
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



而不是如果存在的组。我可以只使用IF NOT EXIST,但是我不知道如何跳过当前项目循环中的其余代码,而继续进行下一个项目的循环。我找不到方法,只能找到我不想做的完全退出循环的方法。

@echo off
set script_dir="E:\Plex Scripts\DVR"
set script1=MCEBuddyScriptv2.bat
set method2=GPU
set script2=ScanMedia%method2%.ps1
set extension=mkv
set logfile=post_processing_log.txt
set history=history.txt
cd /d %script_dir%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set argCount=0
for %%x in (%*) do (
    set /A argCount+=1
    set "argVec[!argCount!]=%%~x"
::How many videos we will attempt to process
echo Number of files to process: %argCount%
for /L %%i in (1,1,%argCount%) do (
    set fullpath=!argVec[%%i]!
    ::get new filepath (with new extension)
    REM :names
    for %%f in (!fullpath!) do set itemname=%%~nf
    for %%f in (!fullpath!) do set newpath=%%~dpnf.%extension%
    ::if logfile doesn't exist then create it
    REM :log_init
    if not exist %logfile% echo This log file is a detailed history of the DVR Post Process scipt. >> %logfile%
    if not exist %history% echo This is a history of the items processed with the DVR Post Process script. >> %history%
    ::check if input file exist
    REM :check
    if exist ( !fullpath! ) (
        REM :script1
        set state=Processing started
        echo %date% - %time% - !state! for !itemname! with %script1% >> %logfile%
        call %script1% !fullpath!
        set state=Processing finished
        echo %date% - %time% - !state! for !itemname! with %script1% >> %logfile%
        REM :script2
        set state=Processing started
        echo %date% - %time% - !state! for !itemname! with %script2% >> %logfile%
        powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File %script2% -Path "!newpath!" -LimitCPU -AutoRepair -RemoveOriginal -RemoveRepaired -IAcceptResponsibility
        set state=Processing finished
        echo %date% - %time% - !state! for !itemname! with %script2% >> %logfile%
        REM :log_final
        echo %date% - %time% - Plex post processing script finished for !itemname!. The file will be moved and added to the library. >> %logfile%
        echo. >> %logfile%
        REM :history_final
        echo %date% - %time% - !itemname! >> %history%
    ) else (
        echo %date% - %time% - !itemname! does not exist. Error code 1. >> %logfile%
exit /b 0



@echo off

set script_dir="E:\Plex Scripts\DVR"
set script1=MCEBuddyScriptv2.bat
set method2=GPU
set script2=ScanMedia%method2%.ps1
set extension=mkv
set logfile=post_processing_log.txt
set history=history.txt

cd /d %script_dir%

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set argCount=0
for %%x in (%*) do (
    set /A argCount+=1
    set "argVec[!argCount!]=%%~x"
::How many videos we will attempt to process
echo Number of files to process: %argCount%

for /L %%i in (1,1,%argCount%) do (
    set fullpath="!argVec[%%i]!"
    echo !fullpath!

    ::get new filepath (with new extension)
    for %%f in (!fullpath!) do set itemname=%%~nf
    echo !itemname!
    for %%f in (!fullpath!) do set newpath=%%~dpnf.%extension%
    echo !newpath!

    ::if logfile doesn't exist then create it
    if not exist %logfile% echo This log file is a detailed history of the DVR Post Process scipt. >> %logfile%
    if not exist %history% echo This is a history of the items processed with the DVR Post Process script. >> %history%

    ::check if input file exist
    if exist !fullpath! (
        set state=Processing started
        echo %date% - %time% - !state! for !itemname! with %script1% >> %logfile%
        call %script1% !fullpath!
        set state=Processing finished
        echo %date% - %time% - !state! for !itemname! with %script1% >> %logfile%

        set state=Processing started
        echo %date% - %time% - !state! for !itemname! with %script2% >> %logfile%
        powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File %script2% -Path "!newpath!" -LimitCPU -AutoRepair -RemoveOriginal -RemoveRepaired -IAcceptResponsibility
        set state=Processing finished
        echo %date% - %time% - !state! for !itemname! with %script2% >> %logfile%

        echo %date% - %time% - Plex post processing script finished for !itemname!. The file will be moved and added to the library. >> %logfile%
        echo. >> %logfile%

        echo %date% - %time% - !itemname! >> %history%
    ) else (
        echo %date% - %time% - !itemname! does not exist. Error code 1. >> %logfile%
exit /b 0


for-loop batch-file if-statement nested
if /?
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