使用 matplotlib 在 Python 中绘制子空间

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我想使用 matplotlib 在 Python 中创建一个函数,它可以重新创建以下图像:

即,一个以 1、2 或 3 个向量作为参数的函数(因此,如果提供 1 个向量,则绘制该向量所在的直线,如果提供 2 个向量,则绘制这两个向量所在的平面* ,对于 3 个向量* 绘制构成轴边界框的 6 个平面,结束于 8 个顶点)并将相应的子空间绘制为直线、平面或体积。最重要的是,我希望线/平面/体积被裁剪,这样如果我在轴上指定边界,它就不会渲染超出这些边界。

  • 假设它们是独立的,所以我可能需要检查一下。



python matplotlib 3d clipping







MWE of the subspace plotting method

# Import packages
import numpy as np
import vg  # For signed angles on the plane
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection  # For plotting polygons in 3d

# ------------ METHODS ------------

def get_plot_subspace(V, x_bounds, ax_exist = None, color = 'blue', alpha = 0.5):
    V ∈ ℝ^{n_x × dim_v} is a basis for the subspace
    # FIXME: I think not specifying x_bounds leads to trouble.
    # TODO: Currently, we are assuming the vectors in V are linearly independent: we need to rigorously check this when the argument are first passed.

    #: Retrieve the dimensionality
    if V.size != 0:
        n_x, dim_v = V.shape[0], V.shape[1]
    else:  # Empty basis
        #: Retrieve the projection
        if ax_exist is not None:
            #: Retrieve the projection
            if ax_exist.name == '3d':
                n_x, dim_v = 3, 0
                n_x, dim_v = 2, 0
        else:  # NOTE: This assumes as standard that the plotting is in 3d
            n_x, dim_v = 3, 0
    #: Add to existing axes (if they exist)
    if ax_exist is not None:
        #: Set equal
        fig, ax = None, ax_exist
        if n_x == 3:
            #: Set the projection to 3d
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
            #: Create a figure
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    #: Get the bounds
    if x_bounds is None:
        if n_x == 2:
            x_bounds = ((ax.get_xlim()), (ax.get_ylim()))
            x_bounds = ((ax.get_xlim()), (ax.get_ylim()), (ax.get_zlim()))
    #: Check the dimensionality of the subspace V
    match dim_v:
        case 0:  # Origin
            if n_x == 2:  # Planar
                raise NotImplementedError(f"Planar plotting is not yet implemented")
            else:  # 3-dimensional
                ax.plot(0, 0, 0, '.', color=color)
        case 1:  # Line
            if n_x == 2:  # Planar
                raise NotImplementedError(f"Planar plotting is not yet implemented")
            else:  # 3-dimensional
                ax = get_plot_line_3d(ax, V[:, 0], np.array([0, 0, 0]), x_bounds, color, alpha)
        case 2:  # Plane
            if n_x == 2:  # Planar
                raise NotImplementedError(f"Planar plotting is not yet implemented")
            else:  # 3-dimensional
                ax = get_plot_plane_3d(ax, V[:, 0], V[:, 1], np.array([0, 0, 0]), x_bounds, color, alpha)
        case 3:  # Box
            if n_x == 2:  # Planar
                raise NotImplementedError(f"Planar plotting is not yet implemented")
            else:  # 3-dimensional
                ax = get_plot_box_3d(ax, x_bounds, color, alpha)
    #: Set the axis labels
    ax.set_ylabel(r'$x_{2}$', rotation='horizontal')
    if n_x == 3:
    # TODO: Make it such that the <label> parameter shows up with the correct icon
    #: Create the bounds
    if x_bounds is not None:
        ax.set_xlim(x_bounds[0][0], x_bounds[0][1])
        ax.set_ylim(x_bounds[1][0], x_bounds[1][1])
        if n_x == 3:
            ax.set_zlim(x_bounds[2][0], x_bounds[2][1])
    #: Return the axis
    if ax_exist is not None:
        return ax
        return fig, ax

def get_plot_plane_3d(ax, v_1, v_2, v_offset, x_bounds, color = 'blue', alpha = 0.5):
    # TODO: Merge this with the line plot
    #: Get the list of intersection points
    intersection_list = get_intersection_bounding_box_3d(v_1, v_2, v_offset, x_bounds)
    #: Compute the normal vector to the plane
    normal = np.cross(v_1, v_2)
    #: Sort the points
    intersection_list = get_sorted_list_of_vertices(intersection_list, normal)
    #: Compute the hexadecimal value to rgb
    if isinstance(color, str) and color[0] == '#':
        #: Convert to rgb
        color_rgba = [int(color[i:(i + 2)], 16) / 255. for i in (1, 3, 5)]
        color_rgba = [0, 0, 0.8, alpha]
    #: Add the polygon
    ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection([intersection_list], color=[color_rgba for _ in range(len(intersection_list))]))
    #: Return the results
    return ax

def get_plot_line_3d(ax, v, v_offset, x_bounds, color = 'blue', alpha = 0.5):
    # TODO: Merge this with the line plot
    #: Get the list of intersection points
    intersection_list = get_intersection_bounding_box_3d(v, None, v_offset, x_bounds)
    #: Create the color
    if isinstance(color, str) and color[0] == '#':
        #: Convert to rgb
        color_rgba = [int(color[i:(i + 2)], 16) / 255. for i in (1, 3, 5)]
        color_rgba = [0, 0, 0.8, alpha]
    #: Add the polygon
    ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection([intersection_list], color=[color_rgba for _ in range(len(intersection_list))]))
    #: Return the results
    return ax

def get_plot_box_3d(ax, bounds_box, color = 'blue', alpha = 0.5):
    #: Set the dimension of the state-space
    n_x = 3
    #: Create a list
    list_planes = ['xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax', 'zmin', 'zmax']
    #: Create a dictionary
    dict_planes = get_dict_planes(bounds_box)
    #: Loop over all the planes
    for name_plane in list_planes:
        #: Extract the planes data
        v_1_plane, v_2_plane, offset_plane = dict_planes[name_plane]
        #: Plot the plane
        ax = get_plot_plane_3d(ax, v_1_plane, v_2_plane, offset_plane, bounds_box, color, alpha)
    #: Return the results
    return ax

def get_intersection_three_planes(v_1_plane_1, v_2_plane_1, offset_plane_1, v_1_plane_2, v_2_plane_2, offset_plane_2, v_1_plane_3, v_2_plane_3, offset_plane_3):
    # FROM: ChatGPT3.5
    # TODO: Make an actual plane class for an equivalent representation
    #: Calculating normal vectors of the planes
    normal_plane_1 = np.cross(v_1_plane_1, v_2_plane_1)
    normal_plane_2 = np.cross(v_1_plane_2, v_2_plane_2)
    normal_plane_3 = np.cross(v_1_plane_3, v_2_plane_3)
    #: Adjusting D constants for the planes based on offsets
    D_plane_1 = -np.dot(normal_plane_1, offset_plane_1)
    D_plane_2 = -np.dot(normal_plane_2, offset_plane_2)
    D_plane_3 = -np.dot(normal_plane_3, offset_plane_3)
    #: Constructing coefficient matrix
    coeff_matrix = np.array([normal_plane_1, normal_plane_2, normal_plane_3])
    #: Constructing constant vector
    const_vector = np.array([D_plane_1, D_plane_2, D_plane_3])
    #: Solving the system of equations
        intersection_point = np.linalg.solve(coeff_matrix, const_vector)
    except np.linalg.LinAlgError:  # There is no intersection point
        intersection_point = None 
    #: Return the result
    return intersection_point

def get_intersection_line_plane(v_1_plane, v_2_plane, offset_plane, line, offset_line):
    # FROM: ChatGPT3.5
    #: Define the plane by three points
    p_1_plane = offset_plane
    #: Calculate the normal vector of the plane
    normal_plane = np.cross(v_1_plane, v_2_plane)
    #: Define the line by a point and its direction
    point_line = offset_line
    direction_line = line
    #: Calculate the parameter t for the intersection point
    t = np.dot(normal_plane, p_1_plane - point_line) / np.dot(normal_plane, direction_line)
    #: Calculate the intersection point
    intersection_point = point_line + t * direction_line
    #: Return the results
    return intersection_point

def get_intersection_bounding_box_3d(v_1, v_2, v_offset, x_bounds):    
    #: Set the dimension of the state-space
    n_x = 3
    #: Create a list
    list_planes = ['xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax', 'zmin', 'zmax']
    #: Create the inequality plot
    F_ineq, b_ineq = np.vstack((np.eye(n_x), -np.eye(n_x))), np.array([x_bounds[0][1], x_bounds[1][1], x_bounds[2][1], -x_bounds[0][0], -x_bounds[1][0], -x_bounds[2][0]])
    #: Create a dictionary
    dict_planes = get_dict_planes(x_bounds)
    #: Calculate the intersection points
    if v_2 is not None:  # Intersection with a plane
        #: List all the pairs
        list_pairs = [(list_planes[p1], list_planes[p2]) for p1 in range(len(list_planes)) for p2 in range(p1+1, len(list_planes))]
        #: Create a list of intersection points
        intersection_list = []
        #: Loop over all elements in the list
        for pair in list_pairs:
            #: Extract the planes data
            v_1_plane_1, v_2_plane_1, offset_plane_1 = dict_planes[pair[0]]
            v_1_plane_2, v_2_plane_2, offset_plane_2 = dict_planes[pair[1]]
            #: Find the intersection
            points_intersection = get_intersection_three_planes(v_1_plane_1, v_2_plane_1, offset_plane_1, v_1_plane_2, v_2_plane_2, offset_plane_2, v_1, v_2, v_offset)
            #: FIXME: For some reason there is an imaginary part?
            points_intersection = points_intersection.real if points_intersection is not None else None
            #: Check if the element is within the plotting area
            if points_intersection is not None and np.all(F_ineq @ points_intersection <= 1.1 * b_ineq):
                #: Add the vertex to the collection
    else:  # Intersection with a line
        #: Create a list of intersection points
        intersection_list = []
        #: Loop over all elements in the list
        for plane in list_planes:
            #: Extract the plane data
            v_1_plane, v_2_plane, offset_plane = dict_planes[plane]
            #: Find the intersection
            points_intersection = get_intersection_line_plane(v_1_plane, v_2_plane, offset_plane, v_1, np.zeros(n_x))
            #: Check if the element is within the plotting area
            if points_intersection is not None and np.all(F_ineq @ points_intersection <= b_ineq):
                #: Add the vertex to the collection
    #: Return the result
    return intersection_list

def get_sorted_list_of_vertices(intersection_list, normal):
    #: Loop over all indices
    for idx in range(len(intersection_list) - 1):
        #: Compute the angle between the current vertex
        angle_to_current = np.array([vg.signed_angle(intersection_list[idx], vert, look=normal, units='rad').real for vert in intersection_list])
        #: Create the mask
        mask = np.zeros(len(intersection_list))
        mask[idx] = 1
        mask[angle_to_current < 0] = 1
        #: Compute the smallest index
        smallest_index = np.argmin(np.ma.array(angle_to_current, mask=mask))
        #: Reorder the list
        intersection_list[idx + 1], intersection_list[smallest_index] = intersection_list[smallest_index], intersection_list[idx + 1]
    #: Return the results
    return intersection_list

def get_dict_planes(box_bounds):
    #: Create the direction vectors
    xmin_1, xmin_2 = np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1]) 
    xmax_1, xmax_2 = np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1]) 
    ymin_1, ymin_2 = np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1]) 
    ymax_1, ymax_2 = np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1]) 
    zmin_1, zmin_2 = np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 1, 0]) 
    zmax_1, zmax_2 = np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 1, 0]) 
    #: Create the offset vectors
    xmin_offset = np.array([box_bounds[0][0], 0, 0])
    xmax_offset = np.array([box_bounds[0][1], 0, 0])
    ymin_offset = np.array([0, box_bounds[1][0], 0])
    ymax_offset = np.array([0, box_bounds[1][1], 0])
    zmin_offset = np.array([0, 0, box_bounds[2][0]])
    zmax_offset = np.array([0, 0, box_bounds[2][1]])
    #: Create the dictionary
    dict_planes = {'xmin': (xmin_1, xmin_2, xmin_offset), 'xmax': (xmax_1, xmax_2, xmax_offset), 'ymin': (ymin_1, ymin_2, ymin_offset), 'ymax': (ymax_1, ymax_2, ymax_offset), 'zmin': (zmin_1, zmin_2, zmin_offset), 'zmax': (zmax_1, zmax_2, zmax_offset)}
    #: return the results
    return dict_planes

# ------------ SCRIPT ------------

# Set the axis bounds
bounds_unsafe = ((-5, 5), (-3, 3), (-2, 2))

# Create some sample vectors
v_1 = np.array([1, -1, 0])
v_2 = np.array([1, 1, 1])
v_3 = np.array([3, 3, 0])

# Create for subset
origin = np.array([])
line = (v_1 + v_2)[:, np.newaxis]
plane = np.hstack((v_1[:, np.newaxis], v_2[:, np.newaxis]))
box = np.hstack((v_1[:, np.newaxis], v_2[:, np.newaxis], v_3[:, np.newaxis]))

# Plot the subspaces
_, _ = get_plot_subspace(origin, x_bounds=bounds_unsafe)
_, _ = get_plot_subspace(line, x_bounds=bounds_unsafe)
_, _ = get_plot_subspace(plane, x_bounds=bounds_unsafe)
_, _ = get_plot_subspace(box, x_bounds=bounds_unsafe)

# Show the figures
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