
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


entity Rev_Counter is   -- self-reverting counter
    generic (
    counter_steps: integer:=256;                -- number of steps of the counter
    counter_output_size: integer:=8     -- smallest nr of bits to represent the biggest value of the counter
    port (
    clock: in std_logic;                -- input clock signal
    output: out std_logic_vector (counter_output_size-1 downto 0)
end Rev_Counter; 
architecture Arh_Rev_Counter of Rev_Counter is
   signal count_sig: std_logic_vector (counter_output_size-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
   signal count_dir: std_logic := '0';      -- 0 = count up, 1 = count down  

Count: process (clock)

    if (clock'event and clock = '1') then
        if (count_sig = counter_steps-1) then   -- revert the counting direction
            count_dir <= '1';       -- reached highest value, count down 
            count_sig <= count_sig - 1;
        elsif (count_sig = 0) then  -- revert the counting direction
            count_dir <= '0';       -- reached lowest value, count up  
            count_sig <= count_sig + 1;
        end if;

        if (count_dir = '0') then   -- perform count up
            count_sig <= count_sig + 1;
        elsif (count_dir = '1') then    -- preform count down
            count_sig <= count_sig - 1;
        end if;
    end if;
end process;
output <= count_sig;

end architecture; 

我的问题是: 当模拟这段代码时,我的计数器正常计数到FF, 然后它开始表现得很奇怪。在数到FF之后,它直接进入00,然后是FF,然后是00,以此类推,没有中间的数字。我希望能得到一些帮助,弄清楚它为什么会这样。

我找到了一个替代方法。我编辑了 Count 的过程,变成了这个样子。但是,我并不完全明白当初是哪里出了问题,因此,我还是希望得到一些启示。

    Count: process (clock)

        if (clock'event and clock = '1') then  
            if (count_dir = '0') then   
                count_sig <= count_sig + 1;
                if (count_sig = counter_steps - 1) then
                    count_sig <= count_sig - 1;
                    count_dir <= '1';
                end if;
            elsif (count_dir = '1') then
                count_sig <= count_sig - 1;
                if (count_sig = 0) then
                    count_dir <= '0';
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

你正在改变 count_dir 两端晚了一个刻度。

由于它是一个注册值,改变它的效果有一个时钟周期的延迟。因此,在达到0xFF count_sig 将再递增一次(0x00),然后再反转方向。然后,它会 "倒数 "到0xFF,再次反转方向,导致该值不断在0x00和0xFF之间闪烁。

改变您的条件,将方向改为 count_sig = counter_steps - 2count_sig = 1 分别给你想要的行为。

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