
问题描述 投票:1回答:1




class FunzioneBase 
    virtual VettoreLineare Eval(double t, const VettoreLineare& v) const = 0; 

class Circonferenza: public FunzioneBase
    double _alpha;

    Circonferenza(double alpha) { _alpha = alpha; };
    void SetAlpha(double alpha) { _alpha = alpha; };
    virtual VettoreLineare Eval(double t, const VettoreLineare& v) const;

VettoreLineare Circonferenza::Eval(double t, const VettoreLineare& v) const
  VettoreLineare y(4);
  if (v.GetN() != 4) 
    std::cout << "errore" << std::endl;
    return 0;

  y.SetComponent(0, v.GetComponent(2));
  y.SetComponent(1, v.GetComponent(3));
  y.SetComponent(2, pow(pow(v.GetComponent(0), 2.) + pow(v.GetComponent(1), 2.), _alpha) * v.GetComponent(3));
  y.SetComponent(3, - pow(pow(v.GetComponent(0), 2.)  + pow(v.GetComponent(1), 2.), _alpha)) * v.GetComponent(2));

  return y;

其中_alpha等于0。现在,使用Euler的方法就可以很好地工作:如果我将2 * pi * 10的ODE积分,给定初始条件(1, 0, 0, -1),且精度为0.003,则可以得到在[...] (1, 0),正如我们所期望的。但是,如果我将同一ODE与Runge Kutta的方法集成在一起(精度为1 ± 0.1,持续0.003秒),则实现如下:

2 * pi * 10

如果理论上对于四阶Runge Kutta方法,精度应在class EqDifferenzialeBase { public: virtual VettoreLineare Passo (double t, VettoreLineare& x, double h, FunzioneBase* f) const = 0; }; class Runge_Kutta: public EqDifferenzialeBase { public: virtual VettoreLineare Passo(double t, VettoreLineare& v, double h, FunzioneBase* f) const; }; VettoreLineare Runge_Kutta::Passo(double t, VettoreLineare& v, double h, FunzioneBase* _f) const { VettoreLineare k1 = _f->Eval(t, v); VettoreLineare k2 = _f->Eval(t + h / 2., v + k1 *(h / 2.)); VettoreLineare k3 = _f->Eval(t + h / 2., v + k2 * (h / 2.)); VettoreLineare k4 = _f->Eval(t + h, v + k3 * h); VettoreLineare y = v + (k1 + k2 * 2. + k3 * 2. + k4) * (h / 6.); return y; } 左右,则理论上返回x位置,该位置近似等于0.39。我检查发现,使用Runge_Kutta的周期似乎几乎翻了四倍(因为1E-6失效,2 * pix变为1),但是我不明白为什么。这是我主要内容:



c++ differential-equations runge-kutta

更新:识别出一个错误:始终使用VettoreLineare DatiIniziali (4); Circonferenza* myCirc = new Circonferenza(0); DatiIniziali.SetComponent(0, 1.); DatiIniziali.SetComponent(1, 0.); DatiIniziali.SetComponent(2, 0.); DatiIniziali.SetComponent(3, -1.); double passo = 0.003; Runge_Kutta myKutta; for(int i = 0; i <= 2. * M_PI / passo; i++) { DatiIniziali = myKutta.Passo(0, DatiIniziali, passo, myCirc); cout << DatiIniziali.GetComponent(0) << endl; }; cout << 1 - DatiIniziali.GetComponent(0) << endl; 选项进行编译,以捕获编译器的所有警告和自动代码更正。那么您会发现


您在fff: In member function ‘virtual VettoreLineare Circonferenza::Eval(double, const VettoreLineare&) const’: fff:xxx:114: error: invalid operands of types ‘void’ and ‘double’ to binary ‘operator*’ y.SetComponent(3, - pow(pow(v.GetComponent(0), 2.) + pow(v.GetComponent(1), 2.), _alpha)) * v.GetComponent(2)); ^ 之后过早关闭的位置,因此_alphavoid成为一个因素。

Update II:识别出第二个错误:在SetComponent中给出了线性向量类的代码。与additionanother post of yours)相反,scalar-vector productoperator+)正在修改调用实例。因此,在计算operator*(double)时,k2的成分将与k1相乘。但是,然后将此修改后的h/2(以及修改后的k1k2)用于组装结果k3,从而导致几乎完全无用的状态更新。




import numpy as np

def odeint(f,t0,y0,tf,h):
    '''Classical RK4 with fixed step size, modify h to fit
        the full interval'''
    N = np.ceil( (tf-t0)/h )
    h = (tf-t0)/N

    t = t0
    y = np.array(y0)
    for k in range(int(N)):
        k1 = h*np.array(f(t      ,y       ))
        k2 = h*np.array(f(t+0.5*h,y+0.5*k1))
        k3 = h*np.array(f(t+0.5*h,y+0.5*k2))
        k4 = h*np.array(f(t+    h,y+    k3))
        y = y + (k1+2*(k2+k3)+k4)/6
        t = t + h
    return t, y

def odefunc(t,y):
    x,y,vx,vy = y
    return [ vx,vx,vy,-vx ]

pi = 4*np.arctan(1);

print odeint(odefunc, 0, [1,0,0,-1], 2*pi, 0.003)


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