如何使用 Next.js 13 Route Handler 将图像上传到 Cloudinary?

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需要使用路由处理程序上传到 Cloudinary 的帮助,我已经查找了如何使用服务器操作来完成此操作,但仍然好奇如何在 API 路由中完成此操作。

我希望这条路线在我的 mongoDB 中创建一个新的 Collection 文档,同时将图像上传到我的 Cloudinary 中。猫鼬查询工作正常,但是当我添加上传功能时,该路由无法再创建 mongoDB 文档,并且没有图像上传到我的 Cloudinary。

// app/api/postman/collection/route.js
import mongoConnection from "@/lib/mongoose/mongoconnection";
import Collection from "@/lib/mongoose/models/Collection";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { v2 as cloudinary } from "cloudinary";

export async function POST(req, res) {
    await mongoConnection();

        cloud_name: process.env.CLOUDINARY_NAME,
        api_key: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY,
        api_secret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET,

    const { images } = await req.json()
    // array of image paths, example: ("/images/the_lich.png")
    // located in public folder

    console.log(process.env.CLOUDINARY_NAME, process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY, process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET) 
    // is getting the correct value

    try {
        // MULTIPLE UPLOADS, looping through an array of image paths
    // for(const image of images) {
    //    const uploads = await cloudinary.uploader.upload(image, {folder: "my-images"});
    //    console.log(uploads);
    // }
        // SINGLE UPLOAD, since my multiple upload didn't work I tried
        // doing a single upload, image is located in public folder
    // const upload = await cloudinary.uploader.upload("/images/the_lich.png");

    // console.log(upload);

    const collection = await Collection.create({images})
    if (collection) {
        return NextResponse.json({message: "Success"}, {status: 200});
    } else {
        return NextResponse.json({message: "Failed"}, {status: 500});
    } catch (err) {
        return NextResponse.json({message: err.message}, {status: 500});



我正在使用 VS Code Postman 扩展来发出相关请求。

next.js13 cloudinary

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