For 循环和嵌套 do while 循环未按预期工作

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试创建一个菜单驱动程序,带有 for 循环和嵌套的 do while 循环,但是,for 循环无限重复,而 do while 循环即使满足条件也不会重复。我尝试对 subChoices 使用 if else 语句而不是 switch,但这并没有改变输出中的任何内容。我没有发现逻辑有任何问题,所以猜测我以其他方式搞乱了循环。我希望为每个用户重复该循环,直到输入 4 完成为止,然后为其他用户重复最多 3 个。

int main() {
// Variable declarations
string lineOfStars(60, '*');
int numA1 = 0, numA2 = 0, numA3 = 0;
int numD1 = 0, numD2 = 0, numD3 = 0;
int numM1 = 0, numM2 = 0, numM3 = 0, numM4 = 0;
double total = 0;
string name;
int numPeople;
int mainChoice;
int subChoice;

// Print header
cout << endl << lineOfStars << endl;
cout << setw(40) << "HOGWARTS RESTAURANT";
cout << endl << lineOfStars << endl;

// Start user input
cout << "How many people are included in your order? ";
cin >> numPeople;

// Input validation for number of people
while(numPeople < 1 || numPeople > 3) {
    cout << "Oops! Please select 1, 2, or 3." << endl;
    cout << "How many people are included in your order? ";
    cin >> numPeople;

// Outer loop for each person
for(int i = 1; i <= numPeople; i++) {
    // Start of menu selection loop for each person
    do {
        cout << "Person " << i << ", what is your name? ";
        getline(cin, name);
        cout << "\nHi, " << name << ". What would you like to order?" << endl;
        cout << "1. Appetizer\n2. Drinks\n3. Meal\n4. I'm done!\n";
        cout << "Enter 1-4: ";
        cin >> mainChoice;

        // Input validation for main menu choice
        while(mainChoice < 1 || mainChoice > 4) {
            cout << "Oops! That isn't a valid choice." << endl;
            cout << "Enter 1-4: ";
            cin >> mainChoice;

        // Process user's main menu choice
        switch(mainChoice) {
            case 1: // Appetizer
                cout << "\nGreat, you have selected Appetizer!" << endl;
                cout << "Choose from the following appetizers:" << endl;
                cout << "1. Dumbledonuts\t$2.99\n2. Potterfries\t$5.99\n3. Griffintoes\t$4.99\n";
                cout << "Choose 1-3: ";
                cin >> subChoice;

                // Input validation for appetizer choice
                while(subChoice < 1 || subChoice > 3) {
                    cout << "Oops! That isn't a valid choice." << endl;
                    cout << "Choose 1-3: ";
                    cin >> subChoice;

                // Process user's appetizer choice and update total
                switch(subChoice) {
                    case 1:
                        cout << "How many Dumbledonuts do you want? ";
                        cin >> numA1;
                        total += (numA1 * 2.99);
                    case 2:
                        cout << "How many Potterfries do you want? ";
                        cin >> numA2;
                        total += (numA2 * 5.99);
                    case 3:
                        cout << "How many Griffintoes do you want? ";
                        cin >> numA3;
                        total += (numA3 * 4.99);
            case 2: // Drinks
                cout << "\nGreat, you have selected Drinks!" << endl;
                cout << "Choose from the following drinks:" << endl;
                cout << "1. Polyjuice Potion\t$5.99\n2. Death Eater Negroni\t$6.99\n3. Butter Beer\t$4.99\n";
                cout << "Choose 1-3: ";
                cin >> subChoice;

                // Input validation for drink choice
                while(subChoice < 1 || subChoice > 3) {
                    cout << "Oops! That isn't a valid choice." << endl;
                    cout << "Choose 1-3: ";
                    cin >> subChoice;

                // Process user's drink choice and update total
                switch(subChoice) {
                    case 1:
                        cout << "How many Polyjuice Potions do you want? ";
                        cin >> numD1;
                        total += (numD1 * 5.99);
                    case 2:
                        cout << "How many Death Eater Negronis do you want? ";
                        cin >> numD2;
                        total += (numD2 * 6.99);
                    case 3:
                        cout << "How many Butter Beers do you want? ";
                        cin >> numD3;
                        total += (numD3 * 4.99);
            case 3: // Meal
                cout << "\nGreat, you have selected Meal!" << endl;
                cout << "Choose from the following meals:" << endl;
                cout << "1. Griffinwings (10pcs)\t$10.99\n2. Voldenose\t$14.99\n3. Hufflemuffin\t$8.99\n4. Ravenclaw Meat\t$19.99\n";
                cout << "Choose 1-4: ";
                cin >> subChoice;

                // Input validation for meal choice
                while(subChoice < 1 || subChoice > 4) {
                    cout << "Oops! That isn't a valid choice." << endl;
                    cout << "Choose 1-4: ";
                    cin >> subChoice;

                // Process user's meal choice and update total
                switch(subChoice) {
                    case 1:
                        cout << "How many Griffinwings (10pcs) do you want? ";
                        cin >> numM1;
                        total += (numM1 * 10.99);
                    case 2:
                        cout << "How many Voldenoses do you want? ";
                        cin >> numM2;
                        total += (numM2 * 14.99);
                    case 3:
                        cout << "How many Hufflemuffins do you want? ";
                        cin >> numM3;
                        total += (numM3 * 8.99);
                    case 4:
                        cout << "How many Ravenclaw Meats do you want? ";
                        cin >> numM4;
                        total += (numM4 * 19.99);
    } while(mainChoice != 4); // End of do-while loop for each person
c++ for-loop do-while

对于子菜单,您没有添加 do while 循环。 for 循环正确终止。 这是工作代码。该程序现在运行良好。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Variable declarations
string lineOfStars(60, '*');
int numA1 = 0, numA2 = 0, numA3 = 0;
int numD1 = 0, numD2 = 0, numD3 = 0;
int numM1 = 0, numM2 = 0, numM3 = 0, numM4 = 0;
double total = 0;
string name;
int numPeople;
int mainChoice;
int subChoice;

// Print header
cout << endl << lineOfStars << endl;
cout << endl << lineOfStars << endl;

// Start user input
cout << "How many people are included in your order? ";
cin >> numPeople;

// Input validation for number of people
while(numPeople < 1 || numPeople > 3) {
    cout << "Oops! Please select 1, 2, or 3." << endl;
    cout << "How many people are included in your order? ";
    cin >> numPeople;

// Outer loop for each person
for(int i = 1; i <= numPeople; i++) {
        cout << "Person " << i << ", what is your name? ";
        getline(cin, name);
    // Start of menu selection loop for each person
    do {
        cout << "\nHi, " << name << ". What would you like to order?" << endl;
        cout << "1. Appetizer\n2. Drinks\n3. Meal\n4. I'm done!\n";
        cout << "Enter 1-4: ";
        cin >> mainChoice;

        // Input validation for main menu choice
        while(mainChoice < 1 || mainChoice > 4) {
            cout << "Oops! That isn't a valid choice." << endl;
            cout << "Enter 1-4: ";
            cin >> mainChoice;

        // Process user's main menu choice
        switch(mainChoice) {
            case 1: // Appetizer
                cout << "\nGreat, you have selected Appetizer!" << endl;
                cout << " from the following appetizers:" << endl;
                cout << "1. Dumbledonuts\t$2.99\n2. Potterfries\t$5.99\n3. Griffintoes\t$4.99\n4. ExitMenu\n";
                cout << "Choose 1-4: ";
                cin >> subChoice;

                // Input validation for appetizer choice
                while(subChoice < 1 || subChoice > 4) {
                    cout << "Oops! That isn't a valid choice." << endl;
                    cout << "Choose 1-4: ";
                    cin >> subChoice;

                // Process user's appetizer choice and update total
                switch(subChoice) {
                    case 1:
                        cout << "How many Dumbledonuts do you want? ";
                        cin >> numA1;
                        total += (numA1 * 2.99);
                    case 2:
                        cout << "How many Potterfries do you want? ";
                        cin >> numA2;
                        total += (numA2 * 5.99);
                    case 3:
                        cout << "How many Griffintoes do you want? ";
                        cin >> numA3;
                        total += (numA3 * 4.99);
                }while(subChoice != 4);
            case 2: // Drinks
                cout << "\nGreat, you have selected Drinks!" << endl;
                cout << "Choose from the following drinks:" << endl;
                cout << "1. Polyjuice Potion\t$5.99\n2. Death Eater Negroni\t$6.99\n3. Butter Beer\t$4.99\n4. ExitMenu\n";
                cout << "Choose 1-4: ";
                cin >> subChoice;

                // Input validation for drink choice
                while(subChoice < 1 || subChoice > 4) {
                    cout << "Oops! That isn't a valid choice." << endl;
                    cout << "Choose 1-3: ";
                    cin >> subChoice;

                // Process user's drink choice and update total
                switch(subChoice) {
                    case 1:
                        cout << "How many Polyjuice Potions do you want? ";
                        cin >> numD1;
                        total += (numD1 * 5.99);
                    case 2:
                        cout << "How many Death Eater Negronis do you want? ";
                        cin >> numD2;
                        total += (numD2 * 6.99);
                    case 3:
                        cout << "How many Butter Beers do you want? ";
                        cin >> numD3;
                        total += (numD3 * 4.99);
            case 3: // Meal
                cout << "\nGreat, you have selected Meal!" << endl;
                cout << "Choose from the following meals:" << endl;
                cout << "1. Griffinwings (10pcs)\t$10.99\n2. Voldenose\t$14.99\n3. Hufflemuffin\t$8.99\n4. Ravenclaw Meat\t$19.99\n5. ExitMenu\n";
                cout << "Choose 1-5: ";
                cin >> subChoice;

                // Input validation for meal choice
                while(subChoice < 1 || subChoice > 5) {
                    cout << "Oops! That isn't a valid choice." << endl;
                    cout << "Choose 1-5: ";
                    cin >> subChoice;

                // Process user's meal choice and update total
                switch(subChoice) {
                    case 1:
                        cout << "How many Griffinwings (10pcs) do you want? ";
                        cin >> numM1;
                        total += (numM1 * 10.99);
                    case 2:
                        cout << "How many Voldenoses do you want? ";
                        cin >> numM2;
                        total += (numM2 * 14.99);
                    case 3:
                        cout << "How many Hufflemuffins do you want? ";
                        cin >> numM3;
                        total += (numM3 * 8.99);
                    case 4:
                        cout << "How many Ravenclaw Meats do you want? ";
                        cin >> numM4;
                        total += (numM4 * 19.99);
                }while(subChoice !=5);
    } while(mainChoice != 4); // End of do-while loop for each person
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