在 Markdown 中使用 setlength 设置文档边距是否兼容?

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我正在编辑一个设置格式的降价文档(之前和在交给我之前完成),其中包括 2 种设置文档边距的方法(几何和设置长度)。它成功编译为 PDF。


Here is the code:

title: "Untitled"
      toc: TRUE
      toc_depth: '3'
      number_sections: yes
- \usepackage{draftwatermark}
- \SetWatermarkText{}
- \usepackage[spanish,es-tabla,shorthands=off]{babel}
- \usepackage{setspace}
- \usepackage{fancyhdr}
- \usepackage{graphicx}
- \usepackage{parskip}
- \usepackage{caption}
- \usepackage{booktabs}
- \usepackage{amsmath}
- \usepackage{nicematrix}
- \usepackage{tabularx}
- \usepackage{hyperref}
- \usepackage[flushleft]{threeparttable}
- \captionsetup[table]{name=\textbf{Tabla},labelsep=period}
- \captionsetup[figure]{name=\textbf{Figura},labelsep=period}
- \captionsetup{justification=justified,format=plain,font=small,labelfont=bf,margin=40pt}
- \pagestyle{fancy}
- \usepackage{geometry}
- \geometry{top=1.5cm, bottom=1cm, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm}
- \usepackage{helvet}
- \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
- \usepackage{multirow}
- \usepackage{multicol}
- \usepackage{gensymb}
- \usepackage{natbib}
- \usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}
- \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2}
- \newcommand{\sietepuntos}{\fontsize{7pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont}
- \newcommand{\cincopuntos}{\fontsize{6pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont}
- \usepackage{color,colortbl}
- \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2212}{-}
- \definecolor{Gray}{rgb}{0.801,0.801,0.801}
- \definecolor{Gray1}{rgb}{0.790,0.790,0.790}
- \definecolor{Gray2}{rgb}{0.830,0.830,0.830}
- \definecolor{Gray3}{rgb}{0.870,0.870,0.870}
- \definecolor{Gray4}{rgb}{0.940,0.940,0.940}
- \addtolength{\headheight}{4.5\baselineskip}
- \setlength{\headheight}{70pt}
- \setlength{\footskip}{7.875pt}
- \setlength{\textheight}{658pt}

I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin

I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin
I'm too close to the margin

我希望底部边距更大,从 1 厘米到 1.5 或 2 厘米。我该如何调整,一个或另一个或两个,以实现这一目标?提前谢谢你。

r markdown pdflatex
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