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def V(t, angfreq):
    gamma = 1
    return 1j*gamma*(np.cos(angfreq*t))**2

#Function calculating norm
def norm(psi):
        return psi / np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(np.abs(np.sum(psi, axis=0)))**2))               

#Construct exponential function with the eigvalue-matrix E in exponent
def eE(t, tf):                        
    return expm(-1j*(tf-t)*E) 

"""Construct the initial (guessed) wave function"""
#Initial guess coefficients
c_0 = np.array([np.random.rand(len(eigenvectors[0]))]) 
#Initial wave function guess
psi_0 =  c_0*eigenvectors_on
#Normalize initial wave function guess
psi_0_norm = norm(psi_0)
#Check that the wave function is normalized
print(f'The norm of the wave function is: {np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(np.abs(np.sum(psi_0_norm, axis=0)))**2))}')

"""Construct the composed matrix"""
def matrix(t, psi):
    tf = 1
    angfreq = pi/7
    return U@expm(-1j*(tf-t)*E)@U_H@psi*V(t, angfreq)

"""Evaluate the integral and calculate the converged wave function"""
tol = 10**(-8)
error = 1
while tol < error:
    psi, err = quad_vec(matrix, 0, 1, args=(psi_0_norm,))
    psi = norm(psi)
    error = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(np.abs(np.sum(psi-psi_0_norm, axis=0)))**2))
    print(psi[0][0], psi_0_norm[0][0])
    psi_0_norm = psi
print(f'The calculated wave function is: {psi}')

E、eigenvectors_on、特征向量、U、U_H 是我创建的二维数组(矩阵)。

python arrays numpy while-loop

我认为问题出在 norm() 函数中,您可以使用 np.linalg.norm() 确保标准化正确进行,像这样重写函数并测试您的数据:

def norm(psi):
    return psi / np.linalg.norm(psi)

同时调整 while 循环的计算:

error = np.linalg.norm(psi - psi_0_norm)
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