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我做了所有的代码,但是当我绘制 ODE 解决方案时,我只有一个点,我只是不知道我错在哪里。


function sol = orbital_motion()
% Define the function that returns the derivative of the state vector
    function dydt = ode(t, y)
        % Extract the state variables
        X = y(1);
        Y = y(2);
        Z = y(3);
        Xdot = y(4);
        Ydot = y(5);
        Zdot = y(6);
        Xm = 278,481; Ym = 378,481; Zm = 268,481;
        Xs = 147098,074 ; Ys = 696,166 ; Zs = 1515,776 ;
        mu_e = 3.986135e14; %sets the gravitational parameter for the Earth.
        mu_m = 4.89820e12;%sets the gravitational parameter for the Moon.
        mu_s = 1.3253e20;%sets the gravitational parameter for the Sun.
        a = 6.37826e6; %the equatorial radius of the Earth.
        J = 1.6246e-3;%sets the Earth's second dynamic form factor.
        % Calculate the distances and other parameters
        r = sqrt(X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2);
        rm = sqrt(Xm^2 + Ym^2 + Zm^2);
        delta_m = sqrt((X - Xm)^2 + (Y - Ym)^2 + (Z - Zm)^2);
        delta_s = sqrt((X - Xs)^2 + (Y - Ys)^2 + (Z - Zs)^2);
        Y_s = Ys;
        Z_s = Zs;
        % Calculate the derivatives
        X2dot = -((mu_e*Y)/r^3) * (1 + (J*(a/r)^2)*(1 - 5*Z^2/r^2)) ...
            - (mu_m*(X - Xm)/delta_m^3) ...
            - (mu_m*Xm/rm^3) ...
            - (mu_s*(X - Xs)/delta_s^3) ...
            - (mu_s*Xs/r^3);
        Y2dot = -((mu_e*Y)/r^3) * (1 + (J*(a/r)^2)*(1 - 5*Z^2/r^2)) ...
            - (mu_m*(Y - Ym)/delta_m^3) ...
            - (mu_m*Ym/rm^3) ...
            - (mu_s*(Y - Y_s)/delta_s^3) ...
            - (mu_s*Ys/r^3);
        Z2dot = -((mu_e*Z)/r^3) * (1 + (J*(a/r)^2)*(3 - 5*Z^2/r^2)) ...
            - (mu_m*(Z - Zm)/delta_m^3) ...
            - (mu_m*Zm/rm^3) ...
            - (mu_s*(Z - Z_s)/delta_s^3) ...
            - (mu_s*Zs/r^3);
        % Return the derivative vector
        dydt = [Xdot; Ydot; Zdot; X2dot; Y2dot; Z2dot];

% Set the initial conditions
X0 = 0;
Y0 = 0;
Z0 = 0;
Xdot0 = 11436.6;
Ydot0 = 0;
Zdot0 = 0;
y0 = [X0; Y0; Z0; Xdot0; Ydot0; Zdot0];

% Define the time span
tf = 20;
tspan = [0, tf];

% Call ODE45
%options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-8, 'AbsTol
# [t,y] = ode45(@ode,[0 20],y0);
title('Solution of the Motion Equation with gODE45');
end**your text**
matlab ode


Xm = 278,481; Ym = 378,481; Zm = 268,481;
Xs = 147098,074 ; Ys = 696,166 ; Zs = 1515,776 ;


Xm = 278.481; Ym = 378.481; Zm = 268.481;
Xs = 147098.074 ; Ys = 696.166 ; Zs = 1515.776 ;


Xm = 278481; Ym = 378481; Zm = 268481;
Xs = 147098074 ; Ys = 696166 ; Zs = 1515776 ;
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