
问题描述 投票:1回答:1


dplyr::tibble(text = c("I have a (brown) clock", "surrounded by (red) walls", "inside of a (blue) building with (dirty) windows",
                      "where (magical) things (unexpectedly) occur (spontaneously)"))

# A tibble: 4 x 1
1 I have a (brown) clock                                     
2 surrounded by (red) walls                                  
3 inside of a (blue) building with (dirty) windows           
4 where (magical) things (unexpectedly) occur (spontaneously)

我想把括号内最后出现的字符串 提取到另一列中 这样看起来就像这样了

dplyr::tibble(text = c("I have a (brown) clock", "surrounded by (red) walls", "inside of a (blue) building with (dirty) windows",
                          "where (magical) things (unexpectedly) occur (spontaneously)"),
                  extract = c("brown", "red", "dirty", "spontaneously"))

# A tibble: 4 x 2
  text                                                        extract      
  <chr>                                                       <chr>        
1 I have a (brown) clock                                      brown        
2 surrounded by (red) walls                                   red          
3 inside of a (blue) building with (dirty) windows            dirty        
4 where (magical) things (unexpectedly) occur (spontaneously) spontaneously
r regex dplyr stringr

一个选项是 stri_extract_laststringi 而且应该很快。 在这里,我们做一个regex lookaround来匹配开头的括号((?<=\\())后跟一个或多个非括号的字符([^\\)]+)

df1 %>%
    mutate(extract = stringi::stri_extract_last(text, regex = "(?<=\\()[^\\)]+"))
# A tibble: 4 x 2
#  text                                                        extract      
#  <chr>                                                       <chr>        
#1 I have a (brown) clock                                      brown        
#2 surrounded by (red) walls                                   red          
#3 inside of a (blue) building with (dirty) windows            dirty        
#4 where (magical) things (unexpectedly) occur (spontaneously) spontaneously
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