情感分析 FFNN 模型(Pytorch)中的零精度

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在构建一个前馈神经网络 (FFNN),用于使用电影评论数据集进行二元情感分类。这是一个简化的任务,只有两个类标签,即正 (1) 和负 (0)。它 FFNN 进行词嵌入,对它们进行平均,通过两层运行它们并在稍后激活,然后应用 sigmoid 来获得预测概率。

模型运行,但我不断得到零。我非常需要帮助。 这是 colab 的链接


  • 改变损失函数
  • 重新排列模型顺序
  • 改变嵌入维度


  1. 模特
  2. FFNN的赋值
  3. 培训



from collections import OrderedDict

import torch
from typing import List

import torch.nn as nn

class FeedForwardNeuralNetClassifier(nn.Module):
    The Feed-Forward Neural Net sentiment classifier.
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, emb_dim, n_hidden_units):
        In the __init__ function, you will define modules in FFNN.
        :param vocab_size: size of vocabulary
        :param emb_dim: dimension of the embedding vectors
        :param n_hidden_units: dimension of the hidden units
        super(FeedForwardNeuralNetClassifier, self).__init__()
        self.vocab_size = vocab_size
        self.emb_dim = emb_dim
        self.n_hidden_units = n_hidden_units
        # TODO: implement a randomly initialized word embedding matrix using nn.Embedding
        # It should have a size of (vocab_size x emb_dim)
        self.word_embeddings = nn.Embedding(self.vocab_size, self.emb_dim) # replace me

        # Define the rest of the model
        self.layer1 = nn.Linear(self.emb_dim, self.n_hidden_units)
        self.layer2 = nn.Linear(self.n_hidden_units, 1)
        self.activation = nn.ReLU()
        self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()

    def forward(self, batch_inputs: torch.Tensor, batch_lengths: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        The forward function, which defines how FFNN should work when given a batch of inputs and their actual sent lengths (i.e., before PAD)
        :param batch_inputs: a torch.Tensor object of size (n_examples, max_sent_length_in_this_batch), which is the *indexed* inputs
        :param batch_lengths: a torch.Tensor object of size (n_examples), which describes the actual sentence length of each example (i.e., before PAD)
        :return the logits of FFNN (i.e., the unnormalized hidden units before sigmoid) of shape (n_examples)

        # Lookup word embeddings
        embeddings = self.word_embeddings(batch_inputs)

        # Element-wise averaging layer
        averaged = torch.mean(embeddings, dim=1)

        # Hidden layer ReLU
        hidden = self.activation(self.layer1(averaged))

        # Output layer
        return self.layer2(hidden)


    def batch_predict(self, batch_inputs: torch.Tensor, batch_lengths: torch.Tensor) -> List[int]:
        Make predictions for a batch of inputs. This function may directly invoke forward (which passes the input through FFNN and returns the output logits)

        :param batch_inputs: a torch.Tensor object of size (n_examples, max_sent_length_in_this_batch), which is the *indexed* inputs
        :param batch_lengths: a torch.Tensor object of size (n_examples), which describes the actual sentence length of each example (i.e., before PAD)
        :return: a list of predicted classes for this batch of data, either 0 for negative class or 1 for positive class
        output = self.forward(batch_inputs, batch_lengths)
        # Sigmoid
        probability = self.sigmoid(output)

        # Convert logits to predicted labels
        predicted_labels = (probability > 0.5).int().tolist()

        return predicted_labels


model = FeedForwardNeuralNetClassifier(vocab_size=len(vocab), emb_dim=300, n_hidden_units=300)

# FeedForwardNeuralNetClassifier(
# (word_embeddings): Embedding(4818, 300)
# (layer1): Linear(in_features=300, out_features=300, bias=True)
# (layer2): Linear(in_features=300, out_features=1, bias=True)
#  (activation): ReLU()
#  (sigmoid): Sigmoid()
# )

device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model = model.to(device)

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001) # replace me


import time


# create a batch iterator for the training data
batch_iterator = SentimentExampleBatchIterator(
    train_exs, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, PAD_idx=PAD_IDX, shuffle=True)

#loss function
loss_func = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()

# training
best_epoch = -1
best_acc = -1
start_time = time.time()
for epoch in range(N_EPOCHS):
    print("Epoch %i" % epoch)

    batch_iterator.refresh() # initiate a new iterator for this epoch

    model.train() # turn on the "training mode"
    batch_loss = 0.0
    batch_example_count = 0
    batch_data = batch_iterator.get_next_batch()
    while batch_data is not None:
        batch_inputs, batch_lengths, batch_labels = batch_data
        # project to the device
        batch_inputs = batch_inputs.to(device)
        batch_lengths = batch_lengths.to(device)
        batch_labels = batch_labels.unsqueeze(1)
        batch_labels = batch_labels.to(device)

        # TODO: clean up the gradients for this batch
        # TODO: call the model and get the loss
        outputs = model(batch_inputs, batch_lengths).float()
        batch_labels = batch_labels.float()
        loss = loss_func(outputs, batch_labels)
        # record the loss and number of examples, so we could report some stats
        batch_example_count += len(batch_labels)
        batch_loss += loss.item() * len(batch_labels)

        # TODO: backpropagation using loss
        # backpropagation using loss

        # update the model parameters

        # get another batch
        batch_data = batch_iterator.get_next_batch()

    print("Avg loss: %.5f" % (batch_loss / batch_example_count))

    # evaluate on dev set
    model.eval() # turn on the "evaluation mode"
    acc, _, _, _ = evaluate(model, dev_exs, return_metrics=True)
    if acc > best_acc:
        best_acc = acc
        best_epoch = epoch
        print("Secure a new best accuracy %.3f in epoch %d!" % (best_acc, best_epoch))
        # Save the current best model parameters
        print("Save the best model checkpoint as best_model.ckpt!")
        torch.save(model.state_dict(), "best_model.ckpt")
    print("Time elapsed: %s" % time.strftime("%Hh%Mm%Ss", time.gmtime(time.time()-start_time)))
    print("-" * 10)

print("End of training! The best accuracy %.3f was obtained in epoch %d." % (best_acc, best_epoch))

# Load back the best checkpoint on dev set

python deep-learning pytorch nlp sentiment-analysis


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