a handful 'o coin on ya, huh?\nYou came to the right place, we got the best wares in town!\n");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {
        printf("%s - %d\n", items[i].name, items[i].price);
    string select = get_string ("What'll it be? You have %i buckaroonies, pal.\n", buckaroonies);

    //Find item from selection
    int index = find_item(select, items, num_items);

    //Return dialogue based on selected item.
    if (-1 == index)
        puts("We aint got that, pal.");
        char c = get_char("That %s'll cost ya %i buckaroonies. %s You want it?\n", items[index].name, items[index].price, items[index].description);
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