Unity AddComponent非常低效而缓慢

问题描述 投票:0回答:4


  1. 读取数据集并将信息存储在多个列表中(在一个单例脚本中)
  2. 然后,模拟脚本读取列表(Singleton被破坏以使程序更高效):
void listStars()
    int i = 0;
    while (i < (StarDataBank.Instance.NumOfStars))
        int primaryID = int.Parse(StarDataBank.Instance.StarIDID[i]);
        string properName = StarDataBank.Instance.StarName[i];
        string HIPID = StarDataBank.Instance.StarIDHIP[i];
        string HDID = StarDataBank.Instance.StarIDHD[i];
        string HRID = StarDataBank.Instance.StarIDHR[i];
        string GLID = StarDataBank.Instance.StarIDGL[i];
        string BFID = StarDataBank.Instance.StarIDBF[i];
        decimal rightAscension = Convert.ToDecimal(StarDataBank.Instance.StarRA[i]);
        decimal declination = Convert.ToDecimal(StarDataBank.Instance.StarDec[i]);
        decimal Mag;
        decimal CI;
        float scale = 0;
        int r = 0;
        int g = 0;
        int b = 0;

        Decimal.TryParse((StarDataBank.Instance.StarMag[i]), out Mag);
        Decimal.TryParse((StarDataBank.Instance.StarCI[i]), out CI);

        if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("dynamicSize") == 1)
            if (Mag < -1)
                scale = 77.5f;
                if (Mag > -1 && Mag <= 5)
                    scale = 52.5f;
                    if (Mag > 5 && Mag <= 10)
                        scale = 32.5f;
                        if (Mag > 10 && Mag <= 15)
                            scale = 17.5f;
                            if (Mag > 15 && Mag <= 20)
                                scale = 7.5f;
                                if (Mag > 20 && Mag <= 25)
                                    scale = 2.5f;
            scale = 20;
        StartCoroutine(placeStars(primaryID, properName, HIPID, HDID, HRID, GLID, BFID, rightAscension, declination, Mag, CI, scale));
  1. 使用此方法绘制每颗星星:
    IEnumerator placeStars(int primaryID, string properName, string HIPID, string HDID, string HRID, string GLID, string BFID, decimal rightAscension, decimal declination, decimal magnitude, decimal colourIndex, float scale)
        var thisStar = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabStar, transform.position + getVectors(Convert.ToDecimal(rightAscension), Convert.ToDecimal(declination)), Quaternion.identity);
        thisStar.name = (primaryID).ToString();
        thisStar.transform.parent = StarObject.transform;
        thisStar.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);
        thisStar.AddComponent<Star>().newStar(primaryID, properName, HIPID, HDID, HRID, GLID, BFID, rightAscension, declination, magnitude, colourIndex);
        yield return null;




是否有更有效的方法将Star类附加到每个实例化的Star GameObject?



public class Star : MonoBehaviour

    Simulation simulationInstance;

    public int primaryID;  // primary key                                      NEEDS TO BE SET
    public string properName;  // some stars have names                        NEEDS TO BE SET
    public string HIPID;   // ID of star from Hipparcos catalogue              NEEDS TO BE SET
    public string HDID;    // ID of star from Henry Draper catalogue           NEEDS TO BE SET
    public string HRID;    // ID of star from Harvard Revised catalogue        NEEDS TO BE SET
    public string GLID;    // ID of star from Gliese catalogue                 NEEDS TO BE SET
    public string BFID;    // ID of star from BayerFlamsteed catalogue         NEEDS TO BE SET
    public decimal rightAscension; // right ascension of star                  NEEDS TO BE SET
    public decimal declination;    // declination of star                      NEEDS TO BE SET
    public decimal magnitude;  // magnitude of the star                        NEEDS TO BE SET
    public decimal colourIndex;    // colour index of the star                 NEEDS TO BE SET
    public int scale;  // size of the sphere that will represent the star      AUTOMATICALLY SET
    public int red;    // red colour (0-255)                                   AUTOMATICALLY SET
    public int green;  // green colour (0-255)                                 AUTOMATICALLY SET  
    public int blue;   // blue colour (0-255)                                  AUTOMATICALLY SET
    public double x;   //                                                      AUTOMATICALLY SET
    public double y;   //                                                      AUTOMATICALLY SET
    public double z;   //                                                      AUTOMATICALLY SET

    void Start()
        simulationInstance = FindObjectOfType<Simulation>();

    public void newStar(int primaryID, string properName, string HIPID, string HDID, string HRID, string GLID, string BFID, decimal rightAscension, decimal declination, decimal magnitude, decimal colourIndex)
        this.primaryID = primaryID;
        this.properName = properName;
        this.HIPID = HIPID;
        this.HDID = HDID;
        this.HRID = HRID;
        this.GLID = GLID;
        this.BFID = BFID;
        this.rightAscension = rightAscension;
        this.declination = declination;
        this.magnitude = magnitude;
        this.colourIndex = colourIndex;


    public void tellStarInfoPanel()
        simulationInstance.starInfoPanelManager(primaryID, properName, HIPID, HDID, HRID, GLID, BFID, rightAscension, declination, magnitude, colourIndex);


    public void placeStars(int primaryID, string properName, string HIPID, string HDID, string HRID, string GLID, string BFID, decimal rightAscension, decimal declination, decimal magnitude, decimal colourIndex, float scale)
        var thisStar = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabStar, transform.position + getVectors(Convert.ToDecimal(rightAscension), Convert.ToDecimal(declination)), Quaternion.identity);
        thisStar.name = (primaryID).ToString();
        thisStar.transform.parent = StarObject.transform;
        thisStar.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);
        thisStar.GetComponent<Star>().newStar(primaryID, properName, HIPID, HDID, HRID, GLID, BFID, rightAscension, declination, magnitude, colourIndex);

我有一个将近120,000个恒星的数据集和一个215个恒星的测试数据集(取自主要数据集),并且我正在编写一个程序来读取数据集并在3D地球模型周围绘制恒星。 ...

c# class unity3d instantiation large-data

避免在AddComponent中使用performance critical code




您需要知道,这不是Monobehaviour / Component OOP模型的好用例。为此,您可能需要考虑切换到preview


是否有更有效的方法将Star类附加到每个实例化的Star GameObject?

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